Why do you hate Alliance side so much, blizzard?

Part in what? Being on one side or another? Because this is what we are talking about. Why the hell do you think is stupid enough to think that starting putting bridges over the factions is not gonna affect that.

Even Blizzard waved it off like it was an unpleasant smell.

No. He, like you, is trying to take part in a discussion that he knows nothing about and only regurgitates the same internet forum arguments that have been proven wrong by not only the raiding community but webpages that provide actual information about raiding guilds.

So I will repeat myself once more and never again:

  • The Alliance faction is almost completely dead for top 1000 raiding

  • Realmpop is not relevant information because it gathers everyone from complete casuals, non raiders, people that farm transmog from previous xpack and nothing else, etc. and we are strictly talking about top 1000 PvE

  • Story-wise it would make sense to merge factions or allow some kind of xfaction play seeing as the Horde now isn’t the same as Blackhand’s horde from WC1 and neither is Alliance and we were building up to this point for some time now

  • Gameplay wise it would make sense too because not only would some long time friends be able to play together once again but it would stop the community divide in two which is no longer necessary given the game’s 15 years old

  • Blizzard could still earn a ton of money from faction transfers cause you would still need to faction change to be a Night Elf that’s playing with his Horde guild, as a matter of fact it would be a huge instant spike of microtransactions unfolding

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I think the easiest solution would be to just let guilds be guilds, seperate from the factions at the players discretion. Also, who really cares whether Horde or Alliance come first in the raiding and mythic rankings when in reality it’s always been about the guilds themselves? Will Method cease to be Method if it goes mixed faction in it’s roster?

Cross faction play for dungeon and certain outdoor PvE content (i.e. expansions that are faction neutral like Legion (barring Stormheim) and Shadowlands) can only be a net benefit, as it can open up many new doors for player interactions and give players more options for who they want to group with, as well as allowing them to make new friends that they otherwise may never meet because of the divide. At this point, with retail WoW’s population growing smaller in the wake of BFA, that might well be what the game needs; more people in the pool of interactions we dip into when we do group content in this MMO.


What massive buffs to racials? Then why High end PvE is Horde dominated for years? Better racials are the only reason, Alliance racials has always been trash.
Because Alliance is outnumbered since 8.0, so it’s a compensate. Other then that there should be no bonus at all in WM. There was no bonus for playing on PvP relams when they were still a thing, shouldn’t be there now.
Another compensate for 8.0 mounts being all reskinned horses, it’s not like Horde got reskinned wolves for their 8.0 factions…
Which AR racials are OP? Maybe LFD’s? please… Their on use racial got nerfed into oblivion, because Horde cried about it so they nerfed it to the ground.
PvP isn’t core aspect of WoW and will never be, we’re talking about Cross-faciton play in PvE not PvP as it wouldn’t make any sense to have it in PvP.
So again Alliance is trashed, trolled and neglected by blizzard for years, all we get are leftovers, compensates and compromises. When was the last time your precious Horde got humilated and trolled by blizzard? Oh that’s right it never happened…
Writing doesn’t count as it’s also terrible for the Alliance. In BFA they shown our leaders as incompetent fools, they would have died at undercity if not for Jaina, because they forgot to bring anti-blight masks.
Two most powerful Night Elves in Darkshore couldn’t kill a simple ranger with no any powers at all. Alliance leaders are all nerfed to the ground in-game and made super dumb.


I don’t care about your raid progress, or whatever the hell you keep bringing up as some kind of argument. The fact is that when you demand a change of this magnitude, it’s gonna affect EVERYONE. No exceptions.
You don’t get to tell people who disagree with you and your solution to shut up because you know best but because it affects them too. Any form of cross faction will end up affecting the game for everyone. So nobody came here to insert themselves in conversations, minus perhaps you.
So, let’s consider a few facts, for one that the balance between factions fluctuates from time-period to time-period. Consider that the Horde has started out with almost no raiding at all 15 years ago and gradually created a presence in the raiding world over the next few expansions. It was not always at the top as a faction, the “top” being driven by the hardcore raiding guilds and they had a following. I haven’t been a pro raider since WoTLK but I’ve been around and I’ve seen the Alliance going from being above and on par with the Horde, slowly tilting towards the Horde until we reached this point, which is, indeed not great for the Alliance in high end raiding.

But considering the fact that this whole scale is entirely based on the player choice, i.e. Guilds migrating for reasons, not always faction-related, such as merging. Also factoring in the streamers who will run to the money, whatever faction that might be on and it wasn’t always on the Horde.

The PVE aspect of the game, especially the high end one is one minor aspect of the whole game.

So yeah, you telling me that I have no idea what I’m talking about cause you think I didn’t clear whichever raid or mythic dungeon and I should shut up when you are talking about cross faction stuff which, like I said, will have an effect on the game as a whole, is not only idiotic but laughable. So get over yourself,

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Blizzard dodged the question about the imbalance two times during the last BlizzCon which tells you a lot, doesn’t it? While this is no clear indicator for Horde-bias, it surely is a great leaning towards it. It doesn’t help either that the game director plays only one character for over a decade. He just recently loosened some of his povs towards alts but this is another story for another topic.

Anyway, this is Ion’s official player character:

worldofwarcraft com/en-us/character/us/malganis/gurgthock


“Guild: ❮Elitist Jerks❯
:no_mouth: :sweat_drops:

But for those who aren’t even raiding, to which extents having an option for raiders like me to choose if we want to group up with opposite faction affects those who aren’t raiding at all ?

That’s like me saying because I had a better world rank than you in BoD when I raided I know better than you. That’s a really dumb statement to make and you know it.

I’m getting really tired of repeating this pointless crap. The moment cross faction happens, the factions are gone, it may not happen instantly but it will happen eventually and there’s no taking it back, unlike faction raiding which swings from side to side. Saying that won’t affect me is a lie. You know it will affect everything and so does Blizzard, that’s why they aren’t even considering it.

You want to fix your problem. Go beg the streamers to focus on Alliance raiding.

Here’s how blizzard “love” Alliance side and it’s players.

from US forums “Call me when they allow someone on stage at a blizzcon to cuss out the entire Horde playerbase and tell them to off themselves, like what Blizzard allowed to happen against Alliance players”


They also discuss faction imbalance on US forums

From what I’ve read Ion was proud and happy that he haven’t played played alliance for a long time. Cannot provide link, but it’s not that hard to believe considerding the fact, that retail WoW devs are die-hard horde fans.

So this faction imbalance isn’t only EU’s problem it would seem.
It was fatal mistake to give Horde “pretty” races, your side isn’t about being pretty. They should give you ogres instead of Blood Elves in TBC, but they were forced to give u blood elves. Asian gf’s couldn’t handle playing ugly horde races…

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I hate repeating myself. I did fix this. By switching side. Alliance could die now, I don’t give a crap about these casuals rp players anymore.

Now, when too much people left Alliance and you have nobody to face in PvP, you’ll admit that faction imbalance affected you more than just 5% of overall population playing together. People like you are going to eat their own crap.

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Merc mode. Don’t even need alliance players

I think Horde just have better looking races, not better racials. Take Human race for example: male looks disproportional, too muscular, monkey hands etc. Female Human legs … Jesus! Dwarfs should be fat, they are on steroids. Gnomes have a body of 2 year old child. They could made them much better, but they didn’t. Night elves male … with steroid upper body and super tiny legs lol. Draenei, who plays draenei? You just can’t play Alliance.

And then Allied races. Alliance only got ONE really new allied race: Kul Tirans. Iron Dwarfs are dwarfs with different skin color and red eyes + tatoos. That’s it. Same physique. Warforged draenei are draenei, Void elves are blood elves. They just have different skin color. Don’t let me start on mechagnomes, they are gnomes with mechanical hands and legs. Uau! When you put cloths on you won’t see a difference. At least they could make them bigger then normal Gnomes.

Now look at the horde allied races: Zandalari Troll, completely new race. They don’t look like normal trolls at all. Nightborne, new race! Don’t say they look like a night elves cause they don’t, they have different physique. + Vulpera, completely new race. So THREE new allied races for Horde vs ONE new allied race for Alliance. Isn’t that obvious Horde favourising?

Which is a shame for a game based on 2 factions, right ?


Did you even play the current expansion?? Battle of Dazar’alor is exactly that. Alliance attacks, commits mass murder, plunders gold and kills the racial leader of the zandalari in the Horde capital city for BFA.

What do u mean? We’re the master race of the alliance :sunglasses:

Doesn’t bother me as I only really pvp to unlock transmog

Yeah, mee too. But I still think it’s bad for the health of the game if only Horde is an active faction…

Alliance are very active. Take argent dawn for example, the problem is that alliance are to lazy to raid and don’t want any progress done so there’s a very low amount of guilds