Why do you only come to the forum to cry?

Do they? I haven’t checked, but everytime i entered private server, it was the NA players who were responsible 90% of the toxicity and negativity on the server.

Perpetuating? Well i mean they could just ban troublemakers (me included), maybe positivity would rise? I dunno, i haven’t seen positivity in many game related forums despite moderation.

Perhaps Blizz should

Let’s be frank - you are a well known forum troll and you only ever post on a low level retail toon

It’s hard to understand why you feel you have any valid comment to make regarding a version of WoW you do not play though you do constantly attempt to derail topics simply for the kicks you get out of it

It’s sad for you that you have no interaction with Classic in game but feel the need to inflict your negativity to the forum

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Post up on your Classic toon ?

As with Beware I simply suggest forum members reading through this topic ignore and hide comments placed by Lustyhoro who by her own admission is simply trolling and has nothing of value to add

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Again forum members - I suggest you read the comments made by Lustyhoro and add her to your ignore list

Here is a good example of a forum member who promoted my original topic

She openly admits she simply comes here to troll

Most likely a retail player who does not have a Classic toon

It’s very sad that the Classic forums are populated by such people

Please do report me

I’m very confident that any Blizz employee reading this will be as appalled as I am by your statements

Here again forum members is an example of what a forum troll - Lustyhoro- thinks of you and your opinions- you are just dim people apparently

Carry on- you are more eloquently demonstrating the issue with the Classic forum than I ever could

You embody it

Far from be embarrassed you simply dig the ditch deeper - I have reported you and will do so with a full transcript later today

You are treating forum members with the utterest if contempt and feel empowered to do so

It’s very sad

As it happens I will say with some confidence you should expect a ban

It came as a surprise to a couple of hunters who troll the class forums a few weeks back

Blizz do read these forums when they receive negative feedback and they do take action

So do not feel so invincible

Won’t hold my breath tho. Several month and counting. You are not the first one to try this… but gl.

In the rare event blizzard is competent (lol), i’ll be back in couple of days. Fully refreshed and ready to go again!

Well - you see Forum Members

Lustyhoro embodies the cancer within the forum community

An entitled child who feels empowered to do as they please and derail any cogent discussion to - it would appear - gain the satisfaction denied them presumably by either drugs or some other impediment

Tsk tsk… using child as insult is first sign that you yourself are guite handicapped mentally. Sad stuff… figured you having more iq than my shoe but alas was proven wrong.

Sir, you are an disappointment to us all.
Rest in piece.

Ps. No wait im over it. Lets be friends again

Lustyhoro - I’m sure you are and have been a disappointment to many a bedfellow

Look - we get it - feelings of impotence and self loathing are common in the modern world

We understand now that you get your kicks on public forums - it even seems you push the boundaries to receive bans and gain satisfaction

It’s sad for you

Doesn’t mean anybody should condone it - but it’s flattering that you felt you could finally open up

Perhaps this is a good first step towards seeking professional counselling instead of inflicting this forum with your inadequacies?

Good luck on your journey

The whatfellows now?

Councellor gave pills and send me away.
Now im super happy to anger some sorry sods at game forums. Don’t be so jelly… you too can achieve this if you try!

Ahh - back on the offence - it seems a nerve was struck

Were you a bullied child? Is that how it started?

Is this making you feel bad?

Appalling isn’t it?

Get real - stop behaving this way

Only you can make the change - decide to add value

Offense for telling the truth? Oof hard crowd.
Still wtf are bedfellows? Sounds some gay social club.

Bullied? Nah im the bully. First grade i smashed classmates head to a brick wall.

The problem is that these whiners / cryers can’t move on, they can’t rest untill they have turned Classic WoW into a 2nd Retail abomination aswell with barber shop, transmog, cash shop, level boost, and many many terrible “ideas” and “suggestions” they are trying to enforce by whining and crying.

They are hoping since it worked once (WoW was awesome and look at Retail now!) they can do it again and transform a great game like Classic WoW into a 2nd Retail WoW!

They are truly disgusting people!

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Well - now the forum sees your true colours then

I am bored of you - I’m a little disgusted with myself for engaging with you - but you have proven the greater part of the point I was making - so it makes me feel less sullied

Now? After six month… god they are dimmer than we thought!

Seems to me you got chickened out.
Such a spineless move my dude. Expected better from a troll as yourself… but alas it was good contest

I applaud and agree with your honest feedback

Thank you

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And yet, here you are, complaining at length on the forum :joy::man_facepalming:


this is a bit outdated i think. Forums used to be a place where we went in search of knowledge and where we could share the knowledge. But … it has changed, forums cannot simply give you the information other portals / videos / guides and streamers can provide. Also the communication / reporting etc changed to more automatic way.

Add the ,religion , of

  • its obvious
  • we want
  • i think its the best
  • you do but you dont

Forums nowadays are to push bug reports and trolling.

Time to time, there is some interesting topic, you could actually enjoy. But most topics here, as you said, are trashy / insulting …long story short, you mostly get bashed in favour of ego boosting troll :slight_smile:
