Why do you only come to the forum to cry?

Most of the people who genuinely enjoy the game won’t be spending much time here. Why? Because they are in the game enjoying it for all its flaws and issues.

Most of the people who have issues with the game will be spending time here. Why? Because this is a way to get Blizzard’s attention in hopes of fixing “their” issues with the game.

This is basically a platform for people to reach Blizzard, so it makes sense why they complain over here. It might suck, but you’re opting into their nonsense if you feel the “need” to reply to every person you disagree with.

They don’t hate it, just some of the other players and what they do.

I report so many duplicate threads I get the “You cannot report a thread for 36 hours” sometimes.

Because what else are we supposed to do here? tell eachother how much we love them?

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You misunderstand why people make these threads. They don’t hate the game, they love it, that’s why they make threads about things that (in their opinion) destroy the game. If they didn’t care about the game they wouldn’t bother trying to get it fixed.

Git gud.

Zug. Zug.

Retail > classic, Classic > retail

Gnome mage, Undead Rouge

100 gold for portal.

Anything i missed?

Idk, I mostly come to the forum to read and laugh at all the whining, sometimes I post my opinion and sometimes I like to stir the pot a little.

Man, it’s been brilliant lately, that Premade drama was 10/10 :ok_hand:

You’ll most probably have cancer by then.

This forum is filled with doomsayer and crybabies. I for one, am glad they’re just ignoring it. Maybe if people started with reasonable and constructive criticism they’d listen.

Blizzard don’t believe in a proper complaints process. Their answer is always to point people to the forum’s.

Then you get people that literally don’t know the forums exist, because as far as they are concerned, its all good.

So yea, the cesspool that is the forums and has been for the last 15+ years, is the end result.

cause it sucks

do you have nothing else to do? lol

It takes 2 seconds to report a thread.

Why? Because they are real issues hurting the game and nothing is being done to solve them.

Because that’s what alliance players are best at

tl,dr: instead of using forums to whine, people should stop using them altogether because Blizz doesn’t care and OP is tired of reading your complaints.

Sorry if you don’t like it OP but the people who come to the forums to complain are doing things right. This is what GMs tell us to do when we have an issue with the game. And as we’ve seen in the passed, the more people fuss about something here the more Blizz is likely to react.

Its hard to get constructive topics to stick as everything closes down after a month. Crying is replaceable and always done.
It wasnt like that in vanilla at all btw. Voice of a new generation :slight_smile:

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