Why do you stay subbed?


Yes. You very clearly do not have it together

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Don’t blame me just because you cant keep your stories straight

You’re not as smart as you think you are, but you’re hilariously easy to wind up


Does not seem to be.

I am confused as you said this

so not really by choice then.


Awww thank you , i can not tell you how much you just warmed my heart with such a compliment from you the master of toxicity.

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I stay subbed because I always enjoy a cheeky log in for a battleground. It’s nice to know that if I have a spare 20 minutes I can go have some fun.

Indeed once I’ve completed the initial content of an expansion including all the dungeons and the LFR and story, my pattern is usually most days a short battleground with a coffee then enjoy the rest of my day. Seldom have time for more.

On balance for me then it’s very cheap entertainment - a few pence a day for a little bit of chill fun


forum service done


I enjoyed start of DF even tho I disliked how they’ve progressed on the SL mechanics of CD/Timing based gameplay, I suppose it’s because WoW is now all about M+ and all combat elements should supplement M+ only.

So I farmed gold, grinded some rep, got bored at about renown 27, won’t be unbored because the game is just simply put:


My sub ends and I wont resub I’ll play D3 season and then get on D4 when it arrives I hope it’s good.

There’s just no “magic” in WoW anymore and I suppose one could argue that I’ve grown out of it but I played some Classic Era for fun and I had such a good time experiencing why I’ve loved this game (Until SL).

I really want retail to be good, I hope it will be good again someday.


You please me so much thank you :slight_smile:


You are.


yes im toxic im not toxic yes i am i am not yes no yes no XD DX


Well, compared to the U.S forums, this place seems pretty dead.
and it seems to usually be the same people arguing.

Im enjoying my time in the game mostly as well, i just can’t wrap my head around why people stay if they dislike the game.

See you tonight for Raza!

Uff, yeah i got a days ban for my “Put the orcs in internment camps” post
In hindsight it wasn’t a smart idea to post on holocaust remembrance week,
it wasn’t even meant to be a IRL comparison or a joke, it was a genuine lore question.

didn’t try to contest it though.

Yes this forum is moderated, it’s not the free for all everyone thinks.


Twiggz being perfectly calm


because i enjoy leveling alts and stuff…also i think i am as most wow subers addicted


Guy isn’t toxic so he gets flagged for not being toxic,

Hey mate u are angry at this guy u think is toxic but u aren’t toxic cuz u are the good guy and let me tell you something

I’m toxic so I’m going to lead your spirit to the light.
You can be toxic too, it’s ok bro, breathe relax, it’s fine

Smile, be brave, we’re all good people here toxic garbage piles of people, we love eachother don’t we, and we also hate eachother, romantic, beautiful

Atleast we are, unlike this game which is now trash, and Blizzard seem so happy about it, can’t believe they’d ever visit us normal people here, they’re too busy counting their WoW token dollars to bother, we’re safe.

i neither know you or care about what you have to say on this.

no offense.

Whatever helps you sleep, bud.

Of course not
Why would it be?

and 75 likes is super represnetitive off the wow playerbase

This guy is twiggz too? He must be hardcore, 2 forum accounts? Time to ignore this one too.