Each to their own. Personally I am more concerned with the power creep that is introduced to the game by having 3 “main” raid difficulties.
The item levels get bloated by at least 39 ilvls from just one raid tier.
Each to their own. Personally I am more concerned with the power creep that is introduced to the game by having 3 “main” raid difficulties.
The item levels get bloated by at least 39 ilvls from just one raid tier.
I present you Wildstar, it tried that and will this year having its 5th Deathannisvary
Wildstart failed for completly different reasons than unaceasible end game. Maybe stop parroting what others say and go find out why that game actualy lost players.
just dont use if you dont like it… move on …
Well i didnt like it i still used it and got bored then quit. I ma not responsible for my own fun when i play video game.
it a nice way to get the mogs. and ppls whit work kids and still see end raid dont see a problem.
True, you’d lose more like 75% of the playerbase.
You want classic; go play classic.
Only way I’d stay is if they would stop putting the big story moments behind raids. If raids are completely optional; fine, do whatever with them.
This thread used up my Love. Wanted to give you and Tah another heart but I have nothing left for next 4 hours.
I really wonder what kind of big story moments are in raida. There is barely any story outside of cinematic ans that you can see outside of raid.
LOL. Dumbest remark ever.
No it isnt. Its Blizzard job to make game fun.
And the “true” ending/extra lore heavy mechanics behind Mythic raid…
It is a nasty thing to do, “force” your players basically
Thanks to LFR, you can kill Raza for example, have the awesome craft material and could see the story progres without spending your time something you loathe (or just don’t ike)
There is no story in raids.
No; I want to experience it with MY OWN character, with ME playing. If I want to watch a movie, I’ll go watch a movie.
Anyway, got to hand it to you; you’re an extremely gifted troll.
You got lots of people responding to your nonsense.
Only story in raids are cinematics rofl.
Do us a favor and crawl back under your rock where you belong
But here a few example, Nighthold and Antorus
No sane person would waste mor time on you
Against my own advice I gave to Tah it seems I forgot to add you to the ignore list
Corrected it
Factually not true.
Ok what important story is in antorus outside of cinematic?
Here you go moving the goalposts.
First of all; you said story. Not ‘important story’.
Second; what one person thinks is important differs from another person.
Third; I’m not biting anymore.
LFR has a place in WoW. End of discussion.
Than tell me any type of story in any raid outside of cinematics. Just anything. For example what story is told at second boss of DF raid?