Why does LFR still exist?

Like raiders who are interested in higher difficulties than LFR. A fraction of the playerbase.


Not many others. It apeals absolute minority of players what do it for challenge.

Isn’t gearing up and building you character a major part of classic wow? :wink:

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Lets use my case as an example.
I originally planned to do just LFR Vault. But I was having a good time with this class and I wanted to grow in power with it.
Then a guildie showed me how I can get in Streamer groups to progress Normal and Heroic even faster than in the guild runs. I ended up clearing Normal in like week 2-3

I ended up even knocking down 2 mythic raid bosses on the way

I was having fun growing stronger. Now that I got the Ahead of the Curve and also started getting tired of every Evoker nerf, I am cooling down.


That’s brilliant!!

No it isnt. Major part is get to see and explore content and gearing your char allow you to explore it. Gear isnt main goal its secondary goal what allows you to get your main goal. Beating conntent

So by your logic you could finish the game by holding W for 5 hours to get across entire classic map and then just quit since you cba redoing seen content?


There’s your answer

By seeing map and pressing W you finish all quests? Every story? You beat dungeons and raids?

Which then would be significant less as with BfA they said, LfR is reaching nearly half of the players while NHC would not be even a tenth of the subscribers.

As the guy who plays mainly LfR and goes to Heroic because add-on exclusive FOMO SHlT mount, yes you do not want us in LfR. I remember how I tried SoO back then and believe me, it whas the hell. In BfA against Jaina the wipe buff often went all the way to 100% and it convinced me that this is not enough and would have needed to have no cap.

Correct and correct. The people wanting power would not go for LfR as thanks to GS scaling WQ give better reward for less time then a round of LfR.
Meanwhile those that want to experience story would only want to go one time in LfR, maybe even a dozen times if it is enjoyable just to hit a bit on some bosses and get the flair of danger while not really being a danger just like the horror houses in themeparks.
On NHC they would need to go for a raid leader and an organized group.
Because if not why would you have not an automatic groupfinder for it.

Exactly this.

Okay so you want to lose nearly half of the playerbase and so shift the game from raiding to WQs and crafting. This could be an interesting shift in Gameplay.

Nah Blizzard said that they know about mods like DBM and so put those into account when developing which then led to a spiral of evergrowing mechanics up to now where we have mechanics that if we do not use mods it means we would drive a race through a fog needing to use our own eyes while the rest have HUD and maybe even semiautomatic driving aids.
That is one thing Naoki Yoshida critics that some raider inf FF XIV use mods despite forbidden for raiding because the SE team takes care that every raid is beatable without mods.

Your playerbase what plays NHC and up.

One of the thing that even Blizzard confused because Classic is after you got 60 basically Raid or Die. Even PvP there is only for supporting PvE.


You can explore entire game in blue gear on retail. You dont need to make your character stronger to beat dungeons and raid.

No i want shift game back to 1 max 2 difficulties for raiding without lfr and lfg. And no you wouldnt lose half of playerbase.

Imho the brilliant thing is how with cross faction raiding, it is now easier than ever for streamer raids to happen which can provide for a much higher quality raiding experience than a PuG hosted by someone looking to boost their alt.


Yes you do.
You can not defeat a raid boss in levelling gear.

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At least you would lose the whole raid since blizzard can not afford to spend that much development time on content that ‘nobody’ does. But indeed, the game is more than raiding so most players would stay.

So that means we would have only 10% of the add-on content for a flex raid and a fixed 20 Heroic for a one time world race.
And without LfG it would only give you M+ instead which iirc whas only a 20% playerbase kill so it means we would get at least two more dungeons hopefully.
The rest would go into WQs together with Reputation grinding.

Yep becouse getting that basic gear to clear lfr takea so long right? You can literaly beat entire DF withing 24 hours of creating new character. So yes withing that 24 hours you can say gear matter. HF retaining players after that.

Yes they can becouse such raid have value in psychologicl aspect of having unbeaten content which drives players desire to play game and retain them for longer period of time even when they end up not doing actual raid.

You dont need high participation if that content, for fact it isnt acessible, keeps players playing longer lol.

That worked in the olde wow era where the high end raiders were like the superheroes of the server.
Like back when the first guild in our server killed Yogg Sarron Zero. All of Dalaran came to admire them and their unique title and Mimiron head mount.

These days most people would not care less if one does mythic or not. The main playerbase that grew along with the game, has moved past that.

It did not helped that the World First race has degraded into a contest of who can bend the loot distribution rules the better with split raiding


Nope. This still works and will be always working. And mmorpg what will again go back and make game for mmorpg audience without all these acessability features will be next king.

For my taste keep your retail ruined and stay there with open mounth as each expansion just gonna lose more and more players. I seriously dont care. But its shame that after all those years and all that money what Blizzards puts into WoW they let it fail on their bad game desing physolophie.