Why does LFR still exist?

That is false. Without LFR, what we would have got is fewer raids because LFR does not add development time to Raid development but increase the number of players engaging in LFR. Without LFR, developers couldn’t justify to the shareholders the money they spend in the development of the raids because those wouldn’t accept spending more than proportional to the money they receive for the subscriptions of those who play that content. The truth is that raiders can’t afford with their subscriptions the prices of raids’ development without LFR. LFR players allow developers to artificially increase their metrics of raider players so shareholders don’t cut more of their budget.

The cost of developing a raid is almost the same if they make 2, 3, 4, or 15 difficulty modes. They create one raid and then tweak the values to have multiple modes. But the budget for that content is not the same if the content is played by 50%, 25%, 15& or 1% of the player base.


if you think creating a new zone and a new raid difficulty requires the same amount of time then maybe it’s time for you to take a break from gaming because it’s clearly not your thing


That’s not really what punyelf said I think, but he/she/etc. assumed from my knowledge, that they create the mythic raid and take away/nerf mechanics until LFR is reached. However, if this is true, no wonder why raiding is dying, and even more reason to reducd the number of difficulties to create something aimed at being fun/enjoyable. Additionally, you are right though, that it takes lots of time to tune 4 difficulties every patch optimally, even if whatever punyelf said is true, it still takes time to cut down mechanics to still be challenging enough

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i was trying to quote nihadon sorry

i cant queue for normal mode in the group finder tool. is this a bug?

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LFR exists to look for raids.

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Which is reason why wow is failing to atract anyone. Game without target audience is nonsense. Without target audience you will simply have medicore experience where nobady is having fun.


Lfr exist for people who want to see an easier side of raiding.

Just becouse you dont do certain content doesnt mean it doesnt have negattive impact on your experience. Specialy not when that content is path of least resistance like LFR. Which lot of people end up doing just ror fact it is easy, get bored and than quit playing.

Not even commenting how lfr ruins immersion, adds to powercreep which leads to need of seasonal gameplay, ruins desire to explore content and more. So no, just becouse you decide to no do something it doesnt mean it still negattively affects your experience.

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Yet causing people to quit.

Because normal mode is not divided in wings nor is it supported by an automated matchmaking system.

For many players, having to fit in the molds created by some dude who wants to get a quick clear for normal is quite the dealbreaker.

Honestly WoW raiding has too many levels of difficulty per tier but the one that is the most accessible is not the one which we could do without.
If there is any cutting to happen, it should start from the top and not the bottom. Mythic is an excessively restrictive relic of the past. Normal and Heroic could easily fuse into something in-between.


No it dosen’t


One could had argued about that when it came to the “flex mode” in MoP, but definitely not the current normal

Nobody quits over LFR. People quit over the higher difficulties since they do ‘not’ have access to it, or can’t do it.


Considering the average LFR experience that everyone here is aware of… One question: do you really want these people in normals?

I mean if you shut down LFR they’ll either go into NHC or quit the game. What’s the point of either? You don’t want them in normals and if they leave the game: congrats on your “development time” these dudes are fired due to less revenue or maybe sent to team diablo.

In the end noone in here who wants to delete LFR would want to have a LFR group in NHC, which kinda makes the whole thought process weird. Like shutting down a shelter for homeless to then complain about having all the homeless in the streets…


Precisely. The target audience doesn’t have to be narrowed down too much, but I’d like to see them stop trying to please literally everyone with 3 different esports being pushed at the same time, because everyone needs to be pleased on every single game mode on every skill level lmao

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Normal mode was fine. It was Heroic that has two bosses that are more trouble than they are worth (Dathea and Raszageth).
Whoever made the Heroic Dathea fight is into some really kinky stuff.
Heroic Razageth is like a mid tier mythic boss minus the size restrictions of mythic

No peope quit becouse of lfr for same reason why you lose interest in movie when they put entire story into trailer. When you beat lfr you beated the game. LFR removes desire to play becouse at that point you have seen everything df exp has to offer aka there is no reason to continue to play.

But when you know there is something outhere you havent see and yet to be explored that keeps you hooked. That keeps you going and playing the game.

Tbh normal mode should be removed, leave lfr for people who cba raiding and heroic for semi, mythic for hardcore. Problem solved.