Why does LFR still exist?

That is very subjective.
Most of the players I play with are mainly motivated by the desire to grow in power. For that LFR is not enough.

Most of the people who do not do more than LFR now, would just watch the story on youtube rather than stress themselves with the demands of some
“Raid leader”


That’s a good question but a better one would be…

Why does its existence bother you so much?

We need it because it might not be appealing to hardcore or players with excessive time, but it might be for casual players.

Make sense?


Ok, so let’s remove mythic raiding. Because the attitude needed for that difficulty is horribly toxic and ruins the game for me. Ok?

And no; the people who run LFR don’t care about raiding; it’s not their ‘main thing’, so they won’t quit when they’ve done it. It’s just something they ‘have’ to do, because Blizzard keeps gating story behind a raid.

Such nonsense.

Remove the top difficulty; makes more sense. Less people play that.

Most people who do LFR have NO DESIRE AT ALL to raid. Period.
If LFR wasn’t around, they wouldn’t magically start raiding. They would NOT raid.
And for me personally that would lead to quitting; because being locked out from seeing the story play out is unacceptable imo.

Same can be said the other way around. Mythic has more negative effect on the game than LFR. :person_shrugging:t3:


No it doesnt. LFR is way more harmfull.

It doesnt change anything. It doesnt matter if they end up raiding or not. Psychological aspect of creating desire to see content is still present and it keeps players playing no matter of they end up doing raid or not.

Agree to disagree.
I’ve just refuted your ‘reasons’ why YOU think it’s harmful.

It keeps raiding alive. You should be thankful it exists.


It doesnt. It in fact killed lot of guilds and communities.

It factually does.
Without LFR you’d have MAYBE 1 raid maximum per expansion. Maybe not even that.

Pure nonsense. Mythic difficulty has done that. Again and again.


You dont need participation to have reason to create raid when unbeaten content have value in player retantion.

No it didnt. From psychological perspective you are completly wrong on how players mind work.

Yeah something not accessable is definitely keeping me hooked. Not.


That is operating with the assumption that almost everyone plays WoW to do raiding.

They don’t and that is coming from a raider


You simply refuse to understand: A lot of people would NOT SET FOOT INSIDE OF A RAID if LFR didn’t exist. It’s not ‘unbeaten content’ for them; it’s content that might as well not exist for them. Those people, me included, would NOT raid if LFR didn’t exist.

Vanilla proved this to Blizzard. They literally stated that they made LFR to get more people into raiding because they felt it just wasn’t worth making raids for the small percentage of players who raided. So again; be thankful instead of making outrageous claims about LFR.


Yes it is unbeaten content for them its you who is completly wrong.

You’re a brick wall.


Or in TBC when I started.
Very few people even cleared the first tier of TBC raids, let alone the second and third

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Yes becouse they completly understeminated value of having unbeaten in the game. And they have several times state that LFR was mistake including very guy who created this system.

Yet it was what kept them playing.

No i am not you are just clueless when comes game desing.

Even if the implementation of LFR is rather botched, the concept is sound and it is what also sustains raiding in FF14

It was alts to level that kept me playing, not watching other guilds do black temple while my own could not clear Serpentshrine and TK