Why does LFR still exist?

If you honestly belive that, I have a birdge to sell you


Unbeaten content is content for people who are interested and trying that content in the first place. But we are not interested and trying. We like and enjoy our relaxed lfr. I got a guild who killed normal yesterday in 2 hours. And i wasn’t there. Not interested.


I can’t say for the others, but for me it was a reason to stop playing in WotLK . Manual grouping is ridicously bad, for me LFR was a blessing and because of that I returned to WoW in Pandaria.


It really isnt. If FF14 wouldnt have lfr they would have much higher player count for longer period of time.

You. Are. Wrong.

Just like how I completely ignore M+ or PvP.
It’s not unbeaten content for me; it’s content THAT DOESN’T EXIST for me. I don’t care about it in any way, shape or form. It has NO VALUE to me.

His opinion is null and void; he stated what you refer to long after leaving Blizzard. He’s also an elitist and overal a bad gamer; imo. So I’m glad he’s gone.

The opinion of one guy doesn’t mean it’s the gospel truth.
However it’s FACTUAL that a small, small percentage of the playersbase did raids in the old days.

Sure buddy.

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Because proffesions, quests, AH, dungeons, archievements, etc, etc are not part of an mmorpg? Only raiding is mmorpg?


But Blizzard thinks differently, they think the game is for me and they provided a good tool for me in it. And I’m pretty happy about this fact


No unbeaten content is for everyvody. Absolutly everybody. And no matter if you beat that content or not it keeps you playing.

You really do not know the FF14 players well if you believe that their main motivation is having raid progression.
One word:


No, that content is not for me. Content i am not interested in i am not doing and is not keeping me hooked to the game. You are just 100% wrong.


Yep they know so mufh better. Thats why retail is on life support? Thats why majority after finishing lfr quitsn for rest of the season?


Now I’m done with you.
It’s like trying to talk to a child who plugs their ears and just yells ‘lalalalala can’t hear you’.

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Heck even Erevien is not this stubborn
One more to the ignore list, amirite?


Yes it does and nothing you will say will change this. Becouse yo know this is how human minds work. We desire what we dont have and it keeps us going in life or in video game.

I don’t desire what i am not interested in.

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Good for you Majority of people desire to se content and story it holds.

All my ‘trolling’ flags used up on this guy. Jeez. :sweat_smile:


Most people do not desire what they are not interested in.
This game has a lot of content. Contains a lot of different stuff to do. There is something for everyone. You just have to accept a lot of pvp players are not interested in pve raiding, for example. LFR is casual fun.


Just compare two situations, which one is more profitable:

  1. Some audience is not playing at all. The reason is because final plot chapter is gated behind not so easy accessible content, you need a guild, effort of gathering people and so on.
  2. This audience buys an expansion, buy 1 month sub, finish LFR, and then unsub waiting for next part of the plot being released.

I’m a part of this auditory. Because of LFR Blizz got my money.


Most people are interested in wow content including raid and its story.