Why does LFR still exist?

Exactly this. I quit in WotLK because I was sick of being locked out of the story because I didn’t raid. And because the other content available just wasn’t good (I hated the argent tournament dailies).


That can be. But the numbers showed the game needs LFR because most players are not interested in the challenge of higher difficulties. That is why LFR is added in the first place. Without LFR blizzard had to remove raiding since it costed too much for the low amount of people participating. The majority of players are not interested in challenging raiding content. LFR keeps raiding alive.


Yep i will rather have minority of audience not playing at all thanks to not having lfr while majority having fun and desire to play my game thanks to having no lfr in the game.

Numbers also showed that players completly lose interest playing the game after beating raid in LFR and quits way sonner than if they have unexplored content ahead of them regardless of doing it or not.

Can you show this numbers?

Yep when i get home i can post you videos where is defonstructed how player numbers drop everytime when LFR is fully released. You can also see it on sub numbers what has Blizzard released.

Game had far higher retantion rate whem game was less acessible.

NOT videos
Official numbers from Blizzard
Stone, cold hard data, not the fever dreams of a youtuber


Correlation doesn’t mean causation, typical mistake.

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They are stone cold data. Ofc not from Blizzard becouse they do not make those public but raider io have that data too.

It actualy does.

So LFR players stop playing after seeing the story. This has nothing to do with people wanting to do higher difficulties when LFR would be removed. Which is proven, people do not want. Without LFR raiding would be removed completely.

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Ofc it does. If they wouldnt see story and raid they would still keep playing. You know just like in vannila, tbf or wotlk.

Without accessibility they would not. And proven is by numbers, they will not participate in raiding either.

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Yes they would. Acessability is what killing WoW.

I just wrote to you some messages ago. I PERSONALLY STOPPED playing because of that, not continued. I didn’t keep playing.


No they would not. Otherwise participation numbers weren’t as low as they are.

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They dont have to participate. They just have to play game.

I can only LOL right now. I leave you here with your dreams.


Rofl WoW have highest player count and retantion rate when it was least acessible game. And ptopably still has since classics seems are more popular than retail.

I think you should read this post again.

And that’s it for me in this topic. I am sure i have said what i wanted :slight_smile:

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