Why does LFR still exist?

Its not dream. Yo btw DF have lower participation than 9.3 patch of Shadowlands. Just kind out you into perspective how is your amazing acessible game actualy standing.

WoW originally established itself as the “accessible” MMORPG. Accessibility is supposed to be its selling point.
Sure to much of something can always be poison (including pure water) but WoW is definitely far from the most accessible MMORPG now, unlike in 2004.

If you are concerned about new players quitting, you would need first to worry about the dismal leveling experience of a new player with this fragmented story.
Right now a new player will do exile’s reach then be dumped into BFA for many levels and only then they might get into the DF content without any prior knowledge of the dragons etc.


I wouldn’t say Mythic done that, more like the game mechanics, compare tbc raids/wotlk to everything after and you’ll see how many idiotic mechanics were implemented, that kinda ruined the whole raiding perspective. Just my two cents.

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It does not break immersion in any way shape or form.

LFR existing has zero impact on your ability to do Normal/Heroic or Mythic raiding.

PuGs aren’t going to magically take all the players that would usually go to LFR. All you do is take that content away from them.

LFR, Random Battlegrounds, Solo Queue and Random dungeons are excellent additions to the game. They allow players to access and see all the content. Fortunately WoW is inclusive of all players rather than just catering to one specific group.


It is the MMORPG version of “let them eat cake” :smiley:

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Why would i want to do normal, heroic or mythic when i alredy saw that content in LFR? Its giant waste of time do to same content over and over again for literaly no reason.

The same dumb reason other players do it. For gear and numbers.


And why would i want to get my character stronger? I alredy faceroll entire wow content in some basic heroic dungeon gear.

I don’t know. But many players on the forums telling this is “the nature” of the MMORPG game, just becoming stronger in numbers just for the sake of becoming stronger. I don’t support it, but still it’s there.

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Why are you replaying classic then? It’s not like you already done that 15 years ago.


I didnt do it. I started playing in TBC.

So I assume you aren’t playing at all right now? Since you already done tbc and wotlk. :wink:

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Excatly you dont know. Guess what all those casuals what have quit alsp dont know why sgould they waste their time to get their character stronger. Now you know why are players quiting.

I havent played tbc classic and wotlk. I play classic era at this point.

The majority of PvE keep pushing keys over and over up to +9000, the same dungeons, the same mechanics, only numbers change. Why they are not leaving? They finished those dungeons in normal during leveling.


Because he’s failing at his own argumets. Let him be.


Please provide your source for these numbers

A random youtuber is not Official

Then they are irrelevant numbers.

For the challenge of completing harder difficulties.

To make it easier to do that content. Why spend 2 minutes killing an Elite, when you can do it in 30sec.

Neither do you, you are making huge assumptions about other players, when you have ZERO information.


Those people are minority. Sml fraction of playerbase what play for challenge.

So you want the game to force you into a different difficulty because you personally don’t feel motivated. That’s not a good enough reason to ruin everyone else’s day and remove LFR.

Each difficulty has more difficulty and adds more challenge. If that doesn’t appeal to you then you’re fine doing LFR. However many other players like to experience various levels of difficulty. Some will push their score in Mythic Plus, PvP or complete every Mythic Raid to feel they’ve achieved their goals. Others are happy to do different content.

That’s the beauty of World of Warcraft, you can play it at whatever level and however you like.


Ofc i dont. I dont know why would anyone bother waste their time getting stronger in wow thats my whole point.