Why force a PVP player to do PVE?

thats a bad excuse because ppl still need to fing pvp npc in Mugambala for example


Tone down the smug, I can smell it from here
Many players who play now have played it for too long to just write them off with

mAyBe ThE gAmE iSn’T fOr U lMaO

For most it used to be for a very long time up until very recently

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What I do not understand is… How could they give a blue itlvl 390 gear after winning a battleground… and we always complain about low itlvl people joining Random Bgs… awww come on… They join for the rewards as the rewards only benefit them

Easy fix, bring vendor back
Craft/Less honor -> itlvl 415
Honor -> itlvl 430
Conquest -> itlvl 445 (takes longer time)

Sometimes, I feel like $#&! after winning a random bg…the reward feels like slap on the face… no incentive for playing random BGs, still people play it just for fun


You do, fine sir, realize that thats just utter bs from Blizzard right? Because you can ask any guard for vendors and stuff. And the regular pvpers knew where the stuff was.

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Yes. I know. But is strange that some players belive blizz :poop:, with the pvp vendors.
Is just sad.


Well, not everyone is a smart cookie :wink:


Where is the pvp chest?


Most people realise it’s BS, Blizz just isn’t budging on it

Personally I believe that PvP gear had to be able to proc war/titanforge and socket, something that would be very exploitable on vendorable gear
So they gutted PvP vendors so that PvP gear could fit into this bonus proc model

Because of time to play metrics and they dont give a f about PvP anymore. They stopped caring during Cata when MMR didnt reset in mid seasonal times. And that was the moment I dropped doing 3s seriously. It was already corrupted by win trading and will never end unless Blizzard records and inspects every match. Which is not going to happen.

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The answer is simple, Ion doesn’t understand PvP, he is former PvE raid leader, and all his answers during Q&As and interviews shows that he loves some big-fancy systems rather then old vendors.


suck it up do pve content if want gear pvp vendors not coming back stop wine already

It’s obvious, everything he cares for is M+ and raids. Maybe he thinks pvp players don’t exist.


Problem is that Blizzard itself has created problem with PvP gear.
In blizzards eyes. during previous xpacs when pvp resilience/power was a thing, PvE are clearly was outmatched in PvP because lacking of PvP oriented gear.
Maybe it was a problem for PvE players, they had to grind basic PvP gear, or buy low ilvl pvp crafted gear…and this was a bad experience for them, but same thing was for PvP players who tried to get into raiding. Because PvP gear had sligltly less ilvl and had PvP stats, they didn’t had much of an impact in combat during PvE encounters. That was pretty fair gear role segregation.

Right now, in order to PvP gear wendor to exist, gear itself should have something specieficly designed for PvP like old PvP power/res. Because if right now, when PvP gear has zero diffirences from PvE gear outside of Ilvl, PvP vendore would be a just another source of items…and probably low ilvl items. In order to justify PvP vendor - the PvP gear should have something very PvP oriented.
And don’t get me wrong, i’m 100% up for PvP vendor and other quality of life changes. but with current leadership of wowDEV team i doubt that we would see any good changes.

They - DEVS, just created a mirror of a WOTLK/CATA/MOP situation, but now instead of PvE players whom was forced to grind PvP in order to be vialble in PvP, we have a situation where PvP players are forced to grind PvE content on order to be viable in PvP…


Acti-blizz logic: In order to compete in pvp you have to spam pve as much as possible and pray for good rng. But if you are not interested in pve and you just want to pvp, then you are in trouble, since op rng based pve gear is everything. Skill plays a small role.


PvP does not bring extra revenue and is way more harder for people to grasp so they have decided to ignore PvP players. And it started since Legion. They said however that PvPers should get proper rewards in Shadowlands. So until 6 months+ we just have to deal with it and cap weekly CP. Visions are also easy, quick and good solo progression.

I wish some filthy rich person would get sucked into WoW PvP and got inspired it and maybe start to fund WoW PvP scene, but looking where current generation with zero attention span is reaching its just a stupid dream. Its imperfect world.

Were PvP vendors removed because Blizzard thought that players couldn’t find them? I heard that was the issue.

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Ion said, that they removed PvP vendore, because they was not ok, because players could spend their points on the wrong peace of gear…

Exelent and now players can pick a helmet as a revard and recieve a better helmet in the next 30 minutes in M+, or they can pick gear that they don’t need because gear has wrong azerite traits…

And PvE players, what they are better with TR Vendor people can buy speciefic gear, or spend less TR on random peace of gear.

As if pvp players are playing for free…Nope, we also pay monthly subs and we expect smooth gearing progression, without being forced into pve.

Rather a rich person should sue them for discrimination, I think.


I agree. And I would love nothing more than to see PvP scene thrive and bloom in WoW, but it has been complete chaos after MoP. If Shadowlands can revitalize PvP then its big GG, but I happen to be pretty realistic and pessimistic individual.

Shadowlands Beta will show the future of WoW. If they ignore all feedback like the new spergs who have been destroying our classes for last 6 years there will be zero hope for Shadowlands PvP being good. And nobody will come back if it fails we have been disappointed way too many times already.


I have a mythic raider friend who wanted to grind shred trough pvp.

We joined arena with him. They killed him in 20 seconds every other arena. This player is mythic raider. Then he said queue bg I will heal from far away from people.

They removed pvp vendors because pve players cant pvp. This guy is mythic raider. He dies in 20 sec every arena while he clears mythic raids all the time.

When 80% player base of wow cant pvp , they removed pvp vendors and made the game pve because of that.

When joined bg last patch , I remember I was 2v2 2192 cr on pvp. A player with 11 wins 42 loss 982 rating on pvp at the same time 2400 rio player told me 400 rio garbage while he was 740k damage on random bg and couldnt get out gy while I was over 7000k.

Player base of wow cant handle pvp style. Because most people cant play it while a rated pvp player can easily handle pve mechanics.