No, BLIZZARD have said the data is gone as is the service, it’s not like a mount or pet.
World doesn’t roll around you and you are Not Center of Universe. Or what blizzard employees should have come to you personally? Mb they should have asked when tbc Release is suitable for you and announced that they won’t release tbc Classic till Algol agrees? Just get over already and play or quit
People can’t understand that cloning is transferring to another realm. Vanilla-TBC-Wrath is one and Same realm. Classic era is new separate part of wow after tbc. It is same as asking to transfer your Char to classic era because you didn’t play since 2005 and didn’t agree to get your characters move to shadowlands
Bring back the characters. Don’t listen to the trolls. Thanks.
It cant be brought back you Pinocchio
ofc they can
What planet are you living on? Blizzard already confirmed THEY DELETED THE CLONES. So there are no data to copy back to Era.
ofc it can be done
Stop feeding it.
Yes it sucks that we just couldn’t have the cloning service still. The amount of data would be negligible. I do understand why they put a deadline on it tho. To have the fomo press people into buying the clone in the first place. If no deadline, most wouldn’t have bothered to clone at all until they decided to play. This way, many cloned just incase they WOULD play. With the recent surge on Era, they probably wish they still had the data though.
However, the state of Era realms is unacceptable. Bugs and glitches that never was present in the original 2019 version are present even though the game hasn’t been updated since the chronoboon patch. How is that even possible btw? Pets freezing for 2 seconds after you kill a mob, mobs/pets/npcs spaz out in water, mobs are clipping the ground, you disconnect when using the spacebar if slowed in water and much more. And what does blizz have to say about it? Not a single word. Nothing at all is heard from anyone on the team. They implement layering to quickfix congestion in starting zones, with the added effect of having higher leveling zones feel totally barren of players. Communication has not been satisfactory in my opinion. It is not hard, just write a blue post on what is going on once a month or so.
This thread has had some intense PvP. Algol vs all. Seemed like a premade against a lonely dude lol.
Man, why dont you channel that type of energy into the game? You are for sure going to enjoy ERA, if you like vanilla WoW. Are you a pvper? I would assume so, judging by your energy levels.
Hope you reconsider and give it a go.
actually cringe to read this guys logic, litterally everything is his own fault yet, everyone else is to blame and he hasnt played a game for 2 years or more yet wants to be treated like some kind of king lol.
But his excuse for not getting notified. Blizz did only notify on the Forum. Neither Launcher nor e-Mail got used and that when Blizz notified us earlier about upcomming name wipes.
That was in 2019 Classic. As was
Oh ok, then it is obviously intended. My bad. One would almost think you have shares in blizzard Dottie
You would never do this post if erawas dead. Deal with it, we all are in the same boat.
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