Why i am unsubbing - elitists griefing casuals

its basically an easy mode, wannabe MMO, for sims players.
0 competition so no one feels bad about being bad
you cant hurt someones feelings
cute transmogs and cute dolls

if i wanted tea party I’d go with alice

The GCD is so long you could cook breakfast and do a perfect rotation at the same time.

It is growing its space in the market though. Lets face it, unless you are in the top 10% in WOW which isn’t even doing all +10s in time you may as well not be playing the game at all.

So less demanding MMOs are going to take a lot of market share.

I want your stuff OP. Send it to me now, but of course you won’t as you are never going to quit. This is just a standard vent you don’t have the sphericals to quit. Which is why you are posting an a low level alt rather than your main.

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After reading this I think I should limit my playtime


Elitists griefing casuals :joy: -Hilarious- casuals have full access to welfare epics on par with Heroic gear at minimum, its your problem if you dont minimise the gap with warfronts, world bosses and LFR and titanforge. Unrated PVP is for everyone, not just for casuals. and regarding PVE the issue is casuals pay sub, expect to join content with 0 exp and supposed knowledge of the encounter despite 9/10 times being firstly unable to play their class and secondly having 0 exp since they expect to just leech gear from people who aren’t wanting to carry potential dead weight. People who complain about elitists are the very people who waste -my- time in LFG.

TLDR: Good bye, you wont be missed OP :slight_smile: you can take the rest of the leeches with you too.

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This sounds so much like a RL job :smiley:

On topic, as casual I long ago stopped “competing” in anything in game. I get what OP means though, if I had to pug Normal amd M 0s I’d meet the toxic people he speaks of. But I avoid pugs like plague, except random bgs where I find the communication least toxic of all other pugging.

OP, there is a community (Alliance) Scared of Dungeons EU EN - #41 by Sinaaki-doomhammer
They raid Normal as far as I hear. Give it a try maybe. I consider too, but with my a bit odd playing time I am not sure I’d fit in there.


the people that defend this sort of behavior in this thread are part of the problem. the “git good” attitude sickens me.
Noone says you should quit PvPing if you are a well geared player. The system is flawed when you get matched with noobs that you just ROFLstomp in minutes. you should get matched with people that are equally geared so the match is fair, if possible that is.
As for the M 0’s, I can’t really say, I haven’t done a Mythic 0 in months, the usual way I get my key is doing someone elses first. I don’t PUG these because people are a-holes, I learned that a long time ago. I always do M+ with my guild, sometimes we do pug 1 or 2 people, but for the most part its a guild event and our own keys.
It might sound strange, this being a MMO n all, but it is the fact, that people are a-holes that makes me want to solo as much content as I possibly can. If I could do Mythic dungeons by myself, I would, 100% of the time. That is not to say that I don’t enjoy a well executed mytic+ dungeon in a group, those are fun. But it is the fact that you are at the mercy of the people you bring to your group when you do these things that makes me hate pugging.


Kk, let’s count buzzwords
“I have a life you neckbeards”, check
“Elitists”, check
“Casuals”, check
“Addons ruin the game”, check
“Toxic”, check
“E-peen”, check
“I quit”, check

I rate this 7/10. Would be 10/10 if you managed to also sneak in “flying ruins whatever it ruins (immersion/world pvp/economy/pet battles etc)”, “Sylvanas is evil genocide literally hitler” and “high elves for Alliance”.


Wait, people with high end gear find satisfaction in stomping bad geared players???!?!!?
This must be a new concept for BFA, never seen this happen ever before in any MMORPG

Anyhow how are other games any different from MMOs? You think people who play FPS are ‘‘nicer’’ to people that suck? If anything, when you have 5000 hours in a shooter its even more prevalent that people belittle and bully trash players


Shooters have “ranks”. Overwatch for example doesn’t pit Bronze players against grand masters, they would get roflstomped instantly. WoW does this. Not sure how Counter-strike works, I haven’t played it online ever, only on LAN.
But to answer your question, no people in Overwatch are A-holes too, it’s the “git good” attitude again that does this. there it is actually worse because people the same rank as you tell you to “git good” it’s actually laughable.

If you ever play some arena shooter like Quake, Unreal Tournament, or something where there are no ‘‘ranks’’ people are sure to put you in your place if you are bad.
Thats the nature of video games, the good players prey on the bad players

As if I never went into normal game mode with my eagle in cs:go :smiley:

Yeah maybe it does sound like a real job but then again other than working part time and doing a few hours a day of studying and being by myself living wise I have the free time to sink into the game and yeah I’ve had to deal with people I was annoyed or irritated by in most cases let my actions speak louder and kept silent if I have ever gotten kicked I usually just shrug it off as one of those things it’s not something I take seriously any more and I just move on and do something else.

U’re welcome to give us a try, we have ppl online at all times of the day (and night) :slight_smile:


Sounds like it’s Time to get good man, if you are not willing to put effort in the game because of what ever responsability don’t cry about it on the forums if you want something like IRL you gotta work for it, those gladiators that rofl stomp noobs in bgs worked for their gear, this game has been dumbed down already as it is because of this constant casual crying, I’m pretty casual too those days but I’m not crying about it. Imagine being so insecure that you got to post on an alt character so people can’t see your main world of Warcraft character lol. instead of wasting half hour writing tears over tears because big bad elitists are so mean towards me because they put effort in the game and I login 10 mins a day and demand everything go do a few mythic+s and get some gear. It’s your kind of mindset that brought this game to its knees bending over for casual gaming.

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No, the community of wow certainly has become more toxic over the years, gaming in general as well. theres alot of crap going on nowadays, the kind of crappy behaviour that never happened so often lets say back in the time of tbc

exept if you start fresh there is no point, getting in to a dungeon is worse than in wow, and people are toxic there big time if you do not know what to do, and once you get to the quest to kill Ifirit you can be stuck for hours, game looks nice, but for new players it is just bad realy bad, I have tried to start FF14 atleast 3 times, and always end up stopping due to how bad it is for new players.

People keep saying so, but I highly doubt it.

  • Ninjaing? Was a big deal up till the introduction of Personal Loot.
  • Misdirect a boss to someone you didn’t like in AV so they died? I need more fingers to count those times.
  • Bullying players by inviting them to a guild and then kicking them just because they were bad, repeating that several times? Happened since classic.
  • Ravage an in-game funeral? Done in classic.
  • Max-level camping a lowbie? Since day 1 (well…).
  • Giving someone directions to Darnassus while they asked where Booty Bay was? Yep, regular Trade-chat behaviour.
  • Kicking players randomly without too much reason? Pff, there were real “”“awesome”"" leaders back then
  • Powerabuse? All the time.
  • Messing up a BG because well you couldn’t be bothered anymore? Yep.
  • Going afk during Gruul because they were hungry? Happened
  • Tank going afk mid-fight, yep

Did we get more toxic, or do we simply put more focus on it right now?


Was in legion guess what died no one was doing PvP in legion where was full scaling like for what when your gear what have you get did not mattered at all clearly you did 0 PvP in legion if you want that nonsense again

I think you just made the right question there :slight_smile:

Has it really gotten worse, or have we all just come to the point where we won’t accept it anymore :thinking: