Why i bother making threads 📜

Again more conspiracy theory.

There is clearly some automation with things like silences in game.

On the forums that is to ‘bury’ your post.

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I like your topics Twilly. Most of them at least, there has been occasions where i simply dont understand your topic at all. I blame my blonde boomer brain for that :sweat_smile:

Forums need some lighthearted topics, so much drama and hurr durr going on and too much negativity all over.


It’s not a myth really. I recently had a post of mine buried, but for some reason didn’t get a ban, so it’s not fully automatic. Most of the time though I think mods just don’t care to read and ban expecting you to appeal if you feel inocent.

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It was?

Strange, I remember the topic in which you shared this info and said that it was not you.

If you get flagged, you are sent in a report queue, you have to be flagged to hell for insta ban. Usually if you are in a queue, you would be manually released.

I wonder which part of MVP EULA contractually obligates MVPs to brand all truth about WoW Forum/Game punishment system being easily abusable as “conspiracy theory”. Because it can’t be a coincidence that most, if not all MVP’s I came across have tried to dismantle the notion that you can just get a bunch of accounts you have lying around and flag the person until a ban-bot issues a ban.

I think it was obvious the moment I said “its humanly impossible to govern everyone” because you need a whole another corporation to be able to handle each report manually.

Oh please, up until corona chat hit I worked as CS, it does not take a full corporation to check support queue.

And it was CS for a company that i can’t depict, but i will say that it is better than bing and yahoo.

If it sounds unbelievable when people make wild claims it’s usually because it isn’t true.

Some how you feel it’s more believable that it’s some conspiracy because I’m an MVP.

95% of the time someone claims they were unfairly banned we can see they swear or simply break the CoC in some obvious manner.


That’s only half true. People break CoC all the time, but mods are very selective when and who to ban. I’ll remind you that rule about datamined stuff which is in the CoC, but nobody cares. Overall the only people who get banned are those that were flagged by other forum posters.


Gee I wonder which rule have I broke when I reported 12 druid moonkins beaming the mobs in Suramar essentially costing me a Pathfinder due to how vapid their relentless farming was.
I received a chat mute for 3 days and day ban right after I reported them, while I haven’t even whispered them or said anything, making me unnegligible for receiving a chance at helping newcomers or participating at Beta.

Just accept that you broke the code of conduct, perhaps read through them and start behaving better on the forum.

I’ve used these forums for over 2 years now, had 2 bans, my last one was over 18 months ago. I’ve had TL3 since last November and all simply because I behave and stay within the code of conduct in my posts and interactions.

When I got banned, I deserved both because I had broken the rules. I accept that fact.

All these “discord mass flag organisation” theories always come from the same type of people, the ones who regularly break rules - get bans - can’t acknowledge that their behaviour is unacceptable. That should tell you something.


You expect them to read every post on the forum without it being flagged?

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Did you name and shame them?

Puny, this would work in a correct forum situation. Moderation without the need of flagging people. Shumensko is right, there is a lot of bad stuff passing under the radar.

Renardo the fact that your previous topic depicted a situation close to that, in which you stated that you are not the “OP”, makes it really hard to believe you.

Yeah, thats the purpose of the report button, to highlight which posts need moderation. Mods cant read every single post on here, they have to rely on us to flag things that needs moderation. And thats why people SHOULD NOT use the report as a downvote, it only clogs up the system and giving moderators unneccessary workload.


“Just accept that you never broke any rules, but you got mass flagged by illegal microtransaction bandits. Its not their fault they cheating the game, its your fault that you have reported them.”

False. Even a single mute and/or ban on Forums makes you unegligeable to recieve any Trust Levels on that account ever again, forever.
Same with the game. If you’ve been muted or banned once, you’ll never receive the invitation to betta or let alone be able to participate in any program that requires “account with clean record”.
Get your facts straight.

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How would they know you reported them though? :woman_shrugging:t3:


No, but let’s not pretend that it’s fair. Yes, 95% of people who get banned violated the rules, but not 95% of people who violated the rules got banned.

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I’m just as disappointed when things I flag don’t get actioned but I think it’s wholly unreasonable to expect there to be enough hours in the day to even moderate every post ever made.

No, you can get it back again, but it just takes a bit longer. Some people even got theirs overturned and got their TL3 back straight away.

Game wise i wouldn’t know though.

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Well I’ve had two bans and re-earned TL3 so what you state here is actually false

I still have the emails from my bans and its easy to prove TL3 by posting a gif.

Just give it up. Start behaving and following the code of conduct and you won’t get banned! It really is that simple.

Edit: Also, if you get banned in game for breaking the ToS why should you get flagged for Beta over someone who has never broken the ToS and has a clean account?? Don’t break rules don’t miss out on goodies.

In game sanctions don’t affect the forum and forum sanctions don’t affect in game or Beta access so you get your facts straight!