Why I leave

Your topic history leaves me feeling tired


and reaching same numbers in most battlegroups in TBC/Vanilla

Can I have your gold? I promise to use it against the alliance.


Then why do you still keep playing since the last patch of Pandaria? It was literally the time where blizzard decided to make Horde Warchief a loot pinata and make Horde betray their own warchief just to fulfill alliance power fantasy.
Why didn’t horde get “Siege of Stormwind” in return?

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you can restore characters (undeleted) . after lvl 20 or so they are permanently saved in a backup state

I’ll give him 2 weeks :laughing: did not last long last time he mase this post…


If you think Alliance has better cities, etc why don’t you play Alliance? Horde main cities haven’t change in a while and in Shadowlands both factions share Oribos.
If you didn’t like Orgrimmar, for example, it took you quite some time to figure out that…

And, actually, Alliance is the faction that is suffering the most right now because they lack of players.
They lost their King in Legion, they were stuck with a boi King that couldn’t make any decent choices without being indecisive and now he might end up as a scuffed Lich King not near as cool as Arthas.

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Ok, bye then, don’t forget to hand over all your shiny gold!!!

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We have several serial leavers.

I can understand that people take breaks though.

Best of luck in your gaming adventures, wherever they may take you :four_leaf_clover:


Finally some good news!


Look forward to seeing more alliance bias stuff in the future.

Until then enjoy yourself.


Kul’tiras is a port mainly. Zul’dazar is a gigantic city. Zandalar as the continent is also better than Kul’Tiras.

Draenei have no say anymore since legion. Humans never did, as they are nothing but the crippled children of a race that was cursed. Night Elves also didnt get much attention outside of Tyrande and Malfurion throwing their fits.

Highly up for debate.

Darnassus has been vaporized. Zandalar is not deleted from the map and the city is still standing. Actually pay attention to the lore and then talk

Thrall. Baine. Just to name these two. Tyrande is litereally next to worthless and had her goddess intervene because she was on suicide mode that endangered all. Bolvar is not alliance ever since WCIII he made that more than clear. He doesnt give a rats about the Alliance or the Horde but about Azeroth in general. Jaina has been next to useless so far.

None of the living NPCs have been spectacular. All the work being done is being done by the player. The NPCs literally cant do anything on their own

Sitting around in Oribos doing nothing.

all humans are alliance.

helps Shandris defending Ardenwald.

Fleet destroyed, King killed, treasury plundered and loa priests killed. The Zandalari are a dead race now.

Facts. Horde cities can’t compete with these. Orgrimmar is a hole in the desert. Thunder Bluff is some tents on mesas. Horde cities are trash.

Got two entire expansions dedicated to them. Legion and WoD.

House Proudmoore has full control over the entire Island. Meanwhile the Zandalari only really control Zuldazar. They are a shadow of their former self. A ruined race even.


The night elves went to Hyjal. Meanwhile the Forsaken are still homeless sitting aroun din Orgrimmar.

are you blind? Humans are everywhere.

Sure see you next month

See you in 3 days.

Oh… so that is why I partly rerolled horde.

Weren’t you a worgen rogue? or do I mix you up with someone else?

Alliance shares real world mannerisms. The game isn’t in the best form at the moment, not like the good old days. Maybe Blizzard looks kindly to Alliance at the moment as an emotional rest bite from the current state of the game.

That’s my subliminal psychology on it anyway.

Same as others. Your point?

False on all acounts.

And utterly failing. Useless on all acounts

Fleet can easily be replaced given Zandalari lore. King was a tard, replaced by someone with a brain. Loa this time actually liking the new queen. Treasury defense system was defeated, treasury not pundered. Loa are still present. Learn the lore.

Silvermoon, Suramar, Zandalar. All of them pooping on the Alliance cities.

WoD, if dedicated, was dedicated to both Draenei and Orcs so that point is mood. Legion was not dedicated to any race and at best one patch was giving Velen some spotlight. Argus patch was full with illidan constantly calling Velen and his Draenei out for being idiots

The Zandalar control the entire continent. No idea what youre on about. The blood trolls are defeated and as such the entire zone is in hard control of the Zandalari. Vol’Dun was already in control and used as a prison.


Still not their home. Their Capital city has been defacto vaporized. Your point is mood.

Humans still never had any real say. Varian out of all mayhaps.

No, youre correct. I went back to Horde over a year ago.