Why I leave

best thing to do bud is if ur really serious about going…

you made the thread…

now just leave and don’t respond.

sure you wont get acknowledgement but you will give credence to your claim. just a waste of time arguing with these forum dwellers who claim otherwise.

GGS WP xD top diff xD

Just wait and keep an eye on the game while not playing. I am pretty sure that at some point the next big war will break out and the alliance will be the bad guy more than the horde. I am just waiting for a “time to shine” for the Horde :wink:

Good. Leave.

Also we all know this entire post is garbage. You aren’t leaving at all. You get off on trolling too much. It’s pathetic.

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Adorable little insult from you, albeit it was expected from you anyhow. He has basically no clue about the lore and yet makes claims and thats simply how it is.

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Laughs in orc

Tried leveling so many alliance alts, it’s so boring. It’s not immersion, it’s garbage.


Sylvanas alone could wipe out the entire Alliance and bring eternal peace through domination. But yeah, “better leaders”, sure.


If you think the Alliance are so good, just do like Saurfang did and faction transfer my dude.

If you prefer Ally then you should pick this fraction actually.

pls, leav erevien.
even in the German forum you alredy told since two days that you will leav with the end of the abonoment and even today.
you cry the whole day and posting only nonsense and buls.hit and hatespeech.

and the other forum knows your connections to the right wing AFD, which explans some of your thoughts


He isn’t going anywhere, this manchild is on Twitter as well and he’s hated there too.


Gr8 b8 m8 ;)!

I think he prefers Dark Alliance themes.

Forsaken are former citizens of the Alliance of Lordaeron.
The Blood Elves used to be High Elves that had the help of the same Alliance in the war against the Amani.

Let us imagine a scenario in which Sylvanas is redeemed, she joins her sisters, the Forsaken now allow the Alliance to access their lands, the Blood Elves join also.
He would change in a second.

Tribalistic Horde is the problem here. It seems.
Orcs, Tauren, Darkspear Trolls.
Ironically this is the part I’m more attached to.
I love Ogrimmar, Zuldazar and can’t see myself being elsewhere.
Yes I love Blood Elves and Silvermoon also.



well, at 9´O Clock he shoud vanish from teh forum,…hopefully, at least in the German section wnhe he spam the same threads ( even the “why I leave” in the general discusion section which was closed by a game master after doznd of reports) and hijecked evyer stoy related therad in the story forum with the allaince bisa trash that everone is pissed of him and he has already the reputaion of a well known clown on the german sevres and forums.
even in the german roleplay Sever he trys, and IC he calles for a revolution in silvermoon to overthrone the council of the horde, which resultes he got imprisond and…well brainwashed…for a while.

(sry for the gramma, becuse english isnt my first language)


But isn’t Blizzard used to publicly mock Alliance players?

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Wut?! Lol!

Is this reverse day?

They like the horde so much they let it have OP racials for years completely flipping the player population, but are unwilling to do it when it’s the opposite. That Blizzard is biased in favor of Alliance?! Don’t make me laugh.

Erevien leaving is a win for the Horde.


He will be back in 9.1 don’t worry.

Are we supposed to care? If you want to quit the game just quit it. What is the point in announcing it? Did you think we would try to stop you from leaving with tears in our eyes because you are so dear to us?

Having just read a bit on the AFD, then its clear the guy needs some sort of professional help.

@all the Horde players on here, you have my sympathies for having to suffer him in your faction.

@all the German players here - good luck on Tuesday in the football (as an an Englishman), and may the best team win…

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Playing atm on my orc rogue and i still cant believe how much cringe it is to read this for an actual horde main if even i feel it

cya next month