Why I leave

Seems his incarceration in the Stockades and his subsequent punishment by Retributor did the trick.

Thank you Retributor, a hero of our times.


Come on, he has posted this kind of thread months ago and here is the proof :

Why I am quitting WoW

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I was not disputing what you said :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You already left
Sorry, I have my doubts this time you mean it

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Yep Horde is nothing

Same in the German forum with almost the same title.
And he once leaves and came back and nobody take that announcement serious.
His last post was 10h ago so , at least we were have a little bit peace for a while.

Could some game master now fulfill his job and close this thread?

Same here, God luck, but I think (as German) you should easily win
In my opinion Hungary was the better team and deserved to survive the group phase and Germany should kicked out, many are unhappy with Löw and say he should have leav after the FIFA World Cup because the team getting more worst.
That we came further was pure luck


I will miss you Erevien :pensive:

I don’t think I’m going to get his gold :frowning:

try to check hall of fame or rio top teams - suure, it’s strongly world of alliancecraft and CN also the alliance closed 3 months before the horde, oh wait…it was the horde, oops

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Hey Nylu long time no see .

yeah i been bizy with FF14 a while :rofl:
Nice to see you Daestra :smiley:


I’d love for Blizzard to do a yearly data dump of all the people who came to the forums to say they were quitting and whether or not they actually quit.
It was funny when we used to be able to see player in-game activity on the armoury page, and you could see they were still playing despite having told the forums they were quitting.

Does anyone actually just quietly quit the game anymore? I’ll stop playing one day. Should I start planning the goodbye post now?

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wow addiction forceing them to continue playing the game even they want self to quit ?

The day i quit i’ll just quit, no need to announce it to the forums :sweat_smile:

If anything, the game suffers from Horde bias !

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Hes not leaving. He just moved to the US forum…trying to spread his bs there…go check na forum…same topics, same bs.

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