Why is Body Type 1 Male and not Female?

I would suggest naming the options wiener and mellons…


Male to female to male to female to male to female I don’t know what I am anymore :sob:

You are now a body type :infinity:

is this the way you treat sexless people in Reallife?

Clown treats everyone with love and respect, yes!

You should be shamed to not respect my needs and thoughts

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Your first post got hidden for a reason troll.The truth always hurts.

lol… teee hheeeeee

just change it to what they did in Tiny Tina Wonderlands.

This one or that one

If you’re deeply offended and disturbed by males being attributed the number one rather than females in this context then I’m sorry but there is very little hope for you to ever be happy and fulfilled.


What a sh** post XDDDD

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i dont think its hidden

So you’re saying women don’t matter? Disgusting. DISGUSTING!

I’m not sure if you’re trolling or not, but he literally said that it doesn’t matter in what order body type icons go. I kinda agree with it, it’s such an isignificant thing compared to all other problems of modern society xD

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I propose to add a third three - a white cisgender heterosexual male. put it first, and after that you can add whatever you want. 90% of people will never look further

Adam and eva, not eva and adam (I’m joking, I have no clue why)

no change is ever good enough for you lot. lol

What? You don’t see a problem?

This is unfair and perpetuates the patriarchy because it defaults to the male body type. It’s like the game is saying that males are the default and that females are the secondary option. This is not only sexist, but it’s also incredibly harmful to those who identify as female.

It’s time for Blizzard to wake up and realize that their game is not only catering to the male gaze, but is also actively harming their female players. This has to change, and it has to change now.

This is just another example of the patriarchy trying to control and restrict women. By defaulting to the male body type, Blizzard is sending a clear message that women are secondary and that their voices don’t matter. This is unacceptable and we won’t stand for it.

We demand that Blizzard makes changes to their game so that it is more inclusive of all players, regardless of their gender identity. We also demand that they add more body types and customization options so that everyone can create the character that they want to play.

This is not just about inclusion, but about making sure that everyone feels welcome in the game. Blizzard has a responsibility to their players to create a safe and welcoming environment, and they are failing miserably in that regard.

We will not rest until Blizzard makes the necessary changes to their game. This is not just about one game, but about changing the way that the gaming industry treats women as a whole. We are done with being treated like second-class citizens, and it’s time for Blizzard to wake up and realize that.

You should try seeing this through a wider viewport instead of your narrow one.



You’re joking right? No! Really… You’re joking?

the fact that ur doubting whether this is a serious request really says a lot about nowadays blizzard lmao

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such excellent trolling