Why is it so hard to climb right now in 3v3

Note this isn’t a moan or anything just something I’m curious about,

I may be missing something right now but it feels so hard to climb the ranks,
Now I’m not the best arena player out there nor have I ever been. but me and some friends have been really putting some hours in to try and improve and gain some rating this season, it feels like we have hit a brick wall around the 1500-1600 rating (not high granted) all I keep noticing that we are coming up against a lot of gladiator rated players (I have been checking their profiles to see there highest ever rating) now I get people can be on alts or just starting the grind but it seems like 2/3 of the teams have a least 1 player if not 2 or 3 that have been 2400 rating plus some teams have been far higher like 2800+.

is this just how it is or is there a reason we are getting matched against very skilled arena players at such a low rating?
Look I’m all for playing against better players to improve but it feels like a trial by fire right now, just wondered if anyone else is encountering this problem or if this is just due to low player base or something I’m not sure?


It may be 2 things at once:

Lower skilled players moving to solo shuffle as they just want conquest and vault, creating a lower pool.

Other lower skilled players buying boosts from Gladiators, partly because the pool of lower skilled players is too small to improve in now.

Arena rating is not absolute value, like if u have 2800 exp, u immediately start to play on 2800cr. Rating depends on how many people exist in the ladder, more people playing - more points pool - more rating distribution. It’s like a pyramid, if there is no big lower block, u can’t sit on the highest block.
Both 2s/3s ladders currently missing a lot of people from 1-1800k players, who prefer just to pve 123 in shuffle, so the highest 3.5exp players currently have 2.4cr (a bit more than 100 people), usual gladiators and above have 2-2.1k cr now.


Yes, I thought it must be something to do with the player pool, the problem this creates is most players will only play with you based on your rating or your experience.
so how can I ever try to get the achievements to play with other players as everyone using LFG only wants players who have 2200-2400+ experience?

“Why is it so hard to climb right now in 3v3?”

u should rly be able figure this out urself

as the clues are scattered all around this very forum unless its ur first time opening it

but in any case this were as obviously going to happen just like the launch of wrath were for shadowlands

take a wild guess what is deflating the normal arena ladders currently, put the brain on work and it develops like a muscle :slight_smile:

that makes no sense what so ever, its like a poorly written riddle trying to throw in some back handed sarcastic comments that add nothing to the discussion, thanks for lowering the IQ of anyone who reads your comment.


Don’t worry, you are absolutely right and I understand what you have to deal with. Now rated games at 1700-1800 mmr are approximately equal to games of 2800-2900 in SL2 season. In fact, there is already a topic describing this problem.

The backbone of the ladder has always been people queuing up to get a transmog or a gear that usually upgrades as a duelist. Now all these people (that’s a really large number of participants) who usually played until 2.1k are playing solo shuffle, and they don’t have to queue in other brackets anymore. Accordingly, in the 3v3 ladder, only super sweaty players remained who, in the hope of getting a gladiator, but in fact they can never get out of 1.9k until all these players (who farm transmogs) return back to the 3v3 ladder.

I am really sorry that you are faced with this situation, you are not alone, the most important thing is not to get upset. Hopefully Blizzard will make an artificially inflated second season, we can only hope for that.

In fact, you can see for yourself. Blizzard has made a bloated RBG this season. You can play it and confidently get 2000 and maybe even 2400 (As far as I understand, they alternate artificially inflating one of the ladders every season.)

Thank you, that clears up a lot of what I already thought I hope it gets sorted out I really enjoy the team play and co-ordination required in 3s it makes it interesting and a rewarding game style to play,
I will just keep bashing my head against the arena wall in hopes to progress and improve my play so that once it becomes more attainable to gain rating again I will be in a better place to do so.

Reading post like yours asking why ladders are deflated when anyone who plays the game knows why, actually lowers the iq of anyone reading your post

Perhaps concider use your own brain before asking?

I bet your one of those dps who also keep asking everyone else what to do when you cant think for yourself, and proceed to attack some uhdk as sp if nobody instructs you otherwise

Think for yourself, use your brain, it will develop like muscle

But your a night elf playing on draenor which is the biggest horde realm on eu with a 25k active horde / 155 alliance ratio so I imagine your not best at optimizing with your brain now

Might be a lost cause

First of all, that’s a huge bite from you, put those nashers away kiddo.

Literally all of those comments made were completely irrelevant, if you don’t like the topic of a post simply just don’t open it and we can all be saved from you’re stupidity.

I mean who gives a flying flip if I’m a Nelf on a horde server? you need to get a grip, I have started a discussion about PvP and I have at no point claimed I am a good player or anything of the sort so why are you making ridicules and negative assumptions about me?

Please just don’t respond go get in your little keyboard warrior hole and stay there.


To add to Zümmi’s reply, there’s also this issue that not only soloQ absorbs most of the casual/semi-casual, but also pretty much every (rare) new player that gets into PvP. So your best bet is indeed to

if you are having fun doing so at least. Because unless they do major changes, and I doubt this will happen before new expansion at the very least, 3s participation will remain very low for the time being, and with it the rating distribution.
find good people to spam queue with and forget about potential rewards for now, and you should have fun improving your own gameplay but also as a team.

All the casuals quit for solo shuffle so all that’s left is try-hards. And gear upgrades used to smooth out the climbing as you got higher and more of an advantage over the brackets under you.

dont ask dumb questions if u dont like the answers

literally everyone knows why season is deflated expect u apparently who has to make topic asking about it

and this were even predictable over half year ago which atleast me and everyone i know predicted is going to happen with dragonflight

and for the record i have not yet assaulted u in anyway only adviced u into using ur own mind before asking everyone obvious questions

u seem to be the one now throwing around ur feces and accusing people something even when u got zero clue of them


  • Buy boost
  • be patient
  • hope blizzard is aware of the math number and lower the rating cap for rewards, or buff the mmr

As long as solo shuffle exists, things are looking bleak for 2v2 and 3v3



aslong there is solo suffel normal 2v2 / 3v3 will remain stomping ground for the spicy multigladchadtestoalphagigalads to drill each other from 0cr onwards till the break of dawn, every team sweating their hardest with the awc comps they are replicating on some 1400cr and playing nothing but meta on eu :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

kid propably picked the wrong possible time to start play with his friends as team :slight_smile:

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To do this, we need to raise this topic as often as possible so that Blizzard pays attention. Thanks for understanding the problem.

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Because all the keyboard turning dent heads play solo shuffle now so theres less people to farm in 2v2 and 3v3

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i could be willing to swap the instant pops to 10min instead to play with normal pvp people when capping vaults there on my heals :joy:

for dps the mode on other hand is made extremely fun and efficient if they atleast have some idea what theyre doing

The majority of players doesn’t schedule their life around 3s in WoW.
It should be not a surprise to anyone the playerpool for the regular arena is going to shrink if you remove incentives to play it, while adding a different mode.

Tbh doing normal arena is better for conq, because solo shuffle q’s are absolutely dire.