I ment in the form of accepting LGBT… Dont be dumb there -.-
I’m being it here.
When was sexuality never present in WoW? Straight couples have been in the game since Mankrik’s wife.
How is having gay people political though? It’s just someones attraction, doesnt that make being straight political too?
there were also already many lgbt in the stockades
Did you ever feel like Tyrande and Malfurion were straight in your face ? like omg they are on each other all the time so gross. Nope.
Also don’t bring a dead woman in the conversation. Have some respect for the dead will you please.
There is a thing called “foreshadowing” for such stories in order to give a clue to readers-players about the story to make them aware of the potential future of characters.
We had none.
Looks at Val’Sharath where Tyrande scolds you for 5 minutes about “not knowing true love” and the entire central storyline is literally about them as a couple.
Tbh I liked Tyrande and Malf as a couple.
Until that questline.
rocks back and forth leveling through that area with 20 alts
I liked them too, but Val’Sharath is awful and does them great injustice.
Ummm… MY BELOVED ring any bells?
You’re joking right? It was SUPER obvious.
So you’re saying if a person is concerned for the wellbeing of their partner ? They happened to be " CiS". That’s being straight up your face ?
Did you read Shadows Rising? Also not every single trait about a character needs to be foreshadowed. You wouldn’t be claiming it was a bad idea to have Thrall eat some eggs for breakfast if there was no foreshadowing that he liked eggs.
It is not important. Same like any other political or religious crap is not important. We come here to escape and to live a fantasy and leave all worldly matters and troubles behind… You obviously want to drag your politics every where with you. You can be what ever you want in your own free space. And perhaps you will find like minded players or even a guild and good for you if you do. And maybe this is you advertising so I am sure you will get some attention. I myself will enjoy WOW for what it is. A game.
word! litteraly my point. Keep irl social and political and religious issues out of Azeroth. Leave that on Earth.
Then we can have LGBT people, right? It’s only an issue to the people who don’t want them in the game.
No, don’t put words in my mouth please.
But Val’Sharath as a storyline, is centered and focused on that Malfurion and Tyrande is a couple, and it also downplays both characters massively by very explicity stating that they are incapable without one another and making their central characteristic that they are a couple(disservice to both of them since they are nice characters otherwise).
Tyrande also throws a hissyfit out of the blue about what an amazing couple they are and now one could love as they do.
Meanwhile, the LGBTQ characters currently getting blasted by angry homophobes does the following:
- Shares a brief kiss and some casual flirting in a side-book. (Flynn/Shaw)
- Briefly mentions their former life in a side-dialogue not related to any quest. (Pelagos)
- Another character entierly mentions that a guy had a husband(Night warrior)
How is are those 3 “shoving it your face” and the Malf/Tyrande is not?
I really don’t care for LGBT characters as long as they aren’t forced in the game lore “just because”