Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

This basically translates into “i want to enter a fantasy world with only straight people in it because I dont like lgbt people in real life”

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Never said that shouldn’t be. Just don’t end up like Netflix where they put a gay character into show just to say " look we got a gay character in the show , see how diverse we are" if said character has no relevance or depth.
Same point i will add be made for any other kind of sexual preference.


I love how only the angry homophobes are apparently allowed to “escape reality”.

And gets angry when others would like the same thing.

To be honest I do want to see more of them in Shadowlands! Especially everything going on with Tyrande and the whole Night Warrior thing. As much as Malfurion shares the rage about Teldrassil as Tyrande, I can’t imagine him just letting what the ritual has done to Tyrande slip past him, especially with how it’s described that every Night warrior eventually dies due to the power.

But that’s probably for another thread!
And, you know, they could also portray their relationship in a different light that isn’t shudders what we saw in Val’sharah.

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You think that questline was harsh this one was just the same


So far, this hasn’t happened at all though, so why worry about Whataboutism and not just criticize that later if it should happen?

Why are you complaining about Blizzard theoretically doing something they aren’t even doing?

Sidenote, Jesse Cox is such a treasure.

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I think I died of cringe as I remembered that questline, I hoped to never see the light of it again!


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Jesse Cox in the Mei cosplay costume at Blizzcon was incredible.

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I can’t decide if I loved his Mei cosplay or Diablo 3 Leia the most.

Both are incredible, and the man is wonderful!

I have gay friends , my little brother is gay. Just because i want something to stay neutral in a game does not make a homophobe. I want to make that very clear. Because if i was one , i wouldn’t be calling my brother my best friend.

In Star Trek discovery the chief engineer and the doctor are a gay couple. They hug , they kiss , they tell each other " i love you" I’m very fond of them , it’s not pushed , it’s not artificial. Both characters play a big role in the show and it makes sense in that universe.

To from a game i’ve played since 2006 where gender politics and sexuality has never been pushed. To lets make the crybabies feel represented , yeah it sucks. Is it going to stop me playing the game and unsub ? No of course not. I’d rather have the status quo than throw a mountain in the placid lake just to appease a minority.

Want your char to be trans/gay/straight there’s mog for that. You can talk or play how you want leave that to the player.

Ye but only you people are making it political. Being gay and existing isn’t political.

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But that’s the thing though, I genuinely don’t see how or why you or other people see it “being pushed” into WoW?

Again, with the newest additions for example to Warcraft, neither was publically announced or broadcasted by them, not even the Shaw/Flynn thing in the books. Every comment or story about it has been from players who either find stuff in datamining, beta tests, or reading etc. Blizzard has kept silent otherwise.

The first announcement of Pelagos for example was non-Blizzard who had discovered it.

And neither character is going “hello I’m gay, I love being gay”. They act like any other character, with a casual refference to that they have a same-sex partner just like another WoW character has mentioned they have a partner.

So why is it so bad?

I can throw that right back at you. I’ve been called CiS and binary , i had no idea what the hell that was until i looked it up. Being labelled for what i am sucks just as equally.

People who have to say they are proud of being gay , it’s sad.

I’ve never once felt pride about my skin colour of my sexual preference. I’ve never been " proud to be straight" I have no reason to be. That’s just who i am.
Just happen to be a large majority of the population. So feel no need to feel pride on who i want to bang.

I hope in 100 years everyone can feel that way , i truly do.

But keep Earth and Azeroth seperate.

I do wonder though, if Flynn and Shaw ended up splitting and either of them went into a relationship or a short fling with a woman, would the reactions have been the same? Or would it be «I knew they were straight all along.» or something along those lines?

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Can I ask why you keep writing it as CiS instead of cis? I’m curious

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it’s what I said in the other thread, apparantly Bisexuality isn’t a thing that’s allowed.

Unless it’s a girl, and then only if it can be used as a way to be “hot” for the guys.

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CSI sounds cooler.

(Sorry :frowning: )

Yikes. I’ve had that thrown after me, «Oh, you’re bi? Want a threesome? :wink:» and even «You’re not bi, I can turn you.»

Bisexuality is so grossly sexualized if it’s a woman, and if it’s a man it doesn’t exist, «he’s just gay.»


Don’t forget the all time favourite of “Pick a side”