My brother gets labelled for being gay. So you can imagine how the lgbtqia community must feel right ? Having labels. So why did they childishly retaliate by throwing me labels. I have no idea. They could have taught us a lesson. But nope they decided to be just as bad as the homophobes.
Please, do you also feel offended when someone says that you are a heterosexual or a homosapien? Saying that it equally sucks is just disrespecting all the homosexual people that died just just for being themselves.
They say they are proud because they have been discriminated for thousands of years and still are. Yes they are proud to be themselves and they want other people like them to know that there is nothing wrong with them.
Also speaking of a reversed Flynn by the way(As in how he was very hinted at to be interested in a girl and then ended up with Shaw properly in a book), WoW has already done a reverse of this.
Thalryssa was extremly hinted(More than Flynn and Talia tbh) to have had some intimate relationship with Elisande, and in the follow-up book later on during BfA, she and Lor’Themar became a couple.
Thalyssra had a relationship with Elisande? That flew right by my radar lol, I didn’t know until you told me! But that’s interesting. Both the dynamic between the characters AND that there were no big reactions from the community.
Hence why it’s sad they have to even feel that way. You didn’t have to explain that me. I’m well aware. I dunno maybe i watch too much Star Trek and bit too much of an idealist. But wouldn’t be a great in the world one day where no one passes judgement for being simply who you are ?
I need to level an alt through Suramar again is what I’m hearing I rushed through it back in Legion and never touched the place afterwards.
Definetly interesting in hindsight indeed!
This guy is the perfect representation of the current state of these threads.
People come here actually interested in common ground and this is the stuff they get. If this is the only contact some people have with the respective community, then perhaps the reactions you people get are justified.
Honest question to people who actually care about how they are viewed, you find this acceptable? People coming in here and just going “HOMEOPHOBES EVERYWHERE” dynamiting any chance for a civil discussion?
Even people that were hurt or abused, consider the fact that the people you are talking to here didn’t have a hand in that. So they don’t really have to put up with you being hostile.
I know right , you disagree about something you obviously are homophobe or if not a self aware one. But you’re still homophobe !!!
It’s the typical reaction unfortunately they scream and shout loud. Counter them , they hide in their bunker and cry " offended" then when the the atmosphere has cleared. Back to stomping their feet how everything is so offensive to them.