Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

Well, that seems to be almost every important lore character!

I’ve stopped taking them serious years ago.
He’s grasping for straws like a mad man.

I forgot arthas!
How did I not say him.

And speaking of the lich king nerzhul the original lich king had a wife as well… and bolvar is straight too…
Well thats all 3 lich kings being into the opposite sex so that’s a 3 in 1 deal XD

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Do not worry my furry friend we all forget sometimes!

Rastakhan was with a woman, obviously, since Talanji exists.
Cairne Bloodhoof was with a woman, obviously, since Baine exists.

Katherine + Daelin Proudmoore were together to create Jaina.
Just a couple more somehwhat significant lore characters for you.

Oh, and Illidan had a thing for Tyrande at one point.


Pretty big list in end and there are lots left out too!


So tell my why I should take peoploe like you and metal, and OP serious. if all they make a very subtle subject that should be just in game, (Its good for the kids ya know, to get confronted with it anyway) and make such a lousy post as he did earlier which I find disgusting (Hint hint, Also an opinion, and a very valid one) that this whole subject needs to be moderated (Hint hint, steam forums do get moderated on these subjects). That meaning, this forum, here, ya know, shouldnt even be having these type of topics to begin with.

Why this why that blablka, why shove it in my face, blabla.

This is parents fault, and is discrimination as blizzard is telling storys, which is what MMO’s should do.

Can you at least agree with what I post that all this discussion does not belong at all in a video game forum thats publicly accessed by kids whom will think bad off others? You take out the source of this, and you fix that and you do that moderating these posts and I am honestly surprised they didnt yet, where as on steam one would get 7 day ban instantly.

i don’t take you serious so… why should you take me serious?

Draka and Durotan!
Just made me think, since we’ll be seeing Draka again uuuh… just over a day

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Hype much :smiley:

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Mankrik and his wife, Mankrik’s wife.


One that should not have been missed off the list

Her name, I believe is Olgra in the game files. Although she’s just “Beaten Corpse” in the game.

Im not going to check them all as im sure you are correct on all of them.

But regardless… if anything marriage and having children is NO real proof of ones sexual orientation. It just proves that a man has been with a woman at some point.

I can’t remember even having seen NPC’s flirting with eachother and also never seen them making avances when they deal with your character.

On the other hand i find the female Elf Sentinels quite butch (for lack of a better word) and see little to no proof of them beeing linked to any male Elf. As far as im concerned they are an army of Lesbian warriors and in fact i actually view them as such. Maybe not precisely lesbian in the Human sense but certainly separated from male society in an all female warrior sense.

And i am sure there just such a list to be made of other characters who aren’t blatantly straight.

I would actually much appreciate well written homosexual male and females of any race since they play such a big role in my real life experience of everyday reality as wel as in my culture.

But for some reason characters in current pop culture always have to be turned or replaced, like its some act of revenge or something.

You are quite right on this. Being with someone of the opposite gender doesn’t confirm you are straight - you could still be bisexual. If only Gekko could understand this bit.

but what truly matters is… do they have awesome mounts on their loot table?

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You didnt ask for proof they were straight though. You said there were no signs of their sexual orientation.

Things like marriage and having kids are pretty good signs someone is not gay.
Could be bi I suppose. But in that case we have lots of bi characters and them ending up with the same sex is completely justified.
But that wouldn’t go down well at all XD

Now THAT is the real problem… most of 'em don’t. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Okay i’ll give you that.

No and i could go into that but this forum is not the place for that.

I would say though that in WoW there NEVER have been signs of anything sexual because its a 12+ rated (last time i checked) computergame.


I’d even say that in a roleplaying game its up to the player to interpret the NPC’s and create interesting characters themselves.

Also: Azeroth is not Earth.