Why is LGBT representation important in WoW?

I see the usual hate spreaders like Metaljaw here spreading there homophobic jibes about .


One, we are talking about gays, not anyone else.

Two, I don’t count America among those countries cause America also has the capital punishment active and civilized people don’t condone execution.

No, Mods need to be tapped on the fingers.

Especially since… .ya know… this is still a thing?

You only add fuel to the fire by asking this.

You report people, and in this case, I did both that and call you out on disgracefull form of speaking of you.

Racial / Ethnic

exual Orientation

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Insultingly refer to any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other player

I’m glad we can agree on something, at least.

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I love how every post you make is drenched with homophobia and yet you try to act all high and mighty.

And no, thats not slander, you are a homophobe


Can you stop the LGBT war?

Glad i am not the only one who thinks that ,the way he spreads hate from thread to thread and acts high and migthy is very disturbing that its actually allowed such blatant homophobic comments .


That’s bs. It’s just the plural of gay. But feel free to flag me if you think I’m breaking the TOS.

Bypassing word filters too now?

For me here are the reasons why LGBT inclusiveness is important.

I’ll lead by saying I’m a straight male. I’ve always considered myself straight and never had any confusion or doubt around that.

Now when I’ve been growing up, pretty much every facet of my life pertaining to romantics interest or the like has been met with positivity. A thing for people to be positive about, to be hopeful about. They hoped for love for me, for positivity for me, and that was wonderful, because like many (but not all) humans, I had an urge to seek out companionship and it felt quite important to me, and it was nice people were generally encouraging of that.

then i looked at my LGBT friends whom i knew growing up or met at uni or work, and it just didnt seem right that this territory for them wasnt similar. No broad excitement or encouragement or even just low level support about it. something people would either take the opportunity to turn into a negative, or at the least just act like it was a foul smell they had to bear.

For something that concerns love, this just feels wrong to me. why would people deliberately go out of their way to stomp on happiness and positivity? its not a mindset i understand.

maybe my kids will be gay or bi or asexual or something else. i dont know. what i know is i want them to live in a world where the topic of them following their heart isnt turned into a negative experience for them. its something quite pure and one of very few genuine sources of wholesome recognition in this world when you find a partner who really sees and appreciates you as you are and i dont want to police that for other people.

LGBT representation supports the idea LGBT love is as valid as other love and thus it brings the world closer to what i want for my children and everyone else so thats why i support it and will argue against those who seem adamant to erase it from popular media.


Ofc it is a troll thread its your usual type is bait you are being antagonistic you knew full well what you are doing .

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Netflix makes LGBT normal way better than this toxic forums though.


You people have been trying to snap at me for months. I know your buddy Mclovin has. I suppose over an assumption I made a while ago about him.

Please, feel free to point out the homophobia in my posts. Talking to each other about how homophobic I am does not prove I am one.


Why are you still allowed to post? How? Every thread about inclusions has you vomiting how gay men and women don’t NEED to be represented.


He is not my buddy at all just because we share the same view you are homophobic blatantly .

I saw you mention a daughter in the thread that got closed a couple of days ago. I was actually typing a reply to you right as it got shut (debate those cotton clouds with her, it’s good for her mental development). But you seem like a great person and a great parent.



You are a friend which is far more important then a buddy you are a cute darling do not let a homophobic like him get to you and get you banned .


Thank you very much.

I’m just very open minded. I don’t have an identical experience but I know what it’s like to have people try and police your love at some points, as the woman I eventually fell in love with and married is black, and I’m white. It’s not exactly the same but I’m no stranger to hostility over a partner choice.

We make eachother happy, I don’t see why other people need to make it a problem. Why turn love into hate?


the world needs more people like you, orcbro