On my realm, the general tone has become noticeably more acerbic since the prepatch. We used to be a really small server where everyone knew everyone else, where raids “lent” each other players and characters just so the raids could happen, and where a generally friendly and jovial tone prevailed.
Basically the very first experience I had with a probably boosted character (never seen the name before, level 58) was when I answered a question on LFG (which doubles as world channel, because we’re so small), and was told to shut my dumb mouth if i didn’t know what i was talking about. I then took to whisper to try to explain to him what I meant, which only led to more being “talked down to” (to put it nicely), and which ultimately resulted in me using my ignore list for the very first time on that server.
So, even if I get what you are trying to say, I cannot say that I share your experience; Thankfully for the server’s atmosphere, things are already cooling down a bit again. Of course, that may be the lull before the storm on the Dark Portal.
so maybe you shouldnt try to bother person who doesnt want to be interacted with by you ?
this is typical for classic fans - they love to waste other people time for the sake of “immersion”
we get it - you people live and breath wow - but for others its just a game - let them play it the way they wont without being a nuisanse - focus on your amazing guild and your amazing coomunity of like minded people and dont bother normal players
But they started the interaction by insulting me; Someone asked a question in LFG, I answered it, and that “booster” then piped up and told me to “shut [my] dumb cake hole”.
Apart from that, I do not know what your beef with Classic fans is, and I’m not sure why you feel the need to rant on that.
Retail WoW is the most toxic game I’ve ever played (granted, I haven’t played much LoL or the like). In that game you get kicked from groups for whatever reason because everyone is so replaceable. If you have to BRB 2 mins or you don’t have Heirlooms in dungeons, you may get kicked. No one talks, and if they do it’s usually crap coming out, flaming people or whatever. Say ‘Hi’ and in 80 % of cases you don’t get any response; they may only click on you for a while. And God help you if you’re a new player and don’t know what’s going on. I tried to explain to a new player how he could teleport to the dungeon, but he was a bit slow, so the rest of the group voted to kick him. What a nice, welcoming community. And it’s all rush, rush, rush; “click button, get reward”. People leave at the first sign of resistance (whether it be one loss in Arena, one wipe in dungeons/raids etc.) to find a new group for it only to happen there as well…
That is a game with store mounts and paid boosts galore. Of course getting more retailers into Classic through store items will increase toxicity when they come in with the same expectations they have in Retail. I’m not saying all retailers are toxic, but there’s definitely a lot more of it in Retail than Classic (where your reputation matters).
Thinking that ‘accessibility’ is good because it brings in more players is a fallacy. WotLK and Cata focused hard on accessibility with normal raids, snoozefest dungeons, LFD and LFR, store items etc., and one might think it’s good because it caters to a wider audience, yet what happens is that it alienates the original more “hardcore” audience while catering to people that are not as passionate about the game and can’t play it as much. And lo and behold; people felt the game wasn’t as rewarding anymore and everything outside raiding was too quick and easy (getting ‘welfare’ epics for little to no effort and so on). People left. The things that made the game magical in the first place was there no more.
I would not whisper them. They are clearly already a hostile person and nothing good would come of interacting with them.
Our interactions obviously vary however just because someone has bought a boost/deluxe it does not make them toxic, just because someone has played the game for years also does not make them toxic. There are just unpleasant people.
Some just always seek to have division in everything, like Retail vs Classic, Casual vs Hardcore etc. It’s all WoW and increased interest because TBCC is about to launch is a good thing.
I don’t blame anyone using the boost if they can afford it or justify the high price to themselves. Their choice. The leveling game is atrociously tedious and grindy, even after the nerfs.
The amount of players joining for TBC through this boost is through the roof. I /salute them. Glad they are part of this, together we step into the burning crusade!
We’re a really small server (“100 players on Horde in the evening” small), and two weeks ago, everyone knew everyone else. Just letting them be/not engaging isn’t a solution in an actual community (and we have that, and I want it to stay that way, because that’s the most engaged I’ve been in an MMO since actual Vanilla). If I evade him, he’ll just be as hostile towards the next person.
Maybe he’s just having a bad day, maybe someone rolled on loot he wanted, maybe real life is getting him down - maybe he is just an unpleasant person. All possible, but unless I engage in some form with him, I can’t find out. And I really have come to be wary of this mindset of just not engaging. It does not solve problems, it just relocates them.
I’ve had enough of an indifferent, estranged community before Classic rolled around, and I do not want to go back to that.
I don’t mean the people themselves, perse. But they breed a toxic game environment with the boosts etc. It’s already showing pretty badly in TBC. Plus you can see many retail players hopping which is fine but most just don’t have the mindset.
It comes across as quite a hostile outlook - ‘we don’t want new people cos they couldn’t possibly have the right mind set’. You have no idea what someone’s mindset is and what background they come from is irrelevant. I have several friends how played all through Classic and raided all the content Classic offered but are Retail players. You yourself have a level 50 character in Retail, by default you haven’t got the right mindset. I also have friends who gave up very early on with levelling in Classic because they found it a dull slow chore. Not everyone is going to enjoy the old skool gameplay. I didn’t particularly enjoy it myself.
Not everyone will stick around, ofc not, but that has little to do with Retail vs Classic mindset. It’s just division the player base create. There is also nothing wrong with players who come to see the expansion for the first time or taking a trip down memory lane but don’t want to stick around. Either way all should be welcome.
So you see a trend and judge everyone from said background due to the trend. Well atleast I know what kind of a person you are now. And I can say for sure I wouldn’t wanna interact with you ingame or irl.
That’s fine, same for me, I have no desire to interact with the gogoogoggogo players… Some people are not compatible. Retail players are mostly not compatible with classic servers. I’ve seen enough these past weeks to come to that conclusion. Anyway boosts are bad for the game and they attract the worst players for a classic era server.
The reason people are toxic towards you guys is because we as a community have already destroyed 1 wow version; retail / shadowlands. They don’t want that mindset here because if Blizzard so much as smells that they will add more bad stuff to the classic experience.
And this is why we will never agree. Cause you are hard stuck on that boost/ingame store ruined retail. While myself I think game play decisions ruined retail.
I actually think BOTH ruined retail. So ye we can somewhat agree. A boost, aka pay 2 skip content is never healthy. However for retail I can understand. I think it is bad for CLASSIC era servers. For retail like whatever at this point.