Why the BG change must be stopped

if I could swap WOTF to perception I would instantly, the disadvantage we have as warlock priest against any Rogue/X comp specially double DPS puts us behind a lot. give us double perception :wink:

Best Racials by class for pvp:
Rogue: Human, UD, Gnome
Warrior: Gnome
Priest: Dwarf
Mage: Gnome
Warlock: Gnome
Shaman: Tauren
Druid: Tauren
Paladin: Dwarf
Hunter: Dwarf
Clearly horde racials are just superior man what can you do.
Horde racials are slightly stronger in PvE but not nearly as much as people make it.


Ever heard of will of the forsaken? Should be amongst all daUD classes.

Or Arcane Torrent, an AoE silence isn’t something I would bypass like it’s nothing.

Why? One of the weakest racial ever. Maybe ret pala is the only one spec who might consider picking it over dwarf.

It’s to late they will not stop it.

l2p rather than forcing other ppls to queue 50 min every game imo…


It doesn’t sound bad for Rogues too as the ultimate anti-caster and casters are way more common around than bleed/poisons.

Chastise gets removed with cloak or dispel which most 3 teams can do.

Nobody in their right mind would ‘waste’ their cloak to remove a 2 second stun, it must be saved for more important CCs.

It does, because rogues would take perseption/fear-clear/roots-clear over weakest kick with 2m cd.

Btw dwarf-priest root’s can not be removed by clock, or dispeled by healers.
Do not let Tartangel misinform you.

PS: Even if do so, just imagine, you take dwarf and like delete enemy rogue’s clock. Oh shiet, can I take it over my orc’s 15% crap? PLEASE? I WANT IT

UD is S tier that’s for sure, but a casted root clear that can be resisted against an instant aoe silence that can be then chained to a kick? LoL

Edit: preformatted text is wrong stuff.

oh its physical effect? lol

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i thought they made escape artist instant cast in tbc?

True that, my bad.

Anyway, Chastise is Holy as school not physical. I don’t know if there is a special rule and if CoS really doesn’t work on it, sounds a bit phishy, and it’s not a root, it's an incapacitate (aka "sleep" like Repentance and Sap).

Edit: preformatted text is wrong stuff.

First of all, EA instant spell.
Second thing is, this text I quoted show that you have ZERO arena experience, ever. Just like tart do. Casters already can not cast under rogue+any teammate.

Oh boy

And, you, people, allow yourself to debate about balance?

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It might be redundant in a RMP comp or with a lock, that’s for sure. In that case UD shines even more.

Also you seem to be quite on the anger side, turn off your racial a bit and tak e a chill pill ok kid?

My bad again, I misread immobilize with incapacitate >.< Sorry I’m tired.

With a lock, or with a mage…so, literraly any team rogue play in, righ?

Sorry mate, it’s just ridiculous how people who know nothing about game try to discuss balance.

And you also misread about ‘magic’ part, righ?

I might need some more explanation but I see holy school, and unless it has a special rule it shouldn’t be able to bypass CoS, I mean HoJ is a holy spell too and gets resisted. Is the root part a spearate physical effect that applies no matter if the damage component lands?