Why the Classic community should be more efficient

Yeah, what was the point you were trying to make?

My point? Guess I could ask you the same thing here buddy.

You’re right, I don’t get involved in threads where the op is ranting at posters who are taking the time to respond, even if in disagreement. If this is how you behave when you’re playing, I’m not surprised you are dissatisfied with the groups and people aren’t listening to you.

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when did i say this quote please

how? quote please

leave then

dont know, you got pretty mad

then again dont be this mad or you will make yourself look like a snowflake

you’re the person im talking about im afraid, and BRD shouldnt take 7 hours, you have a bad perception of reality my friend

Classic could be more healthy if ppl here devoted their energy to the actual game instead of wasting their time on forums. So, why I’m here? Just checking out updates, and everytime I scroll down I see A HUGEASS MOUNTAIN OF QQ’s. This is sad.

you got a point my friend

first and last time doing this anyway, lesson learned

I don’t play alliance on Noggenfogger, so if I delay your dungeon run, it won’t be because I’m tanking it. I tried to understand what you were saying, to see if I agreed with you, I don’t and fortunately I don’t have to group with you either.

not replying to this topic any longer thanks for your inputs, dont BUMP


“efficiency” mentality has ruined gaming.

I just want to play, “efficiency” is a sign that you’re not enjoying the game.

Look at what happened with SM bug that people abused. Peoples mentality was at an all time low during that week and i felt and saw it in others, they felt they were falling behind because SM spam with raid group was more “efficient”

Just play and have fun.

Well, I am surprised, I thought a forum was a place for people to discuss things, not launch personal attacks on everyone who has a different opinion from you This is not aimed at the Op

This is not aimed at the Op

How is this possible

How do you mean, @Harrand

Who do you mean?

I’m sorry @Harrand, maybe I misunderstood your post.

Maybe it’s just me that made a huge step on developing in the later exps, but when I group up with people on classic I feel like a teacher in a kindergarten.

A plain example, I’m level 34 and decided to do the Dun Garok quest. We were all lv 34-32 so we where running preaty easy, we group a lv 28 to help him. A mess, while moving to kill captain hironhill that that was on the upperplan I advices him to stay behind to don’t agrri cos there are ranged mobs looking on the ground floor.
Regardless the advise the moved in, agrroed the whole room, died, quit the group. We group another 28 i told him the EXASCT advises, " don’t worry" he tells me, just to do the same thing. As we killed Iron hill the other 30+ left with excuses like “gtg my cat is on fire/ my kid is driving the car in the kitchen”, so it remains with me only the 28, I was helping him getting the other kills, when for chasing a mob that who’s fleeing he pulled like 6 mobs in the other room (Like WTF???). Tired I just leaved and rund my way out of dun Garok.

And this is just one explample, on dungeon is way worse: I really have to tell all time what people have to do, where q item are and so on, It just needs to me to play their character to actualy calling it boosting.

Their level or just awareness is like the same of a lv2 new player.

But maybe is just me that is playing this game since aq patch

No worries. My post was asking who this post was aimed at if not the Op

Ahh, right, I meant the posters that were getting aggressive about the OP’s post

Do you think perhaps OP was aggressive aswell? If so, perhaps that might’ve lead to aggression in return


No one has twisted anything you have said, we have literally responded to your post and you have subsequently attacked many people for their reactions to your post.

It is sometimes worth re-reading a big post before hitting that send button because what you think you said and what you actually say don’t always match.

Indeed none of us are trolling but people can’t always accept that they may not have written things well. Or maybe English isn’t their first language. Posts announcing others are bad players or don’t know what they are doing, rarely get a good reception.

I am happy to accept they didn’t mean it the way it read.


To be honest @Harrand I think it was just an observation that the Op mentioned, I didn’t find anything aggressive in the post, perhaps a different way of thinking about things, at no point did the Op say that everything you are doing is wrong and I am right, to me , it appeared as if the Op was suggesting a possible approach, not dictating to anyone how they should play the game.

In my opinion :slight_smile:

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