Why the level 58 boost is bad for the game #stoptheboost

So say we all :+1:t2::tada:


Great write up, Fully agree with this. Its also really sad how blizz also knows this, they know people will leave after the start but they are adding the boost to get that enormous extra income from it before they leave.

Its so obvious with all the talk about “helping players” and other bullcrap speach we have seen them do countless times over the years, changes like this are always given excuses with them to seem “oh so great”.


WoW those are some wall of texts XD

Above 1K posts. And we still have the boost.


Blizzard have already added a questline for the starters so I fear it is too late, but if we can make ourselves heard and change the selfish retail mindset that’s been prevalent for far too long maybe we can make a difference.



You can send feedback to them, though! Go to the battle.net-launcher, click the logo and “Send Feedback”. Tell them firmly, but politely, that you do not approve of this antithetical change. One ‘Fresh’ server that will stay free from MTX’s, a place we can call home, would be nice :smiley:


Great suggestion! I fully recommend everyone writes a paragraph explaining briefly why you disapprove of the change.


time is running out, we HAVE to let them know…

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Shame on the people within Blizzard who perpetuate this. I’m well aware however that it only takes a few in the right position to force the boost through. I’ve had both friends and family work at blizzard on WoW and they would hate this.


The 58 boost is basically soft confirmed at this point so I’d just try and get used to the idea rather than outright rejecting it otherwise you’re gonna have a bad time come TBC sadly.

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The cost will return shortly, it’s not an issue at all. Activision Blizzard is aware and they don’t give a damn, because the ONLY thing they want is money.

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Can’t they just leave one version of WoW without MTX? :sleepy:They’re already making buckloads of money from Retail (apparently record profits every year despite a much smaller population than many years ago) and their other MTX-heavy games.


Money :moneybag: :money_mouth_face:

Insert quote about Blizzard being a company

They did just fine between 2004-2008 with near zero cash shop, but oh well :sleepy:


Fine put the shop away ,there will be no option to stay in classic,you will all be moved to BC era and will need to pay +40e for BC if you want to keep playing and it will be just like old times…they are after all a company and some profit will come from boost that dont have impact on the game,even tho there are some trolls here “IT WILL DESTORY THE GAME”…it gives you nothing more than you can get now…

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Someone hasn’t done research on the topic :slight_smile: Maybe, just maybe, the long leveling process was there for a reason.


“research”…you mean how all channels are filled with people wanting boost for their char?Most people hate normal leveling,its boring,long and some classes are just pain in the as to level…its been over 15 years,move with the times.We are not teenagers anymore with all the time in the world.Everything has moved so did WoW because of it,people dont want to spend weeks leveling.

Even when first wave of people started to level they looked for aoe groups and raids worked until “fix” happend.Even start of classic people just went with fastest way of leveling since no one could boost you at the time,once those leveled,boosting became a thing.Just because theres few people moaning about “muh leveling process,its part of game…” doesnt change the fact that most would just instant 60/70 if they could.

Its rare sight to see people look for a normal group to do a dungeon and its for a reason…takes to long and its waste of time when theres option of a boost…hello 2021 to you “stop the boost” people

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It’s like saying that you skipping recruits training has no effect on other enlisted personnel. Of course it has an effect.

Claiming otherwise would be just be plain ignorant.

Good luck Parry.
I’ve given up.
Cancelled my sub, uninstalled classic and deleted Battle Net from my computer.
I’m sorry but Blizzard have destroyed my trust in them.
It’s not acceptable for this boost to be in the game and this is why i’ve quit.
Sub actually expires 20th April so you’ll see me around till then.

If Blizzard actually decide to not go ahead with this boost then i will return to the game
But i cant really see that happening anymore

Everyone who is against the boost should actually unsub and let Blizzard know why


Why have they decided to play a classic version of a game that has levelling like this?
No logic whatsoever