Had my first experience of a boostie boy Mage in Underbog yesterday. Just lol!!
Ran ahead didnt wait for the tank started AOEing trash. I suppose u can hardly blame them cus thats how they do it in retail and clueless little boostie boys dont know any better.
Tank warned him if he kept it up he’d be kicked so we gave him one more chance and he just kept doing it. Ended up kicking the boostie boy idiot and three manning it till we got a replacement. was dreading it would be another boostie boy but thank god it wasnt. We got a decent Hunter who could play his class and knew how to trap and kite.
I dread to think what it would be like with a clueless boostie boy tank. Think I’d quit that group as soon as I joined.
Its ur fault that u have big queues boostie boy. U made a mess now u want to make bigger mess to clear it up. Lol its like ppl in debt getting out bigger loans to pay it off and just entering a spiral.
The reason u have long queues is cos first ppl are being stupid meta slaves and all rolling Horde cus the cool kid streamers told them it was best min/max option. Second cus so many ppl are buying boosts and boosting Horde for ‘imbalanced racials’.
Ur all ur own worst enemy. If u want to fix it stop being meta slaves.
What we have feared has happened the masive bot invasion is going on and they are all with boosted characters. I have personaly reported over 50 in the last week while bumbing into them while questing. GG