Why would anyone even be scared of Tyrande

They are two very different things…

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I am not talking about Ysera, I am talking about Lethon who terrorized hundreds of people, Tyrande lifted her hand towards the moon as he was attacking her and called upon tendrils of moonlight to grab him, she concentrated the light of Elune and literally made him evaporate.

Didn’t Saurfang do that, though? In the first 8.2.5 cinematic Anduin says how the Alliance can contribute enough soldiers to have the final assault on Orgrimmar.


He set Saurfang on that path, so he did it by proxy.

Where did this happen?

I linked the Novel for you.

All right.
But when I look up Lethon.

There is no mention of his facing off against Tyrande alone.
It is in fact even stated that he is fighting Gnarl the ancient of War.
Broll Bearmantle, Tyrande and Eranikus consort of Ysera.
His only demise mentioned is being crushed by the planes of existence.

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With that logic only Zekhan can take any credit. Don’t forget that Anduin is alive because Saurfang spare him twice.

No. Saurfang himself aknowledges that Anduin set him on that path. Saurfang spared Anduin because he hoped he could help him stop Sylvanas, and Anduin did just that by putting Saurfang in the position to convince Thrall to rebel with him.

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Because Saurfang was the only hope of Stopping Sylvanas at that point.
Neither the Horde nor the Alliance would survive and all out War for long.
and the forces of Stormwind was depleted greatly at this point.
Genn Greymane: " That’s the last of the soldiers, next we’ll be sending farmers"


Nathanos Blightcaller: “The Alliance is tightening its grip. Victory is within their grasp. We are losing on every front.”


Nice try but the following voice line you linked is after said Cinematic set after the destruction of the Zandalari fleet.
While the cinematic where Saurfang is released is before.

and then I shall give you this.

Anduin “So few?”
Saurfang "Mhrm how many can you bring? "
Anduin “Enough for one final assault”

Now to make it again perfectly clear the time of Saurfang’s release and the quote of Nathanos are two different points in time.

and at the 8.2.5 Sylvanas’ army is bigger than the combined might of the Alliance forces + horde rebels which are few.

So, in the end the only way to stop Sylvanas was to set Saurfang on this path :wink:


Curious how you seem to think just because the war had turned in the Alliance’s favor that victory was all but assured.
the Alliance were close to winning but once they lost the Kul’tiran fleets might.
as seen by the next cinematic.

They couldn’t even do more than one assault against Orgrimmar and if that failed they were according to Anduin finished.

Further more as Stated by Alleria Windrunner before the reckoning.
Alleria Windrunner:" Sylvanas commands what may be the only army capable of defeating N’zoth, for the Sake of Azeroth maybe we should let her."

øhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmvzvE4LBPY 9:11 watch from there.

Really sure you want to go on?


No, but I will. Nathanos, loyalist quest.

“Our ranks are sorely depleted.”

Then he sends you to recruit a citizen militia. I rest my case. Further more, the Horde was running on conscription since the War of Thorns.

Not to mention that the Alliance did not even bring its entire army to Orgrimmar.

This is a reference to the undead being resistant to whispers, or whatever.

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The all wikis are not a reliable source. I own the book, Tyrande alone defeated the Emerald Dragon by completely incinerating him with moonlight, while Malfurion was battling Remulos.

Source? Rather bold claim considering Anduin said right before it he could only bring enough for one final assault.

You probably missed the fact that Tyrande and her troops weren’t there? I mean, stating the obvious most certainly isn’t a bold claim. :rofl: I also haven’t seen any Dark Irons.


Shandriss and the Night elves are there…
the dwarves of Iron forge is there…
the gnomes are there.
the Draenei are there.
the worgen were there.

Everyone but Tyrande’s forces of the Black Moon was close to there.

You had representation of all the core-members of the Alliance there.
and some allied ones too if you look around.

the Alliance was throwing what they could at this assault according to Anduin himself and if Sylvanas won this assault, the they would be finished.
Both the rebels and the Alliance.


Now I gotta sleep

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Shandris and some night elves. The ones with Tyrande were not.

Nobody asked you this. Also, no Dark Irons. Pretty sure no Wildhammers either, but feel free to correct me on this.

Nobody asked you this.

Nobody asked you this.

Some of them, yes.

I didn’t see any Dark Irons. Could you show me Some Dark irons? Or for that fact, some Kul Tiran infantry, or Lightforged warriors?

Not really. I am looking forward to see with what she would finish off the Alliance. Imagine pushing Stormwind with depleted troops.

I mean, the situation here is pretty simple. Everyone is depleted, that’s the point of BFA.

The problem is that the rebels and the Alliance have to risk assaulting a fortress. If they fail, catastrophic losses, but only because they are the ones extending their necks.

So the entire “Sylvanas was winning” routine is crap. Even if the Alliance/rebels were repulsed, with what would she finish the war?
Nathanos is literally recruiting anyone who can use a weapon.

Guess this means the Horde would conquer Stormwind, Ironforge (which held back the entire Second War Horde) and the rest of the Alliance’s lands. Bonus points for Mulgore being in open rebellion, with the rest of the Horde…

I also do not see why you are disregarding my entire post, but whatever.

I merely said the entire Alliance forces weren’t at Orgrimmar, which is a pretty clear conclusion.



If Tyrande was able to battle the Forsaken and Goblins in Darkshore, her and the Worgen, then I assume they’d be fairly important if there would be a second siege of Orgrimmar, right?