But Blizz… the one to nerf is the Maw, more precisely, up the drop rate of the bloody mount and put Twisting Corridors in already so we can farm it.
I swear it’s simply boring walking around.
As much as i enjoy a good challenge, What torghast was, wasn’t challenge. It was a combination of overwhelmingly long fights, or super overtuned mobs or bosses.
But, i do find the nerfs a bit too much. I guess we’ll have to see how it is.
Some of them are really justified though.
The assassins, for example. Those annoying ones that randomly spawn when you’re out of combat. They were harder to deal than the damn end layer boss. They hit like a truck. Everytime one of them spawned, i used (death knight) my apocalypse army on it, chains of frost to slow him down, and then just ran away from it until my army killed it. If i stand to fight, i’ll end up either dying, or being seriously hurt. It was too much.
I enjoyed everything but not that layer with the stacking HP % buff for mobs. That wasn’t enjoyable, that wasn’t fun, it was tedious and just tiresome. I just want Endless mode already so I can push myself and find where I can improve my class knowledge and gameplay!
Nah, people will get their wing 8 completion for mounting in the maw then not go back often as legendaries aren’t mission critical. Anyone obsessed with infinitely scaling difficulty will keep going on past floor 8.
Yaay, all the whiners can get their legendary upgrades as fast as possible to do maximum dps in heroic dungeons, yaay. All those people have no reason to be happy, as having a legendary is already irrelevant for 90% of them.
Cant disagree with that , damned if they do damned if they dont
Sorry for you that heroic people will get their legendaries faster , what does that do to you if they get their legendaries ? Didnt know legendaries were for mythic raiders only. They’ll be on the same level as you who is a big boy. Too bad mr elitist.
I dont mind the nerfs, making it easier is all good I however want them to release the unlimited one so the once that want to push them can. Problem currently is alot of people have problems with it and you kinda want to do it for the Soul Ash.
On the other hand they could just have made it so the Soul Ash you get from any layer and you can just do level 1 & 1 on each wing and get it. And make the rewards from doing higher more cosmetic like add some amazing transmog sets that costs a currency you only get from the higher once.
I’m on the same boat about this very annoying. I died cause I answered the phone and the seekers spawned . Don’t like that I wish they were some kind of pause at least
That’s a good idea. Even though currently there is not much difference between layer 1 and 8. I’m just afking in the Fracture Chambers and let my venthyr prisoner companion solo the Mawsworn Shadestalkers while i write this. Like, these nerfs are ridiculous and not even all of them are live currently. Nerfing everything to this degree except for Twisting Corridors is laughable.
Yeah because whiners totally don’t do the same, telling us that its an objectively good thing that we lost what we loved about something and we should just get over it.
Lots of tank spec classes and classes with selfheals crying that only they should be able to do soloable content which was awfully tuned for pure dps classes, who got massive health scaling enemies and basically had to kill raid bosses who were hitting like trucks and it was still down to rng whether you even got potentially good powers or whether you just wasted an hour or two trying to do floors.
If it’s too easy for prot pallies who can solo mythic dungeons, then it should be just right for non paladins who can’t facetank and endlessly self-heal. Remember, not every class can solo mythic dungeons right now, it’s hardly even ground we’re talking about here. Same applies to Torghast.
Being elitist about casual progression content because your class is better at soloing, just wow community at it’s finest.
Honestly, go do some more mythic raids or something actually challenging instead of crying that dps specs no longer have to slog through torghast for hours because mobs have far too much hp. Or wait for twisting corridors for the actual challenge mode.
Oh yeah, i forgot that i play this game for free. If they have the right to tell us what they do, we have the right to tell them the opposite. Might wanna put some thoughts into these comments.