You can do whatever you want , however heroic raiders or dungeoneers have the right to legendaries as much as you do , mr elitist. Get a better attitude.
They do. They already had their chance to get it by just doing layer 3 four times. They also don’t have to do layer 8 to upgrade their legendary, because it gives ridiculously little amount of soul ash. Their crying about content they don’t have to do in order to achieve what they want is ridiculous.
Can you please learn to read instead of parroting someone else who also made no sense when he said it? I’m not saying they shouldn’t. I’m saying that they don’t have to. They also could’ve just gear up their characters, or get better at the game and do it instead of taking away fun from those who put the bare minimum effort into this game.
So, they needed to nerf Thorgast entirely so that people who don’t need higher rank legendaries to progress their characters could upgrade it one week earlier… Less than one month into the expansion while it lasts for 2 years… Yeah, that totally makes sense.
Blizzard looks at a few things: player metrics and money. If players feel frustrated by an aspect of the game and subs are slowing or if players are not participating in one area of the game, then the company will try to compensate this. Torghast is one of those areas of the game that actually was tweaked due to the players comments across forums and on sites. While those of you who loved the hardcore pre nerf Torghast, cheer up you still have mythics to keep you going.
Torghast is not effort, its a boring slog in which there is no challenge. It’s just consuming time for the sake of consuming time. It’s maybe 5 to 10 minutes faster and a bit easier , really nothing that bad.
Yes they do , Torghast is not supposed to be that challenging and Torghast is mandatory as people need to get their legendaries
I mean, that’s fine, but the reason why a lot of us waited for Torghast ever since it was announced was the solo challenge part of it, where we don’t have to rely on pug players to achieve something, just like Mage Tower in Legion. I refuse to accept that there is no better solution than constantly screwing over people who want some challenging solo content just because in some people minds everything that’s solo should be as easy as possible.
What is supposed to be challenging is the last part , which is basically endless iirc from the beta. no idea if they changed that though as I dont care about it
I agree, perhaps 3 different levels of Torghast: normal, heroic, and mythic. Buff rewards at these levels and then people can choose which level of Torghast they want to participate in. Or add a phase with no buffs from anima.
This is what I mean, add a chance to get mounts, toys, anima, renowed anything they can add to the harder levels if they added say a heroic or mythic level. They could add new mogs and bonus sets or legendary weapons skins etc.
That would be good for everyone. I wouldn’t even care if all difficulty would give the same amount of soul ash, but its really ridiculous that right now i’m standing in Thorgast and letting my companion kill assassins for me on layer 8 while i’m writing here.
I’m just really not on board with the “take away everything from some people and give it all to others” mentality.
I think it’s time for you to go to sleep, you seem frustrated. You can’t write one comment without personal insults in it due to my opinions, which you mostly ignore and got triggered by two words in them.