Why you kill Torghast?

I think that’s the problem with Torghast. It was never hard (maybe on some levels and some bosses) it was more time consuming. I’m hoping with the nerf it will be faster.

Lol, don’t even try to act like that you guys won’t try your best to get that nerfed into the ground as well when you can’t get your mounts on the first day. That’s what obnoxious.


how fast u want it?
15 mins??

it was sub 1h alrdy, surely u play longer then 1h at a time?


1-3 hours for boring Torghast. Which not everyone has the time for as we also have covenants, alts, dungeons, and other stuff to do. Along with real life chores like studies and jobs.

Honestly they should just introduce a difficulty option so everyone chooses the difficulty they want: Easy, medium, Hard.

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I agree with this. 40+ minutes for one layer is already too much considering you had to do 3 a week , 4 before layer 7 and 8.

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That’s true. Imagine if there would be a week to do everything that you want to in-game. 1 hours of Thorgast, 1 hour of weekly covenant quests, xy amount for other things… Oh wait, we already have a whole week for that… hm…


Bit presumptuous ain’t we?

Didnt know 40x3 was 1 hour , glad I learn every day

(that’s also implying you one shot layer 7 and 8 btw)

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Why would i expect anything else after getting Thorgast nerfed even though it was already nerfed into the ground during the beta where people still easily cleared it pre-nerf.

Everyone on the forums would be glad if you would learn everyday, because for now that doesn’t seem to be the case. Nothing you say makes any sense.

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I repeat I have little time to play wow due to the studies, Job, and other real life stuff. And this little time I do with Dungeons, alts, gearing, maw, Torghast, etc.

It feels like a chore. I play wow for fun.

If your idea of fun is to spend 1 to 3 hours in Torghast, then good for you.

That’s not my idea of fun. Nor do I have the time for it.

Which brings me to the conclusion that they should add difficulty option. For those that want hard they can choose, for those that want it easy they can choose. Everyone wins.

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You’re not doing yourself justice.

I think the issue with the design of Torghast is that Blizzard wanted it to cater to casuals plus hardcore players. You cannot have something like Torghast that you want to be like the Mage Tower in Legion but also be like world quests for casuals.

The easiest thing would be to do one of the following:

  1. Have a hard mode (like Mechagon) for the hard core players and a normal mode for casuals

  2. Have either normal, heroic, or mythic level for hard core players and a normal mode for casuals

  3. Have a mode with no buffs for the really hard core players

Add additional rewards such as mounts, pets, transmogs, anima, renown, gear, etc…anything they can come up with if they add levels or different dfficulty modes

It’s like people don’t want to understand that the first 5 floors are there to grind phatasma and anima power for the final boss.
You work towards that challenge at the end.

“but some classes have tougher than others” or “RNG anima power never dropped”

Learn your class. Stop following guides on what your S tier anima powers are, because most likely that’s what is messing you up and you are whining when they don’t drop.

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This is the biggest bs excuse i saw on these forums. I know what’s the top tier anima combinations for my classes, yet never had to depend on getting that for a successful run. Actually did my first layer 8 with the “worst” anima powers, that still had enough synergy with my abilities to make it into a successful run.

And this is the second biggest bs excuse. I mean, i would accept that if literally every single xy class player would report that it’s not possible with said class. But as soon as many people do it with that class, this excuse becomes irrelevant. My main also considered a bad class for Torghast according to these forums… maybe i should forget how to play it in order to make their opinion right.

Well… not like it matters now that they achieved what they wanted and took away all the challenge from it.

Last I will talk about it.
More people can give themselves a pat on the back for clearing layer 8 now, they’ve clearly whined… I mean worked hard for it.

You know the mode we have now was never meant to be hard. Just a nice way to get your Lego.

People complaining about the nerfs are waiting for twisting corridors. That’s Going (should) to be the hard mode torgast with prestige and mage tower difficulty (I hope) bit atleast way harder.

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Stop parroting this nonsense. Some people just say this to make them feel better about their lack of skill.

It was always meant to be challenging. The first biggest concern when the wings didn’t existed was that it was too easy due to people having tons of anima powers around floor 30 and everything is a oneshot from there. That’s why we had Torghast in that state before these ridiculous nerfs, to prevent players from becoming too strong. And now, because of the whiners they nerfed it into a state where its possible to do without anima powers.

No it was never ment to be hard. Devs said so. It was always ment to be good doable for everyone because of the soul ash. They have said multiple times that twisting corridors is there for the challenge.

And yes I do solo torgast it’s not easy but I manage layer 8. And I do like the hard mode. But atleast I can understand other people. And know that this was never meant as the hardest torgast mode.


I don’t enjoying torghast but i admit you a 100% true. Not whole content is for everyone. I lost since release plenty of ashes cause i didn’t want do torghast but this isn’t bad. I lost few other things too, and it’s ok, im casual and it’s no pressure on me. If someone is too lazy his progress will slower and it’s ok.

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Honestly had no difficulties with Torg.

Being a healer with 3 dps who rotate their interrupts alongside the tank it was a breeze.

Personally think this is a bad move but that’s because I enjoy being challenged rather than something handed to me.

I also only started playing 2 weeks ago again, So I don’t get how people playing since launch are struggling this bad