Can’t please everyone…
They do, but how much did they try to invent with shadowlands?
Feels lik they tryd to invent every part.
TG and its relatives
M+ ‘meaningfullness’.
Zone lay out
The new ranked craft x to learn rank 2 of legendairy 10 times.
I am sure I forgot stuff listed in here.
You dont reeinvent the whole game with one expansion.
Yeah it must be pretty nice having stealth so you can avoid any problematic encounters that the rest of us have to deal with - not trying to be a pooper but it’s really not as relaxing for the rest of us.
The problem with Torghast is the amount of RNG involved in getting anima powers that are actually useful and the fact that it’s poorly optimized for a lot of classes.
Personally, I wouldn’t have nerfed HP or mob move-sets but I would have buffed anima powers for failing classes and made anima powers more fair to obtain. Being able to make a choice between potentially equally useful or situational anima powers is a lot more interesting and fair than being landed with pooper anima powers twenty minutes into a run.
Ultimately, Blizzard didn’t think about it enough. It’s not fair that people require soul ash for character progression when the content isn’t fun to do or even fair to particular classes who don’t stand a chance at success.
I looked at the ‘nerfs’. They’re not that extreme. Balancing is required.
I think this idea started a few expansions back, legendary weapons, traits on weapon, legendary gear, heart of azeroth, azeroth traits, corruptions…
Having said that, we had set gear since Vanilla I think.
It is all “extra powers” that could easily be talents, but shown on a different interface than the talent tree’s.
They could refine the one talent tree they would choose refine and expand it and not try to redo everything in every new expansion and end up with a F-uppery of fail talent “trees” that never work before the first patch comes and also it would save up time to not try to balance classes every single time because nobody tests anything at all in alpha/beta.
Also how it is exciting that in the last few expansions our classes are just 1/2 of a class and you are made to grind out stuff that we used to just have from our talent trees of stuff we already had?
To me it would be far more better if they would just have kept the artifacts and continued to expand and refine those instead of getting rid of them and replace them with same stuff but worse that is then replaced with same stuff but more boring.
Tbh, they should have done this from the start
Maybe, just maybe they are sticking to their design for torghast that they initially set out in alpha/beta and the reason people loved it there (easy after a floor or two with powers that make you op).
Mandatory, weekly clear of floors for soul ash was initially pitched as ‘about 30-40 mins a week’. The design was for you to get get soul ash easily while having fun doing so.
If you want a challenge then the mandatory things arent it purely based on the incredible skill range there is in the game, You HAVE to cater for everyone. You get your challenge when twisting corridors is out in a few weeks which is specifically designed to be the only remotely challenging part of torghast.
Exactly this.
I don’t why blizz seem afraid to keep content and mechanics that work and just expand on it or have content in the game that is purely for fun unrelated to progression. It’s where WoW falls flat to other mmos imho.
Torghast should have from the very beginning been completely optional content with 0 connections to progression. I know Twisting corridors, but i feel there should have been no 8 Layer soul ash nonsense to start.
I say this because when you tie things to progression you start to add unnecessary variables and get mixed feedback, than if it was optional.
Just hope Twisting Corridoes will be fun content to do with decent rewards unrelated to progression
Blizzard did amazing adding the nerf because at the end of the day everyone is forced to do Torghast to progress. Everyone: the casuals, the Hardcore, etc.
I believe a “hardmode” will be created for Hardcore players. Or something else that’s challenging. As for Torghast it’s not just for Hardcore players, it’s unfortunately for everyone as we are all forced to go there In order to progress.
Blizzard would’ve lost many subs because of this (how boring and long Torghast is and the fact we NEED to do it to progress)
What is the whole whining about? Hardcore minmaxers that aim to be in top 1% will still be there, with infinite corridors opening you guys can just grind and suffer on bosses with 10000% hp buff as much as you want. Honestly what’s the whole arguing about. And the rewards will still be there, so you can still be an elitist with best tmog/mount
Blizzard didn’t invent something big between vanilla and wotLK except flying and sub count was at it’s peak, you know what kept players in game? good design of raids and dungeons and balanced pvp, not orange items that add 4% of performance and are chore to farm
I guess what kept players in game was all about the community, lore, something from your youth/childhood that you don’t want to abandon. And no alternative western made MMOs up to this day(of such scale or significance)
There is a ton of extra abilities that would not possibly fit on a simple talent tree:
vanilla style “set” armour pieces
legion artifact weapon traits
legion legendary armour
bfa azerite armour traits
bfa necklace and essences
bfa corruptions
Shadowlands soulbind and conduits
Shadowlands legendary armour
Shadowlands set gear
And of course, trinkets.
That has nothing to do with the randomly spawning mobs though When Runecarver sais that, it’s because there’s a rare on the floor
I’m considering that if they keep nerfing everything because people cry it’s too hard for them.
I don’t even think it’s because it is really too hard for them. No… I think it’s about that people want everything, preferably yesterday - and for minimal effort
Torghast = island expedition
Yesterday i couldn’t do 8’s, and 7’s were a struggle, this morning did both wings on layer 8, they were both a cake walk.
So boring now. nvm how boring they’re gonna be ones we’re fully geared …
Can I have your gold, you can keep the ego…