Will you buy the 58 boost?

i would love to have a debate about that, but only in a respectful and adult manner. And if you understand where “we” are coming from.

i never made any quote on anything that has to do with lvling, i just said that people have a different taste, even if you cant imagine that :slight_smile: . Can we stick to the point pls ?

Well I know some people have clouded minds when it comes to replaying old games again and they think it will be same like it was…classic was nothing like it was in vanilla,people changed and that changed how people played it.Guess some people still want to live in past and dont want to keep up with times and realize that some people do things differntly than they did back then.

I would understand if you could buy level 70,i would totally get that,but its 58,one per account.All you are doing is skipping old content and joining where everyone is.Also if anyone is new to the game it gives them easier time to get into the game if they want it.Dont see a problem there.

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Yeah that is one of the reasons why people want to play classic, good call.

i understand, cuz even tho iam against boosting(call me a fool if you like :D) there are things and related problems ( some of them can be massive) i did not think of.
But we can use you first outline here to make a point to this:
People in that mindset of wanting classic how it was, dont want that shop and everything around it.
Makes sense, right ? Its like want to listen to smooth music but the person gets forced to listen to metal ^^

But this is just one reason. Thank you for calming down a bit, i appreciate that.

No, I won’t buy the boost, this is as slippery a slope can get, and this is partly (keyword here: partly) how the game slowly turned into the terrible state it’s currently in. I don’t want boosts, cash shops or anything of the sort.

Will you buy the 58 boost?


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I will, most likely

Maybe. I’m not in need of buying it as i have 2 level 60’s. But if i want a third char i might. Depends on if i have anyone to level it with.

Yes 2. Warlock new main horde side on main account and prot paladin on account nr2 to farm gold and boost my twinks / dungeon boost my main account alts.

Now you understand why arguing with these people is utterly, utterly pointless?

They don’t care about TBC, they don’t care about Classic. They’re retailers who are bored with Shadowlands and see TBC as ‘a bunch of new raids’. They’re not the target audience for TBC and don’t belong there. They don’t even belong on these forums.

They’ve been indoctrinated into a GOGOGOGOGOGOGO mindset by nine years of shallow, super-fast, dumbed-down sham content within retail, in which everything except raiding, raiding and more raiding is regarded as a tutorial to be skipped, and as far as they’re concerned WoW is just a multiplayer looter shooter where the object is to stand around in a queue and then AOE spam through a corridor with a boss at the end with a bunch of other silent strangers.

It’s the only game they know, and they cannot understand how and why a game like Classic or TBC should be different - so they are determined to make TBC into their type of game, with the same ultra-dumbed down super-fast, GOGOGOGO instant gratification that they are used to.

Levellng up your character in an MMO? Unthinkable!
Putting actual effort into the game? Unthinkable!

It’s the only metric they know, and you can’t even blame them. Blizzard made them like this by catering always for the lowest common denominator. By pandering always to those who want everything NOW NOW NOW rather than work for it.

There’s still a handful of old school MMORPG fans like me around, who want to play the original game, just as it was in 2007 - which is precisely what we were promised - but we’re being pushed out, and Blizzard is following the path of quickety quick short term profit by giving all the retail rushers exactly what they want.

Arguing with these people is pointless. They will never understand, they just want their super-fast lootz RIGHT NOW, not after a few weeks of levelling.

The best we can realistically hope for is that all these retail rushers will either get put off by the attunements and slink back to retail, or rush through all raids, get bored and slink back to retail, leaving the serious players to enjoy the game.

As soon as WotLK is announced they’ll be back loudly demanding their cash shops, boosts and microtransactions, but we might get a few months of peace before that happens.


There is the law, and there is what is done.

Nice passive aggressive. I do care about TBC, i just don’t care about a boost that i don’t believe will affect the game in a negative way. tbh if the boost goes live or not doesn’t bother me at all.

I find the drum topic to be a way more important issue then a one time boost to level 58.


He’s just a dad gamer who’s living in the past. Never parsed, never will, and most likely jealous of all these so called ‘retailers’ learning their class in a day, and beating this deadbeat nelf on boosted chars while he’s still trying to learn his rotation.
Stop accusing everybody who doesn’t like leveling of being a ‘retailer’. There is no link between both.


I managed to levelup to lvl 40 until now but I am extremely bored of Classic leveling which, for me, is just a walking simulator and grinding mobs while pressing autoshot. Just not fun at all and I want to have fun in game :slight_smile:

So ye, I will definitely buy a boost so I can jump to TBC right away.

NO from me, even if it is cheap or I get a free one. Will not use it.

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I really like the way you describe things and we have the same attitude towards everything that is happening here and epc why it is happening.

Maybe iam a fool but I think that we " the playerbase of wow that is interessted in classic as a hole" should stick more together. I know that only a small number of people even use the forums and the majority doesent care, but we havet o start somewhere, right ? Furthermoore is this a numbersgame when it comes to “how bliz makes decisions like this”, like classic itself. The more we are, the higher the chance will be to get “somewhere”. Ofc i dont know if this will be a thing, but the forum is full of “stop that bloody boost” post it could be possible. Maybe :wink:

Well what can i say, by the looks its hard to disagree with you here, is it ? But ^^ He/she found a better tone and was even able to see at least one reason why the boost is maybe not the best idea. That enough for me.
As you stayted here:

Alot of them are not aware about that, and alot of them dont know why wow is not fun anymore for them.
I think in the end its kinda egocentric why i even try that, but i want at least try.

Imagine judging someone because of a different taste, would be crazy.

Maybe classic is not for you, I mean you just stated it there pretty well, you dont have fun. Maybe its another game. Thats fine.

He’s been doing nothing else but making ridiculous assumptions, exaggerating, patronizing people, judging people.
Never once have I heard a reasonable argument come from his mouth. And I’m out of patience.
I sincerely cannot stand this guy and I’m ashamed to admit that every ridiculous over the top post he makes triggers me.
So let me judge him please.


Classic definitely isn´t for me, truth. TBC is a different story. Thats why boost is just for me :slight_smile: