Some players maybe. But many players did not care about the “excess” of retail or did not play modern wow and had no idea how the game is nowadays.
They just wanted to return to the old world, to the old talent tree system, to be able to play twinks again (queues died with the seperaratin of xp off xp on), to 40man raiding, to retired raids like vanilla ZG / Naxx / Ony maybe even the old ranking system for those who hate their time ^^ Or just quit their pserver to come on an official version of Classic.
Yeah i can see that, we play classic a bit different today lol. I dont like the SL gameplay. When i play my ret ( my old main for like 12 years ) it feels like smashing empfy beercans on the street.
Again it is about how bliz will do that right ?
Here will be the determent factor if its fine or just the highway to retail. Because of the wow history i dont belive the only will do the onetimeboost, but i can be wrong ofc. And i think that this will, like 100%, lead to more shopservices and to a retail(er) version of classic.
This is true in Classic Vanilla. Not in TBC anymore. TBC is max level oriented game unlike Classic Vanilla just like every WoW expansion. Leveling up in TBC isn´t big part of the game anymore, it isn´t about journey anymore.
Don´t forget people don´t level up from lvl 1 in every expansion. Quite the contrary. They usually have number of characters and all they need to do is to levelup few levels in new expansion. And after certain amount of time they still quit playing. No game can provide you fun forever, its natural. But boost doesn´t have anything to do with it.
If this is your opinion iam fine with that as a general statement boosting is actually a factor for people to stop playing. The wow history graph shows it.
Graph shows how population lowered, not the reason. Don´t forget 1 very important factor - MMORPGs aren´t as popular as before. MOBAs who are played by insane amount of players didn´t exist back then and many people who played WoW switched to MOBAs. Games like PUBg and all its variant didn´t exist.
It may show that, but it’s more down to the in-game mechanics / how it’s become.
Legion was one of the best WoW expansions, whilst BFA/SL/WoD are all bad for various reasons.
BFA = Azerite traits + azerite power and throw in the corruption that’ll do most of your dps
SL = Gear in general(progression is lost next tier gg), M+ effectively is boring as if you ninja pull during a +10 - It can mean either mean a wipe or time lost(due to prideful not before boss)
WoD = Just a content drought in general.(1 year of HFC)
I can’t really say about other expansions.
But these were the reasons I quit retail expansions for example.
It’s more that the expansion was bad rather than the actual service.
Edit: What I see is peak during WOTLK at 12M, 2/3 of Cata were over 10M, MOP 10M (start of exp), WoD 10 M (start of exp.), Legion almost 11M (start of exp.). Do you think that 1-2M difference is because of boost? Out of all reason you take this one and say "ye man, people did quit because of level boost). Thats bullcrap. There is like 1000 more reasons why people quit games.
Will all MOBAs and battle royale and survival games what makes you think less people play WoW because of boost?
I did quit retail several times since WOTLK but it certainly wasnt because of some boost. I don´t care about frikin boost.
Boost is part of it yes, its more about the shop itself and when we talk about the anti-booster ( like myself ) we are actually talking about beeing against the shop itself. So we are against the boost wich is a shopservice. I hope i could explain that ^^
What i ment with my statement before is the decline of the playerbase in correlation with the shopservices.
From that video you can clearly see the population went down several years before boost. So why do you say boost is what caused players to quit?
WoW isn´t asi dominant as it was before. There were no competition back then.
Btw that author completely ignores the fact new massively played game genres appeared and part of WoW population simply shifted to other games. Its natural process.
could be a factor, but its unlikely its the only one.
I dont know like 100%, but its just that it just blend together so well.
It is even answer why people dont like shadowlands as much as the old expensions, sure there are other games, but if you take a person who only plays MMORPGS, the people who i spoke to ( wich is a small number ), they dont like retail. maybe its because of that, for me it is.
Its one of the main ones. People simply moved on. MMORPGs (not only WoW) aren´t and won´t be played as much as before, never. No matter how good expansion Blizzard does.
Edit: 1 more important factor - Final Fantasy XIV which is second most played MMORPG was published in 2010. Until then WoW had no competitor. So again, author of that video didn´t even consider new massive MMORPG on the market. He blames shop services but there are many factors outside of WoW itself.
You can already level your chars,you only had over a year to level something,you can level shamans for alliance and paladin for horde before BC is out…You can even have some gold saved up,even if you slowly do it now,even just 30ish min a day it will be enough to get max level before BC…Why does it matter if someone buys a boost,how on earth does it effect you.You realize it will be minority who will spend 60e for that boost.
“BOOSTS WILL KILL THE GAME…”…you sound like all those people trough the years who came here to forums and be like “this is new WoW killer”…you are acting like they gonna drop everyone to level 1 and have option to buy 58.If you dont buy it you gotta level from 1…You could have an argument in that scenario but you dont have any now.One boost per account to 58 to skip old stuff is fine.