Will you buy the 58 boost?

Yes, definitely less people play MMORPGs as a whole than lets say in 2010. I think there are multiple videos on Youtube how MMORPG as a genre is on decline.

This question was answer alot, if you dont want to read it up you can watch a video:

Almost everyone said that they will use the boost, even alot of people who dont like it ( that are kinda neutral ). I dont have proof, but i think alt least 60% of all players will use it.

yeah, could be. I just feel like that the playerbase in general haas grown imensly, so that it might look like it. I could not find anything to that tho ^^

Did you saw that? Maybe we are not that far off from beeing right when it comes to shopfeatures.

This is a pretty good video (its a youtuber who basically specializes in MMORPGs)

Ok first of all im not watching hour long video from a guy who make pointless videos all the time…“guide how to kill mob in strat ud that casts one shadowbolt per min 20min long video”…

Also you are just making up numbers/things as you go just to fit your point nothing else.

And what does account/guild services have to do with anything,guild transfer/race change/server transfer…thats fine.How is that even worth mentioning.Even retail has nothing but cosmetics,race/server/name changes…They are not selling any powers.Still missing that part that some of you are pretend they are doing it and they will ruin the game…

Yeah i saw that, i know the lazypeon :slight_smile:
Its a good but sad video, thanks for the effort ^^

That was your question, you get an answer. You dont like that answer = your problem.

i kinda have the feeling you do the same… mh… those tricky doublestandards

its actually surprising how NOT you get it. you can have all your quesion answer, you know where to find it, its up to.

Well in the end,ill enjoy BC again without spending money on boost,some will enjoy the game with boost and you will still be here crying on forums,have fun :slight_smile:

Absolutely not

Bullcorn. You are trying to make the reality to fit your narrative, but it doesn’t.

I watched the last episode of classicast last 2 hours. There Esfand said that he talked to one of his friends that is working in Blizzard about classic.
According to him, his friend told him that they have made 5 possible population categories for different scenarios before launch. Like:

  1. Very low, not many players
  2. Low, meh
  3. Average
  4. High population, might have some lag here and there
  5. Complete miracle, absolute maximum amount of expected players, a lot of hard work, THE HIGHEST category that they predicted.

And when they saw the number of players that flooded in when they released the game was unbelievable for them.
Their estimation of the highest number of players were set as the highest category. And when they realized what happened in reality, 20 times or more players logged into classic at launch than they set as the maximum estimated value. He said they were literally frozen looking at their screens and asking each other if there is an error with the servers, there can not be this many players in an online game.

Meaning that, wow population didn’t shift to other games or genres. Most people simply quit because the game sucked, and they came back smashing through all expectations for CLASSIC.

Do you even realize what classic did to the WHOLE GAMING INDUSTRY? There was this idea before classic that “oh, the times change, people don’t like mmorpgs anymore, they want quick fun” etc. then classic destroyed that myth like a truck driving over a little snake. It was such an incredible number of players that came back for classic, a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD BOOMER MMORPG WITH GARBAGE GRAPHICS, that made a lot of gaming giants to start working on more traditional MMORPGs right away like New World etc.

People didn’t change. People still want to play good, fulfilling, challenging MMOs. Game publishers changed and created this illusion to cater the gamers towards paid services and monetization strategies.


I boosted a lot characters in retail with free boosts and I came to hate these characters I didn’t earn. So I ended up using them as bank toons.
I will not boost in TBCC.

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Amazing, thanks for sharing, i have to look up the video ^^

Here, friend.

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your the best, thank you ^^

Just putting this here for the reminder of those great days. Only 1.5 years ago, it was exactly like this!

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i did not saw that before ^^ had a good laugh.
It was actaully like that lel

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Don’t forget a lot of these players were players from retail testing the game out :slight_smile:

the real classic launch was way worse :slight_smile: No layering

OMG Cash Shop in Classic was/is a Nightmare :nauseated_face: