Will you buy the 58 boost?

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Kinda funny. I see it the opposite.

Id pay money to play the part of the game i want to play.

That being said i already have the classes i like at 60. But if i didnt…yup. An hour at work, to pay for skipping afew days of leveling. Easy choice.

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Lorran is literally doing just that, and you’re hating people for doing it back to him…?
People who don’t mind boost = retailers
People who get boosted in dungeons + level that way = not retailers.
The logic.
All he’s doing is judging / being passive aggressive the entire time xD.

Because boosting in dungeons by mages makes the old world anymore alive? lol.

I’ll be playing arenas / BGS / raiding, there’s more to do than just leveling lol.

Legion was actually fun, whilst WoD/BFA/Shadowlands were bad for various reasons(Which is why I pretty much quit WoD,BFA and Shadowlands)
Boosts don’t affect me in any way aha.
BFA = Azerite power + azerite traits etc thrown in the M+ dungeons caused me to quit that.
Shadowlands = Progress in general made me quit this, especially with arenas being… like they are currently and M+ requiring you not to accidentally ninja pull a single pack or risk prideful and ruin the run xD.

It’s like… they don’t even listen to this lol.

He stated most of players quit because of boost :slight_smile: I just wrote examples why usually people quit. There are various reasons. Burden of proof lies on the one who states smt - in this case that MOST OF PEOPLE quit retail because of boost availability.

This statement is simply extremely ridiculous, sorry to tell ya. Maybe thats why he didn´t respond :slight_smile:

Ofc there are ppl leveling normally in dungeons, including myself, not saying there aren’t any boosters tho. Noone really groups up? Wrong. Maybe you should actually try leveling the classic way instead of getting boosted. Btw classic is about leveling, maybe those ppl who don’t like leveling should stay on retail after all.

Ye thats exactly it. You quit retail for a whole different reasons than boost availability. Saying most people quit retail because there is a boost is simply ridiculous.


Straw man arguments rarely work.

Respond to what I wrote, not what you wanted me to write.

Not responding to you though, was responding to them :slight_smile:
And it is pretty much what you are saying :man_shrugging:
Anybody who disagrees with you = retailer.

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I feel the same. In fact, for me, raiding is the boring thing that I did 900000 times. Levelling is a fun thing despite the fact that I did it 9000 times.

Well given you quoted me directly, it’s not a big step to think you were responding to me.

You also said that I was claiming that people who get boosted in dungeons were not retailers, when I said no such thing whatsoever.

People who use dungeon boosts are most definitely retailers, and yes, anyone who uncritically supports the boost is a retailer. They may not actually play retail, but they have a retail mindset, because they demand instant gratification, convenience and want the game to adapt to them, rather than the other way around.

“Retail mindset” is not a thing.
It’s something made up by people like yourself.
People that don’t like spending hundreds of hours leveling up = retail mindset.
It’s more that people want to get to the content that they enjoy.

TBC can have #nochanges - I don’t really care, but I’d still use the boosts(mage or paid) in play as I’d still be leveling that character from 58 to 70 then doing attunements, gearing and PvPing/raiding.
People can enjoy end game content without liking the start/middle(leveling)

I’d still be working towards gearing my character and getting better.
Unless people are getting full naxx gear by swiping their bank card.
Or getting to level 70 with full gear by swiping their bank card, you’re still working towards that character one way or another.


And the very fact you want to skip the journey and rush straight to the destination because you ‘don’t like spending hundreds of hours working to achieve that’ is the absolute epitome of the very thing you claim doesn’t exist - the retail mentality.

I really don’t care about the journey :man_shrugging:
It’s like travelling on a plane to a destination, do you stop to every country along the way to your destination as it’s part of the journey?
I’d rather just get there and enjoy the content what I like to do.
Love that you only responded to that part though :slight_smile:
I guess working towards everything else other than the leveling is retail mentality? :frowning:

“The retail mentality” = Made up by the toxic classic players :man_shrugging:

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Well do you not think you should? You play an MMO not Call of Duty?

Considering you have to work towards call of duty weapons and such, is that not also a journey?(haven’t played it since black ops 3? anyway)

Am I not allowed to enjoy other content other than the leveling?

Classic isn’t just about the leveling journey lol.
Or do you only play classic for the leveling?

Please give 300 profession skill with boost. Thanks ← This topic is an example of what should not happen with the boost however.

I was busy pvping in STV, thanks to Jeff Kaplan classic is still alive and fun, that’s the reason of delay.

Now, as your intention is not to understand but find an error, gap, something to make an excuse so that you can find a way out of the logical prison you are in, you are trying to cherry pick words and do the wordplay.

I have mentioned in a few dozen threads, if not more, that “one change” is not alone enough to make anyone INSTANTLY quit the game.
There is no armageddon day in online gaming. No game dies in 1 day after a change.

Things slowly build up and you see the consequences in the long run. I have used the exact phrase “death of a thousand cuts” in many different threads.

Boosts is one of those cuts. With every other paid/RMT service added into the game, more cuts are added. And sorry to tell you that paid character boosts is probably the deepest and most bleeding of all those cuts.

Boosts take a big part out of the game, which is levelling your character. Therefore, the content of the game decreases. Your time to reach max level increases significantly. And the game doesn’t have too much content at max level. You get bored of the game after a while. Things become repetitive than unrewarding. Apathy starts. You don’t feel fulfilled in the game anymore. Every average joe on the street is running around with full epics and flashy mounts, none is special, no one can stand out of the crowd, none gets that nerdgasm of being the topdog.
More people have max level characters, more people will kill raid bosses, the feeling of work-reward and exclusivity diminishes. With exclusivity, desire diminishes.


Level boosts in retail started in WoD prepatch. Then we got WoD. Everyone got boosted and ran into their garrisons. They did a few raids and some treasure hunting and whatever, a bit of pvp. Then they started logging once every 2 days to send their followers on garrison missions. Then, they started logging once a week. Then they got bored. OVER TIME.
And do you know when wow sub numbers drop unbelievably fast? In WoD. Boost was not the ONLY reason, but one of the biggest reasons why people finished content that quickly. LFR is another reason. Cash shop, wow token, all these features add one more brick onto the wall of boredom and meaninglessness.

Now, back to ganking, yojamba isle is too busy, I won’t be able to convince you anyway.

The point was that ppl wanted Classic due to the other excesses of retail. You can just stick to that. That is all you need to do and if you can’t then go play a game where you can buy things and enjoy yourself, you will get no argument from me then.

yeah, i can see why you think that. We all could be nicer to each other :wink: But when people start to talk about belives… uhhh ^^

I dont say you are wrong! But i can try to explain why Lorran things that this behaviour is okish. By beeing pro boost or pro shop people invite change to something Lorran is very passionate about. On top of that there is a game that has all of that and people could play it right now, its Retail wow aka. Shadowlands. Ofc people will not change their behaviour and do what they want, but this “thing” is (in my opinion) on of the main reasons he/she act that way. I made a post where i tryed to explain that with a garden, did you maybe read it ?

On the other hand, people who want the changes to more retail features dont really need it tbh. They could just play retail. We on the other hand dont have that option. I dont want you to change anything, i just try to explain what is happening an why.
Maybe that is just me, but when i read what i wrote i can empathize with him/her.
Its like watch a train is about to run you over and you cant move.


Haha yeah, that slope slippery as shiiiiii*

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With the garden thing, the issue is that it’s no longer the old vanilla/TBC.
It’s kinda like how people thought classic was going to be exactly like vanilla.
Instead we had all the metas and such.

The thing is that TBC gameplay is very different to SL gameplay with or without the one time cash shop boost.(I’ve explained why I’ve quit retail before in either this topic or another and it’s to do with the in-game mechanics rather than cash shop mechanics)

I have no issue having a boost or not having a boost, if there is a boost, I’ll be buying it.
If there’s no boost, I’ll be getting mages to boost me to 60 instead.

It comes down to how the boost is implemented. (No profession boost, weapon skill boost etc)
My personal belief is that the boost should only be available for 1 week at most, if they do implement it.(Doubtful xD)
After all, Blizzard’s reason was so they’d be able to play with their friends.
If they don’t join their friends at the start of TBC, they clearly wouldn’t need it either way.