Will you return for fresh?

I stopped reading after “Vulpera Mage”

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Absolutely not. Done being scammed by that joke of a company, with a parody of a remake.


He doesn’t understand elementary logic, so I wouldn’t waste my time if I were you.


No, tbh, probably not.

Okay I don’t recall asking but thanks for letting me know, I guess.

I never understodd why you expect people to change toon after which forum they’re in? That way all the notifications for comments are spread out. I use this one everywhere; Classic Era, TBCC and Retail :wink:

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Must be draining to be as angry as you are. Hope you get well soon <3

the first few weeks of fresh will be Epic fun adventure, I’ll surely start new char & play, But to continue playing > farming & pvping/raiding? that’s another thing! & will depend on blizzard! if they’ll prevent abuse’s/exploits/cheats/bots/gold sellers…etc

only if i can keeep my geareed toons that is unplayeable atm. as i dont pick between tbc or classic i cant play my toons. blizzard fk u

Well, entire this Classic is nerfed to the ground and easier then easiest LFR so I am very dissapointed.
I expected difficulty similar to old game but is not and paid subs until end of year…
New Blizzard Ion Hazzi team seems not able to make good balanced game:/

I will be glad to play new fresh Classic but only if game return to be hard, challenging where things worth to be done not like now when 90% of guild making full clear of content in one day… Ion… seriously ffs…

Make new Classic really hard and chalenging, is only way to be atractive… atm this Classic is trivial and joke.

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Depends on how many changes they’ll make for it.

If it has at least 5x XP multiplier, no respec costs, no WBs in raids, no spell batching and all the annoying bugs that were in Classic fixed, then MAYBE i’ll play it.

Edit: Also forgot faster release schedule and loot buffed to match the faster release schedule. However, if there’s a chance for 10/20 man raiding, then I’ll play it regardless of anything.

Yeah go play retail.


I am playing classic Vanilla on the official realms and have a great time with our tight community. Fresh is for min maxers and hardcore gamers that will leave the realm a few weeks in.

No need for me to go there.


And with the difference…

oh a healty population of players and actually something to do. :slight_smile:

I agree that the population could be a bit higher, but its high enough to play all content. (A bit hard finding healers sometimes, but the rest is fine)

There are tons of things to do in classic era, we are actually having the problem of not having enough time for everything in a week resulting in people having problems with time to farm for our Naxx raids.

I would say that classic era got more things to do than classic (pre TBC) ever had due to there not being bots and no boosting is going on. You actually have to try to get some mats for yourself playing the game.


That depends in what state will be those fresh Blizzard realms, they can be a win or shot in the foot just like what they have turned TBC into.

Where exactly are you playing by the way? I’m seeing a second post of yours and am really intrigued.
I’ve just renew my sub after messing with the pservers for a while (i quit blizzard before TBC release for I have zero interest in TBC, I just want stable Vanilla for eternity) to log in Zandalar Tribe (rp-pvp eu) where I’d been playing for 2 years, to find myself literally a single person in the entire world (I mean Era)! I tried the TBC and found ZT TBC close as dead as ZT Era in Vanilla zones, for everybody is in Outland (or whatever the new zones are named).
I just want a place where I can enjoy Vanilla content not fearing some new expansions will spoil it or ruin the community, and where the community will be enough in numbers to explore the world together, massacre each other in w-pvp and have all kind of rp fun. I could give up on ZT and join just a normal PvP realm (I could found an rp guild there I guess) if you tell me, where such place exists?
I’m sort of lost in the void right now, and something tells me I am not the only one.

As it is now the servers are merged somewhat and there are 3 server clusters on era EU that does content:

  • PvE: Mirage Raceway, Nethergarde Keep, and Pyrewood Village
  • PvP1: Ashbringer, Bloodfang, Dragonfang, Earthshaker, Gandling, Golemagg, Mograine, Noggenfogger, Skullflame, and Firemaw
  • PvP2: Dreadmist, Flamelash, Judgement, Razorgore, Shazzrah, Stonespine, Ten Storms, and Gehennas

All of the above are at least of alliance side raiding weekly and doing all raids from MC to Naxx and do worldbosses on a regular basis. The PvE cluster is probably the most populated while the two PvP clusters should be merged with each other and we hope this will happen soon (if blizzard ever reads and understands this). But as I said all 3 clusters have guilds doing all content and it doesnt matter to much where you go.

I myself am playing on the PvP2 cluster and feel that the community is quite nice there. I cant say to much about the rest though since I have not played with them.


Then which of the pvp clusters (i have zero interest in pve cluster, i want to gank and to be ganked) would you recommend in terms of being most rp-friendly and have potential rp-wise with the community?

I mean, I aim to found a full-rp guild (horde side) that will mainly focus on world pvp, but I don’t want to be griefed all days long for rp-walking while doing my rp-magic. Not to mention how non-rp names will irritate me for they are very immersion-breaking. I only played on rp-pvp realm before, but looks like I’ll have to abandon it since it’s deserted (not merged with the clusters). So from what I descride, which cluster looks more appropriate, while having decent world pvp scene?

(I see you personally have only experienced one cluster, but maybe someone else who’s reading this could answer?)

I cant answer to how the hordes are with PvP since I am playing alliance. But I think you would have a hard time forming an “RP guild” on any of the servers at the moment. There are just not enough people. I dont think anyone would have a problem with you roleplaying though as long as they understand what is going on.

If fresh means:

  • All quality of life features rolled back
  • total faithfulness to Vanilla, yes also no stacking mail, no mounting aboard ships, old model horses, old AV and so on, and so on.

THEN I would return to Fresh with a happy sound. If it’s only a replay of 1.13, I stay in Era servers.