Will you return for fresh?


Best post in this forum since ages. Nothing more to add.

Im glad you speak for the people.

You’re doing the same mate, but with disinformation ontop of it.

I have no recollection of speaking for evryone… But if you take your time looking around the forum. You can tell that we are a huge crowd willing to play the game.

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I’ve never played on a private server because I don’t like the uncertainty of it all.

If Blizz made Darrowshire-esque fresh servers, I’d at least level a character on the side, since that’s by far the most enjoyable part of the game. Not a big fan of world buffs, so I’ll stick to TBC Classic for the most part.

Hoping WotLK Classic servers come out in not tooooo long…

Yes, I will roll horde this time

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Blizzard can like make 1 phonecall if they cared enough and your server would go down.

I rather play official where i know the future is secure and can not just be ripped out.

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that’s not how it works. pservers are emulators and emulators are not illegal to run if they are not generating profit in some states / countries.
The only hope for blizzard to be able to shut an emulator is to be hosted in a country that the law is strict against emulators and the action is not categorized as a simple misdeamor.

So if the said emulator is hosted in france (like nost) for example , it can close immediately. But if its hosted in Russia then the court of law will not side with the company.

Unless there is a cash shop that generates profit for the server. That would make any emulator illegal in most countries.

That is the reason that some wow emulators existing for over a decade now without any troubles. Blizzard did sent the c&d letter (Cease and desist) but the said action was not enough to close those emulators.

p.s. do not misunderstand me, i am not siding with any existing wow emulation project atm. Darrowshire is a low quality project and does not even worth to try it. just wanted to clarify that shutting down an wow emulator requires specific circumstances and it’s a lot more complicated and timewasting than the majority of people imagine it to be.

p.s2 i rather play official too. i just want to see some changes in the game (not in the retail’s direction but changes that follow the basic principles) and i want to see the company taking serious actions against gold selling / buying - botting - boosting.

edit: p.s.3 Downloading any old wow client is indeed illegal (but its not illegal to play it lol) . Therefore you will notice that most european projects are not providing you with a client to download in their sites and advertisments. you have to illegaly find it by yourself in a torrent. That happens so the legal responsibility is not on the host’s side.

Yep lets GOOOO freshies.

TBC is inseparable from retail, every moment of the game is spent either in an instance or a city, barely feels like an MMO.


fresh would had been nice but its way too soon, they should had announced at end of tbc not at the start
and also, i would rather try the classic plus private than go fresh when im bored with tbc

The work around is easy : russian p-servers present the cash shop as “donations” without any gain for the donator. Then you can ask to convert the donation into points. Then the cash shop accepts points for services. As there is no automatic conversion of cash to points, and the cash is a donation without service, it cannot classify as a cash shop legally.
So blizzard cannot do anything about the little Turtle that does their job better than them.

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