Will you return for fresh?

Yeah nice try quoting me out of context in an attempt to strawman my argument. Clearly you’re just a pointless troll. Very sad.

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There is a huge difference between the mindset of WORLD of Warcraft (classic) and the GAME of Warcraft (retail).

I really enjoy experiencing the world of warcraft. It has little real competition. The minmaxing path quickly gets to boring and one dimensional.


The sad part is that you still come back to the forum to “get heard” by crying. So you basically dont like the fake server or whater you do enouth :sweat_smile: I just state the obvious, you need to know when you are right/ wrong buddy.

Then go there, and let us keep Classic as close to Vanila as possible.
I vote for a roll-back of the “Quality” of Life changes already implemented in Calssic, thank you.


ye no worries dude i wont disturb your layered botted mageboost “vanilla” experience

Your opinion is no good to keep the mmorpg an mmorpg. Go back to tbc :wink:

BB, nice people like you are the reason Vanilla turned into Retail.

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ye? it seems you are confused? you are the one who likes this gdkp, mage boosting meta not me :smiley: enjoy fresh

Confused … not me … all those idiots went on to Burning Crusade Classic whit the sreramers and the zugzugs and so on. We’re having a good time on Era servers.

Dear god mate, shoo. Let classic be classic. Its up to the players.

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ye and what do you think will happen with fresh :thinking: they all come back

Tell you a secret: I’m not leaving Era servers for fresh.
Not unless Blizz makes REAL Classic this time around. This means: ALL “Quality” of Life changes rerolled, old model for mounts, old AV, no mounting on boats etc. etc ad nauseam. In short. Unles it’s 100% Vanilla, you won’t see me there.

We dont really need you there if we are perfectly honest.

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I love restarting on a new server with 0 gold in the community and none having any farm and re do everything all over again. Also playing the market is fun at start.


I can only say each to his own.

None of the above. Acti-blizz has broken what good faith I was willing to offer too many times, and overall I just don’t think the community at large is quite the same due to the large amount of negativity that have came forth amidst blizzard controversies and failed maintenance of classic / TBCC in general.

I’ll be playing TBCC to the end and finish progress together with my guild as well as fill in the blanks that I didn’t do in actual BC, but my friends who’ve I’ve played with for over 10 years both in-and-outside of WoW have agreed that once TBCC is over, it’ll be farewell of the game we played for 15 years, for both private servers and official ones. No interest in WotLK (I personally don’t think WotLK had much good content in general.) and zero faith in Blizzard actually producing a quality product.

Perhaps a bit ranty and probably not what the thread was really about, but I just don’t think a protest is going to really change anything. Players are replaceable, and the average whale probably puts more money into the game than several tens of players of the course of a couple of months. There isn’t incentive for Blizzard to make a positive change and keep it that way, but rather only to drag you back in and double dip for another period of time.

If I had to chose though, probably private servers. I don’t care for how long a character lasts me, but only how much fun I can have for the duration I do have the character.

I will say though, and I don’t mean to sound snarky with this, but from the perspective of someone that is interested in game development and is in the process of learning game design the entire timeline of classic and TBCC thus far has been very insightful, I had fun observing obstacles in the game’s design and some of the human elements that come into play when dealing with a community that is frankly too large/varied to properly pander to.


Even the people on privateservers are hyping for fresh. They want fresh for the sake of destruction of the old servers blizz did. They completley killd the server when we had to pay to stay… so when fresh comes, they probably need some extra servers to kill the lagg. A small portion is reading/ writing on this forum and the majority is about fresh. Then you have to take in concider to nostalrius forum, reddit, wowhead, mmo-champion etc. People are so desperate on the fresh servers that they are willing to play on a fake server that will get shut down in a near future (if not low pop).

Not really, no. Only the recent refugees from classic who built darrowshire, but the ordinary p-serv population doesn’t care about blizzard’s project as they have completed their mourning.

Btw the expression you use (“fake server”) is dumb and you repeat over and over misconceptions about this experience.


If Blizzard had a serious go at Classic+ I’d at least give it a go.
I think the community is fundamentally divided on what the game should look like, and inevitably Blizzard would alienate people with changes - or no changes. But I can safely say if they just re-release the same client as 2 years ago and that’s that, then no, I’ve done it far too recently and don’t feel the need to do it again.

As I see it the challenge is to bottle the community feeling created in the levelling phase (say first 3 months) and then have a more interesting end game - so it doesn’t turn into a fairly tedious raid logging experience.
But yeah, we see where retail leads, and too many suggestions on Classic+ seem to amount to retailization. I don’t want to see “Deadmine but Mythic+ tho”. I mean it would be okay as a novelty perhaps, but inevitably its going to bring all the drama Mythic+ seems to generate on retail.

Which is also the clash. I like that Classic is easy, so all this talk of Metaslaving can be safely ignored - just find some people with a functioning brain, clear raid with any classes you like. But equally I don’t want it so easy, that so much of it just falls over on the first go, and you never really feel like you are challenged, or meaningfully improve as a player (but muh parses tho). I’m not sure how you’d find that line, given it will always be different from player to player.


Yes if:

→ Remove world buffs from raids
→ Fix mages boosting
→ Fix bots
→ Dual Spec
→ go Classic+ after Naxx.