Wintergrasp bg

I agree this BG is by far the worst possible that could happen.
It is so poorly designed that when i get to play it i regret it immediately no matter the side i am.
The walls should have less health and the timer should be less as well. Playing this sh*tty BG for 30 min is the most wasted time in the history of WOW

Nice balanced argument you put forward. This is a rubbish battleground for 30minutes and is the most wasted time in the history of World of Warcraft? hahaha.

Even if they would nerf wall hp by 50%, attackers wouldn’t win.

If you think Blizzard will do anything to fix this game then i am afraid you’re deluded.

Each time i get Wintergrasp attack, I instantly leave. My interest is coming to an end for this game.

I do not even report AFKers in this BG. It is damn boring. I would love to grind 2h AV instead of this catapult arcade game.


Wintergrasp should be removed from the game. It can be fun, but it is impossible to balance.

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One way to solve this would be to give the attackers 3 or 4 vehicles at the start.

we just won in attack while defenders didnt destroy any single tower, we also destroyed both west and east parts, two doors each… miracles happen :rofl:

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Brother,same thing on horde side.

You literally have to beg people to do stuff (even then they ignore) for their damn benefit…

Build vehicles please!

2 minutes later: 3/16

I kinda understand, since we’re not playing this game to sit in a 1-2 button dps thing that deals insane damage. At least, those of us who aren’t ret pallies.


Just lost a WG within 10min… as defender…

Well, were Alliance and used to losing, so we dont know if did a good job or not anyway.

Losing within 10 minutes is pretty good for the alliance.

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The rank system forces you to have to meet head on with the opposing team straight away to get access to vehicles. If that fails (which it normally does) then the attackers are left with no options. The match is all but over.

The cannons don’t really do all that much damage to a moving target. 3 or 4k total per shot.

The alliance attacks the East vehicle workshop, same with the horde. If the horde wins this they move down to Eastspark. That’s when everyone leaves. Strangely no one falls back to Winters edge tower, it’s always left empty. Having said that anyone can run inside it. West workshop is mostly never taken at the start either.

The RP-GG are awesome. I didn’t know about where they were until I saw someone picking one up. That’s the main gripe I have. No one cares enough to explain anything. Everyone follows the crowd at the start no matter what. It used to be the West workshop, no all of a sudden these last few weeks it’s changed to East.

I suppose the question is why the alliance now chooses to go to the East workshop all of a sudden instead of the west workshop. It feels like a game of Lemmings at times.


Easy fix, remove the bg and whilst your at it remove trashcan

You only play premade 20 man on epic bgs.

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do you know me personally to state that? Never ever I joined a premade on epic bgs