Wintrading in Solo Shuffle

When I’m winning: All good, nothing to see here.

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Very well said, I actually thought it was obvious and cba to write a wall of text explaining the obvious.
Is not a matter of “git gud” as some other forum heroes tried to make it, its a matter of playing with some people who do dumb stuff then when ur against them, chain CC…glad style pvp :slight_smile:
Theres a big difference between these, and the random fk ups everyone does

thats whaazz ven logic :slight_smile:

everything is fine when they lovetap stuff 0.5sec but if they self get touched they scream

every paladin around sl and df doing 250k dps globals 30y or subs doing 0.5sec kills in duel just think about themselves that man this is alright im just that good at the game :smiley:

then someone do it to them and its waaa broken waaa

Thats, anyone can be suprised by damage and from time to time die like p00p, but when this happen so offten specialy from guys who enter in gates with glad mounts, then smell of the fish is in air… As cartman says: “you cannot be that bad”, and its obvious that those guys “pretend” to play the game to boost someone.

Again majority of deaths I whitnessed in SS are guys who dont use a single defensive even after enemy get them 5x times from 100% to 10% and I somehow manage to outheal this by miracle, they still dont even use mitigation, not to mention deaths with turtle, block, bubble and other stuff unused. I will understand all this, if same guys not go against me and play perfect game.

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Lol @ the people trying to gaslight OP. I will just assume those are the wintraders.

It is real. Good on you if you haven’t stumbled upon any yet - I only have twice out of many games.

If both of the healers suddenly go AFK when they’re on my team, i.e. literally 0 healing done in a ~2min game each round - and I say BOTH healers doing it on my team - yeah get good I guess? Must be a l2p issue? Never mind when he’s on the enemy team panic healing my 50k dps. The Enhance doing 4k dps each round must be better than me!

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the wintraders at 1.5k ruin the game kekw.
delusion at its finest. ur not just trash at the game but also very dumb.

Ye fam, everytime some1 afk’s 1 round because delivery man is at the door or because he has UI issue and has to /reload we have to go on the forums and make a post about wintraders on 1500cr.

Wintrading in shuffle does not make sense, especially on low rating. Link me 1 website that sells solo shuffle wintrade. All these people get paid by the hour, solo shuffle wintrading would neither be worth it for the booster, nore the boostee. What’s the point of solo shuffle wintrade??? If people want to buy elite set boost, they get boosted in 2s/3s. It’s way less effort for both sides.

Apart from that, wintrading in shuffle is literally impossible, unless done at very strange hours, especially on low rating. So unless all of you people queue shuffle in the morning, it’s literally impossible for any of you to encounter these “wintraders” whatsoever.

i dont know about these wintrades talked about here but the sites sell 2400 for 599$ i also wonder whats the point of it tho but i guess ppl still buy it :smiley:

also the way they boost shuffle is done through how blizz didnt implement deserter or any penalty for not joining ones ques which was very bad from blizzard end imo

as every else mode has penalty and even rating lost if one does not take the que he was signed on

the way they do this tho is they have dps wait his que and when his nearing the estimate there comes heal fish for same lobby, blizz removed the “leave que” button recently but now if they dont match they just log out and repeat the process cos theres no penalty for not taking ur que

theres alot writen about the methods used around net and even wow forums na/eu

im not very interested on how they do it tho so only scratched the surface of it trying figure way to counter it

only thing i care really is that why blizzard didnt implement 15min penalty or such on not taking ones invitation to a rated match. if some is out taking dog for walk then the penalty dont matter to him anyways and current implementation left without penalty for not accepting que only leaves it free for exploitations

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i guess i need to shout it from roof with megafone or something that there needs to be deserter implemented for not accepting ones que for a soloq format

i dont do social media so maybe some with account on twitter can blast it to blizzard

Cant link boosting sites on wow forums rofl
Do a simple google search. Just because it doesnt make sense to you, doesnt mean is not real

I had a sus mage in a game today. In 3 of the games he died without even using iceblock. He was on my team for 2 of them, and kited the enemy melees behind a pillar, out of my los, where he died without block.
The third game he got zerged, but still managed to put himself behind a pillar from his heal before going down without block.

Nothing sus there… he mught just be bad. Except that the other 3 rounds he played like a boss…

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i rly dont understand the people who pay for soloq when its sorta easy to climb as dps anyway

but there is market for it, also i noticed increase on sales for scripts as decline on 3s boosting is obvious due to massive deflation make it not viable without piloting

so i figure they have moved some of the business on selling bot program and ppl seeing it alot more now in shuffles where perfect ring comes instant over darkness or kicks come faster than anyone can juke these are bot programs and there is alot videos of it

high people exposing them and to make meme clips for people to laugh where rog is kickboting 100%

there is increase on these through shuffle and with the decrease of income from boosting done for 2/3s i could only figure they have moved some of the trade towards sell bot scripts

as they dont want to just stop gaining money, thats not how greed works

so they moved towards soloq and selling bot scripts

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dont play at 1k mmr where apparently all wintrader are

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they are not on any rating x, they are on all rating

but there is more to it than everytime see someone not play to instantly call it wintrading

people just lacking common sense here now

i also want note that i dislike the need in people to always capitalize on everything in world

even for games these ppl have to find ways to make money out of it and greed in general, i hate this kind of stuff

just play video game for the enjoyment of it pls dont make it a living :man_facepalming:

i dont think people win trade a 1.1cr buddy which is what your stuck at

I did a google search, opened the first 10 boosting offers I found and literally ALL OF THEM were pilot only. There is no1 offering wintrading. Why? Because it does not make any sense.
You don’t need to link me the site, you could just point me to it. But I guess you can’t point me to something, that does only exist in your head. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Stop the :billed_cap:


no offense but player like OP who plays at 159 (yes 3 digit) cr after 40+ games(not rounds)
for sure doesnt have the capacity to notice wintraders or he just trolls.

nobody gonna wintrade to the mmr any of his chars has ever seen. people on this mmr are just wild lol

maybe if he turns on his monitor instead of opening threads after threads he would improve

ye might be, i havent checked anyone here i dont care rly

im just saying its a real thing even tho havent self seen it much

havent played alot of soloq in general tho but the times ive played ive seen lobbys traded that i can count with one hand and they were around 1800mmr

If you check on that famous boosting site (cant name it but is the first one to appear when you type the words in google) ,you will notice all sorts of ridiculous boosts. Even for the 5 timewalking dungeons rofl
“Get your free loot from weekly chest without the stress of pugging, sit back and relax while our team clears the dungeon for you”

And people are surprised about boosting in SS
Its the boosters who are triggered and try to gaslight everyone who says this is a thing trying to justify 3 awesome games and 3 dogs**t games as answering the door or going to the toilet :rofl::rofl::rofl::+1::+1::+1: