Wintrading in Solo Shuffle

dont play at 1k mmr where apparently all wintrader are

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they are not on any rating x, they are on all rating

but there is more to it than everytime see someone not play to instantly call it wintrading

people just lacking common sense here now

i also want note that i dislike the need in people to always capitalize on everything in world

even for games these ppl have to find ways to make money out of it and greed in general, i hate this kind of stuff

just play video game for the enjoyment of it pls dont make it a living :man_facepalming:

i dont think people win trade a 1.1cr buddy which is what your stuck at

I did a google search, opened the first 10 boosting offers I found and literally ALL OF THEM were pilot only. There is no1 offering wintrading. Why? Because it does not make any sense.
You don’t need to link me the site, you could just point me to it. But I guess you can’t point me to something, that does only exist in your head. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Stop the :billed_cap:


no offense but player like OP who plays at 159 (yes 3 digit) cr after 40+ games(not rounds)
for sure doesnt have the capacity to notice wintraders or he just trolls.

nobody gonna wintrade to the mmr any of his chars has ever seen. people on this mmr are just wild lol

maybe if he turns on his monitor instead of opening threads after threads he would improve

ye might be, i havent checked anyone here i dont care rly

im just saying its a real thing even tho havent self seen it much

havent played alot of soloq in general tho but the times ive played ive seen lobbys traded that i can count with one hand and they were around 1800mmr

If you check on that famous boosting site (cant name it but is the first one to appear when you type the words in google) ,you will notice all sorts of ridiculous boosts. Even for the 5 timewalking dungeons rofl
“Get your free loot from weekly chest without the stress of pugging, sit back and relax while our team clears the dungeon for you”

And people are surprised about boosting in SS
Its the boosters who are triggered and try to gaslight everyone who says this is a thing trying to justify 3 awesome games and 3 dogs**t games as answering the door or going to the toilet :rofl::rofl::rofl::+1::+1::+1:

like i said tho, just something everyone can think on their own

imagine situation where money from boosting is decreased cause deflation on 3s make it less suitable

now as people dont want to stop making money they adapt or business ends

personally i figured they would move sales towards soloq and bot scripts

now bot scripts have been increased lately so thats a :white_check_mark:

money made out of soloq i have no clue, i dont need buy anything from these ppl to play a video game personally and i havent experienced enough trading myself to have valid view of the state so its question mark still how prominent it is

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Just checked out the first 8 Google results that come up for „Wow Solo Shuffle Boost“ and every single one of them literally states that this service is pilot-only.

This thread is full of the same clowns that were complainig about being „hardstuck because of boosters“ in Shadowlands, they are always just looking for excuses.

No point in even arguing with this type of person tbh…

also people like u who result in being toxic and offensive when they lack the intelligence for else for example to understand how u can abuse queing system explained even on this thread and many others and for note been done since vanil btw

ignoring u as no reason see people as annoying as u

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You checked my alt account with a druid that I was fooling around lol
Stalking peoples profiles to try and discredit them is the reason why Im posting from my alt account. Theres no reason why one would do that unless to defend themselves.
3 S is deflated and all boosters jumped to solo shuffle, its a fact whether I’m 100 cr or 3000 like those players with 40 games :rofl::rofl::rofl:

no these guys just play inconsistent thats all. Players do mistakes all the time.

many players can easily get 2400 in less than 100 rounds with a fresh char. Nothing fishy.

i doubt you even faced a single wintrader in SS this season

Theres no reason for someone to become toxic over this, unless they feel called out
Block and enjoy life :rofl:

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it is just not possible to wintrade on low mmr, super long qs for dps, alot of activity, more people than 2 in the same lobby, but honestly 80-85% of games if u dont do atleast 4-5 wins is your fault, which is fine bcs nobody born knowing how to play but just try to take care of your stuff and improve

i dont believe the lizard in question is doing anything, he lacks the brains for it

some people just are more toxic than others and some people only get kicks out of trying put others down cos they self have low self-esteem so theyre trying to feel better

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i got average of 11min q since 0cr to 2.1 on my lock

btw have u seen about the method where they have dps sit on que and when his closing his estimate there comes heal fishing for same lobby and if they dont match they drop the que as there is no penalty on it for some reason unknown

maybe blizzard forgot that every other mode implements rating loss or deserter if not accept ones invitation

dunno why they forgot put it for soloq as it just makes fishing easyer

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yes sure nothing more efficient than get multiple chars rdy to wintrade some guy through ss with 40min queues :kissing_closed_eyes:

no stalking needed. 2 clicks to prove that its all big copium

u have too less knowlegde too even judge what is offered on the websites.
if u chose a soloshuffle boost the only option is PILOTED. that means somebody else plays ur account. they dont waste time fishing for lobbys to wintrade at fn 1000 cr lel. a high exp player will play with ur account and get u the rating fast.

Each round. Learn to read?

Wintrading is a thing. I’m saying I’ve seen it. Both healers were NOT playing if they didn’t have the Enhance on their team. They were AFK or running in a circle, both of them - and I’ll repeat - only if the Enhance was NOT on their team.

Both of them. For 6 rounds. 0 healing done. They were not playing.

Both of them. For 6 rounds.

Has it sunk in yet?

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