Wintrading in Solo Shuffle

So basically what you are saying is that people wouldn’t take you serious and discredit you, if you were to post with your main account because you have 0 credentials.

Yes, some of them did. But they PILOT people in solo shuffle, they don’t wintrade because it’s not lucrative. No1 wintrades in shuffle, maybe some guy does once in 100 games because his friend is on the opposing team and he needs 1 win for 1800 sure, that might happen, but that is not the norm. You guys make it sound like this is happening all the time. I’ve played so many games on all different mmr ranges across my account and I never encounter any of this stuff you guys are claiming here. I’ve had people be afk for 1-2 games because they prolly had something happen irl, I’ve seen people having UI issues or getting DC’d and sure, sometimes you get annoyed because some guy feeds your game and then on the other team he finally finds his buttons, but that is not wintrading.

source: trust me bro

weird that no site offers soloshuff boost with selfplay then.

they prob immediately saw that ur so omega trash at the game and stopped healing u to end the misery faster.

thats the likely situation i imagine people encounter most

its very easy to get tilt by x on shuffle format and people stop think and theyre just mad so they start afk or try ruin somebodys game who they now hate

i just use the report gameplay sabotage function on those

No1 has to believe me I’m just giving my 2cents on what I experienced. I’ve only had it happen to me twice where I’ve been suspicious out of 100+ games


lets take a look at some bob ross for sec and then continue our day

does good for ur blood pressure too

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nah man. delusion of this caliber has to be fought.
they are bad at the game and then start to see ghosts like oooh waah people are wintrading and take my wins away from me kekw. hilarious.

ye is alright just happy lil clouds

only happy accidents :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Ignorance is bliss

nah its the opposite of blizz because it makes u believe that ur gettin wintarded when ur not.
try to leave the delusion behind for a sec and think about it. wintrading is the most unefficent way of boosting at low rating. u have to fish for lobbys to meet with the traders and the boosting service is anyways piloted. so a high exp player will play ur toon not urself. so they dont waste hours fishing for trading lobbys they just q and dominate these lowrated lobbys ez and fast.

establishing dominance fast and furious :grimacing:

god i wish the gigasmash just let me play

This was at 2400 with I presume 3 people, both heals and an Enh. Just a weird game overall. Both healers would only play if the Enh was on their team for all 6 rounds. I really don’t wanna repeat myself

I’ve seen it happening 3 times then I came on forums and see other topics in regards to this issue.
I learned to wait until the last milisecond before accepting the queue. Since I did that, havent had a single smurf in my SS.
Some of the times, I wait until last second, the 6th person doesnt accept then instant queue again then again he doesnt accept. Which means, is the healer
Then sometimes I acccept again on last milisecond then on opposite team theres 2 people only
But I guess its all a coincidence all these experiences from all these people and we are all trash and thats why we cant have nice things in life :rofl::rofl::rofl::+1::+1::+1:

well tbf near the top of the ladder poeple wintarde for sure. anything below its a very very small minority. like shuff boosts above 2.4 dont even get offered on these boosting sites. its not lucrative.

ye actually ur right man. if it wasnt for these damn wintrader i would be r1 already mang.

gonna try this but i already know its caused by ur delusion.

thats the only thing u can do currently if u want try counter it

ive only seen 5 lobby of trading that i could spot from all games ive done but just the possibility of it left open by blizz annoy me that they didnt put penalty for not accepting ones invitation after people have qued

but wait how does that counter it? if its 3 people that doing the trading together and they all get q pop at the same time and all of them see 2/6 accepted why would they wait for the 3/6 to accept themselves? like even if the last guys wouldnt accept at leats they would most likely get thrown together into the same prio q.

they sync on around 4/6

but i dont wanna discuss about this further, were crossing line here where we just teach people abuse system more than talk about it

bottom line is that blizz should have put deserter or rating loss too for not accepting ones inv for soloq

i would be happy for 15min deserter alone, now they just left it complete open for all abuse like i dont even understand why :confused:

kinda troll for a problem that not rly exists in reality imo. for top of the ladder it would be good prob.

it does exist tho and also as every other mode has penalty for not accepting the invitation u gain

then what is the reason they implement soloq not have one?

what would be the harm of make sync ques harder, penalty on not accepting invitation would do alot more good than any harm it could do

and as its alrdy implemented to everything else then this just make no sense to not have any on ss que system