**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

My point is opposing people like you who make these forums unfriendly for newcomers.

Cry me a river, then name it after me please.

Suck my fat nads Kellduril

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What about newcomers who actually care about RP and RP server rules, Kellduril? Wouldn’t you be making these forums unfriendly for newcomers that care about RP and actually put forth effort into it?

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Which is why I did write ‘usually’ - implying that you need a group of players to report a few names, and often it doesn’t really happen.

Come on, you’re just selectively using these rules to pursue your selfish goals and decrease the quality of other people’s experience in the game. Do you expect me to believe you’re doing this because a GM told you to? (edit.) Or out of respect for the TOS? Yeah, sure.

I do believe in heterodoxy of opinions and while it doesn’t surprise me that you fail to see it, my replies follow a pattern. But I guess you’re too busy being stuck within your head.

You need a group of people reporting anything for action to be taken, what a non-point to make lol

I’ll et you know when I care about the feelings of disrespectful players with no concern for the people here to actually RP - you’ll be waiting for longer than your life-span though. I report any and all breaches of ToS, ERP profiles, multiboxers, questionable names. My most recent being a ‘gold begger’ lewd profile which was shut down in under 6 hours after filing the report.

I don’t care what you believe really, i’m not here to convert you lol

You believe in going against things that benefit RPers a lot, yeah. Considering you’re in a lot of the same threads as Keld defending the same exact things and denying other peoples own experiences talking about how they DO harm roleplay and roleplay servers going back years despite the result still happening. Curious how you view it, has RP griefing and the disdain towards RPers on our own server stopped? Have people that are supposedly ‘well meaning OOCers’ stopped mocking us? Doesn’t seem to be the case. You even liked the threads going on about how ‘non-RPers are critical to the health of the server’ which is so, so wrong.

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Why would they? When has aggression ever been rewarded with anything else but aggression? Why would they stop? In every thread you obnoxiously act like the forum police, and they laugh at you in return.

Most roleplayers are able to function and RP even though there’s a mammoth in trade district. They’ll be fine.

Wouldn’t you be making these forums unfriendly for newcomers

No, because the people who are genuinely offended by guilds like this are a minority.

Not really, I thought I was pretty polite starting out until it was very clear they were bad faith including having names referencing covid along with mocking RP.

Ah, so you also think disrupting RP isn’t disrupting RP either. What a shocker.

So, you don’t think protecting supposed minorities when there’s rules to protect supposed minorities is a good thing? Pretty yikes.

If you want to be toxic, keep being toxic. Yes, I can’t stop you either. Enjoy, I guess.

Curious that you know where I come from, and that I have discussed this thing over and over, yet propose the same arguments: I have been arguing against these points in these discussions, have I not?

The idea that all OOCers are disrespectful towards role-players is simply false. The idea that they “mock” you is also false. There are griefers and then there are OOCers. They are different categories.

Atleast you could post on your main and show a bit of a spine, unless you got banned - in that case, I’ll have you know you’re breaching the TOS.

A mammoth in the AH isn’t ‘disrupting RP’. Mole, anthill.

Talk about bad faith with that Strawman.

Yeah, you can. Flag posts that breach the ToS. There’s plenty.

Didn’t ask, don’t care.

Edit: I probably shouldn’t reply like that when you’ve barely said anything, that’s my bad with poor judgement.

Look, I don’t just report people I don’t like. I report 'RP’ers that breach the ToS too, though I don’t know if I class people who do nothing but ERP as an RPer, despite technically still being an RPer.

I don’t believe in reporting people that I don’t like, truth be told. Or because I disagree with the posts they make. And I don’t think it’s how a community should be managed - reporting one another left and right as soon as we have an opportunity to do so.

During our brief back-and-forth, Avantheria and the altposter haven’t really done anything that deserves a report. And no one will change opinion just because they earned a one-day suspension from the forums.

Right, just a portion are intentionally disrespectful. A large portion disrupts RP, intentional or not a lot of the time.

Also, yes they did ‘mock’ us here in this very thread. So, I guess by your own definition you’re defending griefers instead.

Curious you’re not going after Kell for that. But hey, you’re the one that always picks sides and spouts one thing while never adhering to the very same rules or things you put out for other people.

Also again, one, not banned from the forums and Two, No ToS forum has CoC, three, though since you’re bringing up ‘you’re breaching the ToS reee’ maybe apply it to yourself and OP, along with Kell.

Majority of people in this thread, you know actual active RPers disagree with you. RP disruption rules going back to Vanilla, disagree with you.

You mean like yourself?

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mr. draenor would sooner find ways to rewrite entire laws of physics to say 2+2=5 than agree with a RPer saying 2+2=4

diSsEnTinG opInIonS!!!


A minor portion*

Not really, unless you count standing in Orgrimmar’s trade center as “disrupting role-play”. In that case, I’ll have you know that you just have an extremely low tolerance to these things and your expectations are simply unreasonable.

Not in the first replies, perhaps after seeing about twenty people being outright toxic they did? Surprise surprise, when you act like a jerk people get triggered.

How is that curious? I am not discussing with him? I don’t have to question his credibility. And neither his tendency to hide since he has been very open in regard to his main on AD. Besides, people have been fishing for his alts above.

Personally I prefer to look at the substance rather than the name but for someone so hung up about AD’s post history, you are a bit of an hypocrite if you hide your main like that, don’t you think?

I know it would have triggered you, you strike me as the type of person who cares about these things - of course, not enough for you to be open about it yourself, but still - and judging from your reply, I was right.

This is essentially your argument. “You guys are wrong because my opinion is shared by most of the people around here” - duh, no one knew that. What’s next, you’ll go around the forums typing stuff like: vox populi vox dei? Leave your fallacies aside, they don’t impress anyone.

It’s weird, this. As though people who OOC or raid/RP are a lower caste. We’re all human and watching the insults fly from RPers against just a guild name is saddening. And stupid.

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It could and SHOULD just go like
“Your guild name breaks the rules! You should change it!”
“Okay then it will just be reported. Bye.”

Not ridiculous insults, back and forth petty arguments and what we’ve seen here. JFC. Stop acting like prefects in high school.

why are you being obtuse about this vaxir, it’s not hard to understand

the only insult i saw was the first reply calling it an embarrassment

only when kelduril started being a contrarian for the sake of trolling did the responses get more thorny lol

‘just a guild name’ is all fine and dandy when it fits the setting, but it does break the immersion a little bit to see something like ‘wipes standing up’ just as heavily accented pwnmaster would be for a character name - both are not appropriate as per the naming rules of the rp servers

but i guess zaphius is correct - when the OP and kelduril started acting like jerks, they got more heat for it - so all is OK? after all, it did go like this

for a bit, and then kelduril (and now zaphius) continued to be a contrarian to anything because yknow, that’s his (their) schtick. even the OP stopped posting


Yeah… You are being so reasonable right now.

Except, you know, there is another thread that has been locked because people were acting like jerks. And still did in this thread.