**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Even back in TBC, people, even role-players were generally OOC in places like that. Lol.


Plenty people hide their characters. I don’t know why you seem to think this is some " I got you " comment.

I think the Kellduril → Kelduril connection is pretty obvious and doesn’t require check pvp to figure out.

Depends entirely on the server, on the servers I played on that wasn’t the case? What servers did you play on in TBC?

Well, considering I’ve never seen you RPing on any of those chars how am I going to ‘make that connection’ anyways?

That doesn’t make it oke tho.

Queue “I’m a forum celebrity and everyone knows me” angle

which is quite funny, cause no one really pays attention to what kellduril has to say anyhow, as his/her hot takes are generally regarded as low effort and blatantly incorrect


Ah yes, I forgot dissent is unwelcome in the glorious AD server.

Let’s keep it that way.

you are dissent about everything and everyone, 24/7

which is cool, I guess, I can be bored too, but lol dont proclaim that its anything else but spam

Pretty sure I wished the guild leader good luck somewhere 100 posts ago.

good luck OP in renaming the guild to be appropriate for a RP server! xoxo

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Why people have to be so obnoxious about the guild’s name?

Everyone knows it is just a facade - I wouldn’t be surprised if half of the people here are completely fine in being into a guild with OOC names such as Fifty Shades of Perks or having quasi-OOC names such as “Rage, Blue, Death” ( - but it’s so funny because it’s actually a nickname that your character never uses IC!). Let’s be honest. No one had anything constructive to say about the guild. You could have decided to just leave the thread be but you couldn’t resist hurting someone else that you have never met before but don’t like because he’s not like you.

You just feel entitled to police who gets to be in the server and who doesn’t. And that’s just an awful thing.


Or, because they revealed how little they care for or respect the RP community and continually in the last thread along with this one defended the stance of it’s all completely fine to not be RPers on an RP server and use disruptive, non-game related names while mocking RP and saying they’re just ‘roleplaying people that wipe standing up’.

Why do people have to be so immature and name their guild things children probably dont find funny anymore?

OP claims to have been on the server for a long time, and so should know what rules apply

Edit: Not a single person in my guild has a name that breaks the RP naming ToS and i’d never allow them to be in it if they did. It’s also a former RP guild turned PvE for my friends and I

If anyone has showed any lack of respect in this thread, that’s not them.

Enough to know that the naming policy isn’t usually enforced. What you describe as “rules that apply” are essentially a leftover which even role-players don’t respect anymore. You’re just weaponizing them.

As usual, trying to play contrarian while taking one side over the other. No, not how that works sorry. Feel free to defend OOC and people that mock RP all you want, and going ‘well it doesn’t matter because not enforced’ in this case while telling others to report in other cases and talk about how bad other stuff is. No thanks Athramus.

Factually wrong, but nice one. I’ve seen people be forced to rename.

I report names that break the ToS when and where I see them,

I’m just enforcing them as we’ve been told to do by GMs anytime the topic is brought up

“We can’t act on things that don’t get reported” is what we’re told. You’re the only weapon here tbh

Oh, noes. Not dissenting opinions. The humanity.

It’s a beautiful thing that more and more people are speaking out against the police state these forums have become.

It’s only ever the same people, get real lol

And it’s the same people who tow the company line. Usually on multiple characters. What’s your point?

My point is that you had no point to begin with.

Curious coming from someone that’s done that a lot in previous threads going back.