**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

Not gonna bother going through the thread linking each insult flung from the side. It’s just like any other thread. Predictable as crap. You all get this mob mentality, this weird hatred against people who advertise a raiding guild, and go nuts. And it’s stupid. It’s a guild name, not an abomination against RP. Go report the guild name and leave it at that instead of winging and whining and throwing crap at each other. It’s not that hard. Go talk to a GM or something if a guild name bothers you that much. The OP said they have RPers and some RP. That’s fine. It’s an RP realm. But the crap you’re all going nuts about? Stop it for once and stop making RPers look like we have a stick up our butts. There’s no need for a 200+ reply thread because “oh no the guild name!!”. Just stop.

And yes, you all jump on the OP and act like trash? You WILL get trash back, though I didn’t see much at all compared to y’all.

yeah i cba being very polite towards people who don’t offer the same courtesy, my first reply was very much so polite and offering suggestions on how to move forwards and was promptly blanked. and my last post was very much so reasonable yes, thank you

yeah, wonder why. . .

ok but next time read the thread instead of assuming what the replies were thanks

you’d see that actually ppl did offer constructive criticism and suggestions on the name because yknow, rules and immersion breaking etcetera - only for the OP to discard it all in further posts showing they don’t rly care about the RP realm at all

sure, it’s still breaking the rules and immersion

sure, if i see them in game i will yes - but perhaps this can be avoided and they can just rename/reform the guild anyway before suddenly coming onto the shock and then probably making a post on reddit or wherever crying about forced name changes and such like time and time again we’ve seen happening before?

like 120+ posts are because of kelduril hijacking (both of these) threads rly

yeah no, only the first reply was a bit curt in response but not really that insulting either, the following were more constructive and helpful, and the OP neglected them and continued to throw barbs instead, ok.


I read the thread. I’ve been watching since the start so try not to assume.

You’re all treating the OP like they’re horrible. They made a bad name, yes, but guess what? Mistakes happen. So stop dunking on them not wanting to change the name and report it to a GM if you’re so upset, instead of dragging this out. Imagine somebody comes to this realm, right? Sees y’all dunking on each other. Bad image because of a name. You’re all too quick to hate and jump at each other and after so long it’s just stupid.

Do the right thing for once, guys. Stop trash talking people like your lives depend upon it and for once report to a GM and not keep bumping a thread with crappy crap talk. Don’t like a reply? Don’t whinge and reply! Ignore it! Move on! Let this be a better place for the first damn time since OOC people popped up.

I REALLY don’t understand this mob mentality of you all getting so happy over putting others down and all that crap. Wtf happened to being neutral and kind? Y’all get excited over this?

Haha yeah, how dare I post an opinion that disagrees with the status quo.

You know, for a community of supposed progressives and rule abiders, y’all sure act like certain states from the 1940s.

Probably, but unironically.

They seem to be fond of Latin.

I’ve noticed that if you post an opinion that is against the “mains”, you get crapped on, and it’s tiring. There’s no two sides here. It’s just stupid, pathetic arguing and dunking on each other.

“Waah I don’t like this” THEN REPORT IT. Don’t get happy over arguments. JFC what is wrong with this server?
Edit: Yes I get you all want a perfect RP server but being trash isn’t gonna help.

Hmm, I wonder what certain countries and doctrines are famous for not allowing freedom of thought and dissenting opinions.

then you could scroll to the start and include the one about embarrassment and be done lol

there’s just less patience for OOCers not respecting the server rules rly, after how often they pretend to be nice only to grief months later - why would we be accepting of a troll name especially?

so why are we replying to eachother then

since you read the thread you also saw the beginning was like this, until certain people mucked it up

jesus christ.

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TBF the server’s forum is turning worse. You cannot post anything against the majority’s opinions without “lol ok” and “lmao” and crap like that. There’s no respect anymore and it’s stupid. The server will get worse like this.

i thought you wanted us to stop replying vaxir, why are you replying

we needed to stop

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I’m simply trying to aid you all from the trash talk and making a whole server look like… Yes. Stick up the bumbum. 'cause having quit RP for a while having been so deep into it? You all look ridiculous. There’s a difference between “I want a good RP realm” and “umgud I’m gonna rant at every OOC guild name and start a vendetta for 200+ replies”.

Not if the people who are annoyed by this use the report system. The usual suspects have broken the ToS plenty times in this thread and with the proper reports they’ll get a timeout.

I mean… Most people are fine with linking smut RPs and images on this forum in agreement to ‘out people’. I’m not surprised. Or did. Maybe they learned a lesson all in all.

Aside from the fact that I think you knew that - which invalidates your previous point. I can tell you why: it is because there are groups of people in this server who believe they can dictate what others can and cannot do. And if they aren’t listened to, they will double down and use any means they have to attack their target - from mass reporting posts who do not breach the CoC, to outright hostility when there’s no need for it.

Honestly? Your replies striked me as condescending at best. Or just passive-aggressive, when not outright hostile.

Honestly, Nerathion. If you want to convince me of your goodwill you could begin by reporting/leaving your alt’s guild - Fifty shades of perks. That name is not RP-friendly, which is something that you keep lamenting in this thread.

If you believe that was constructive cricitism, I don’t know what to say.

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you’re doing literally the same thing you put us on blast for

it devolved into trash talk after certain people (not on side of RPers) started tantruming, that’s why the thread is so long right now

yeah probably if i ever logged on the character and wanted to have guild perks while playing the alt as well

think ive also reported the name for not being RP-friendly too but yknow, guess one vote wasn’t enough :confused:

my replies sure, not my first one though. the very first replies in general were for the most part constructive

No. I’m complaining you’re all trash talking while I’m trying to help you see what is wrong. Big difference.

The very same people who supposedly are against doxxing have no problem exposing GMs, alts, names and so on. You should frankly not take anything they say at face value. People show who they are through their actions.

They say they care about the rules but insult you ( breaking rules ) when you disagree with them? It’s just an act.

True enough, though times have luckily changed and nobody has been ‘outed’ in recent. Which is good. I do hold positive views for the future once this trash has stopped.

Yeah sure. Typical double standard approach: “I don’t have to stand for my own principles, but others do.”

Not really, no. People were making fun of the guild right away. They approached the mockery as a form of entertainment. If you have even some empathy for people being attacked, wouldn’t you feel bad for them?

And let’s be frank, attacking this guild wasn’t done out of some greater noble goal but because these people - the paragons of the forums - enjoy acting like jerks. They care more about that than giving constructive advice. And aside from that, the thread was also mass flagged immediately.

I don’t think there’s much else to say. If you believe people have been nice at any point in the two threads, we haven’t been reading the same threads.

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and you’re conveniently silent on the side of who’s doing the trash talking

you’re being more insulting than the first replies you had a problem with tbh

in general, isn’t it funny how you talk about mob mentality, but there’s always this contrarian mob that consistently has the same players spouting the same nonsense over and over, while the RP side (shocker - the majority are RPers who have an issue with anti-RP things?) has different ppl most times

maybe some names are same because they’re regular forumgoers idk

kelduril/zaphius only ever show up when it’s a RP vs OOCers issue (or some other issues they can be contrarians at)

yeah so i literally don’t care about the guild, as i said ive also reported the name and if u really want i can leave it immediately but i’d rather not give blizzard the activity of me logging on

rest of ur post is false.


Surprisingly, you’ll remember my replies in these discussions rather than the one post I make in the pet peeve thread once a week or so. Wild, huh?

And even more surprising to some, I will post and defend the things I care about, even when I am part of the minority.

“No you”


Do as you want, really. I do not believe in telling others how to enjoy the game. Perhaps rather than leaving the guild you could just stop being toxic.
Then again, you’re telling us you’re not even playing the game atm.