**Wipes Standing Up** A - PVE guild

care about such as… being actively against RPers on a RP realm? huh!

wheres the lie

im toxic for reporting the name?

nah the story’s wack and unfortunately, the most active RP spots that don’t require a guild are most often also infested with OOCers that i’d really not want to experience - i’ve too often seen people from these OOC guilds start trolling and yes, you can report them in game.

however, i’d much rather prevent it from happening by discouraging OOCers coming to the server for the community or w/e they’ve read from reddit and actively destroy the server’s community by trolling or in general bad behaviour, such as bad names etc on top

which you’re defending.

if they realise they actually gotta follow RP rules, they might be more aware of ‘oh wait actually maybe i shouldn’t be a troll’, though i guess it’s not stopping kelduril & co idk

This isn’t true. Most of the time it’s people from the Jade Witch’s gang, or a few groupies like you and that guy with 100 alts.

And even if the people were unique, right and wrong aren’t decided by how often or how loud you proclaim something. It’s somewhat worrying that you need to be told this. It shows how deep in the bubble you live.

This is also false. It’s just that you remember the same faces, who likely have more tolerance to the forums’ lack of rationality, or are more persistent/obstinate.

There are quite a few people in the other thread that questioned this mob mentality, they just did not intervene as much as you did.

You’re not using the word correctly here, y’know.

Edit. Either way, your mentality is a serious problem. Perhaps you should start from that, rather than telling others how they have to play the game you’re not even playing right now. Enjoy yourself.

What is ironic is that everyone taking part, takes part in the exact same way in every thread. I find it amusing atleast.

Just to make a point @Vaxir The OP claiming to have ‘been’ on the server for ages also has a character called ‘Covidvirus’, these people have 0 respect for anyone, let alone the server so

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isnt everyone part of the gang by now

~~~~scary pcu!!~~~~

and why does it even matter when you say this next:

which is great because i agree - instead right and wrong in this context is decided by who abides by the naming rules of the server :slight_smile:

probs not, moreso meant the mentality and meant more of a ‘group of people’ than a mob ye, but i mostly didn’t just want to name u and kelduril (and sometimes vaxir) but i guess we can do that instead

you kelduril and vaxir keep wading into threads like these, taking the side of OOC guilds who show clear disregard for RPers on a RP realm, acting always in bad faith or pretending to be obtuse to rile up the responses so you can cry about toxic people - what mentality of mine is wrong?

perhaps i could enjoy the game if OOCers stopped trolling every now and then. but instead it seems it should be encouraged instead because… idk, what is your reason for that?


Honestly I have had my fair share of problems with members of the PCU, but I prefer them over… this, anytime of the day.

Atleast the majority of the PCU care for the server (even if they, like many communities, are not without fault) and are good peoples.


Running around on large mounts, running back and through people that are mid-roleplay.

Not at all, especially given earlier on in the WoW cycle you could RP there and people often roleplayed at the AH.

So, why are you angry about people baing a jerk back to OP who disregarded RP server rules? Also using the word ‘triggered’ in an attempt to devalue ones feelings, nice.

Because it’s hypocritical to go after one, and not another. But, since they share your view on one thing you don’t.

Wrong, he told me to ‘guess’. So, how many times are you going to be wrong in one post?

I fished, since he said ‘guess’.

Not really, given his history for talking about peoples names and guild names being completely fine for RP servers and all I really cared about was whether they were RP appropriate or if it would turn out like OP that they had some char names with ‘covid’ in it.

Nope, don’t think you’ve been right yet.

You have about 12 fallacies in yours, as is the case often with yourself. But, I can fix it so I never have to see your fallacies so no worries. :wink:

Were you not the one that doxxed people, Vax?

Sorry, more was argued than just the name because again they’re not RPers.

Comparing not wanting non-rpers on a ROLEPLAY designated server and wanting them to RESPECTFULLY play by the server rules to THAT. Yeah, I somehow knew you’d be the type to do that.

No, the desire to ostracise, silence, cancel and ridicule opinions that differ from yours ( the perceived majority ) is being compared to THAT. A common thing with THAT is the limitation of education and free speech. Which is exactly what you are doing by trying to paint naysayers as ‘contrarians’, as if disagreeing with an abusive doctrine is something bad.

No, it’s in no way comparable and it’s sad that you would even try to make the comparison of that to me being mean to you on a forum thread and calling out people that are always contrarians just for the sake of it and the sake of starting a 200+ reply argument to something that really isn’t defensible on an RP server. Ya’ll complain about all these replies but ya’ll and the OP having to defend their stance despite being in the wrong by RULES are the one causing it.

It’s very much comparable. Doxxing, witch hunts, abusing the report function by brigading to silence dissent. It’s exactly what THAT would look like on the Internet.

You realize you’re literally comparing me bringing out char names of an online game, supposed ‘witch hunts’, and ‘abusing the report function’ which doesn’t really do anything except hide something with enough and then if it doesn’t break rules gets reinstated by staff. No ones ‘silencing dissent’ or anything of the sort. It’s honestly so sad you’d compare something on online forums to the 1940’s. If I didn’t want nothing to do with you before I sure don’t want anything to do with you now.

Your desire is the same. The silencing of opposing opinions by any means possible to you.

Considering what I am comparing you to, I don’t think I have to say how little I possibly care about this.

Considering you have nearly 60 replies in this thread alone, meaning that of the 244 comments in this thread you have made 24.5% of all replies, meaning functionally a quarter of this entire post has been you arguing with people, I think some silencing could be used against you rather well.


If only, it’s sad that’s he’s literally comparing me arguing against him as being some kind of fascist oppressor from the 1940’s for saying he has a bad take and shouldn’t be defending OOC and stuff that RPers find harmful. Somethings real wrong when they think someone talking back is equal to that.

Cannot wait for this thread, as well as the previous, to appear on a certain tumblr blog. Of course only the worst-looking parts taken out of context, together with a ‘convincing’ story to make it all sound like some great comspiracy.

Don’t worry, there’s no boogymen here, Kellduril. It’s me flagging your posts because someone always takes it too far and busts out the “ur facists” argument. Having opposing views is now a reason to be compared to genociding regimes and to try and silence the opposite side, you’re labelling us as literal human monsters. Nice 1

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If people are calling you out for trying to silence the opposite side maybe you should stop trying to silence the opposite side instead of complaining about being called out.

But that would involve some self reflection.

Imagine simply wanting to roleplay and have only roleplayers on a roleplay-dedicated server - game, for which you pay on a monthly basis to enjoy the stuff the server is made for - only to be called a n*zi since you do not agree with random ooc trolls

This is so woke that KGB’s active measures are put to shame, phew


Because it is basic empathy. Reacting against bullyism and mobbing it’s part of basic human decency, something I am not sure you understand. What you are doing - as an attitude - is unfair and it also reflects in an awful way over all of the community.

This forms of harassment, mobbing and toxicity are the real problem. Not the OOCers. It is when people act like you are doing that others want to stop role-playing, or don’t feel invested with the community anymore, or schisms begin. YOU are the problem.

No it’s not true, lol. I’ve been playing on ER and SWC since vanilla and no one ever role-played at the AH. On AD I’ve arrived in Cataclysm and I can tell you there were no role-players in the AH either. That’s 11 years ago.

So if you are seriously trying to pull something around the likes of “uuh, the server is getting worse and worse because I can’t RP on AH and that’s the OOCers fault”, you’re either entirely deluded and entitled or you’re making up stuff.

Thank you for confirming you are unreasonable. I hope you’re doing it because you want to strike a point, because if you really believe that OOCers are such a big problem just because they occupy AH or run around Orgrimmar/Stormwind with mounts - Yikes - You’re so stuck in your head.

It is not?
First of all, if you haven’t realized yet, everyone knows Kel’s main, and he hasn’t obscured himself like you have.

Second, I’m not arguing with him. You may not know, but contesting the credibility of every single person on the forums isn’t part of my principles, henceforth is not hypocrisy. You are the one speaking with me now, aren’t you? Then show some spine, damnit, and stop with this whataboutism.

Third. I don’t believe in tracing people’s history. I prefer to look at the arguments / the substance. But in your case I had to question you - because either your main character is banned and you’re breaching the rules or you willingly hide your characters, which is also against another standard that you hold dear: in your comments, you implied that you value post history, character continuity and traceability. In both of these scenarios, you use a double standard: you apply these things to others but not to yourself.

If you don’t have the spine to uphold what you think is valuable, much like Nerathion above, and don’t follow what you believe helps the server, why should I bother with you? I will answer myself: I really should not.

Hope you have a good saturday :clown_face:

Yeah, that’s messed up.

Please just adhere to the server naming policy and primary purpose. It isn’t too difficult, though I know it’s annoying that most good names are taken.